Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Idols You Cannot See - Lisa Patterson

There are idols we cannot see that are in us we never knew about. And the Lord is trying to show us so we can do something about it. We do not want it to come between us and the Lord.
Exodus20:5 Things inside of you that you cannot see. We are all born "twisted" in the spirit, the word is iniquity, to be(bent or twisted) in the spirit. So you were not able to do anything about it because they are things you can't see that have been brought down from your ancestors in the bloodline.Like adultery, perversion, rejection, lust, anything that you cannot see with the naked eyes, and has been handed down to you in your bloodline. All babies are soft and sweet and precious, but have something in their blood handed down they did not know about because of our first father, Adam, in the garden of Eden. It's not something you got mad about yesterday and can repent and get that taken care of. This is much deeper, and only the Lord wants to help you get rid of it because no one can. You cannot set yourself free from immorality, drugs, alcoholism, or anything that binds you. Jesus said you must be set free by being born again, and that is by the washing of the blood to make us whole and clean again. You will then get a new blood type- a new code, by the Holy Spirit. He loves you and wants to clean you up from what is bothering you from the past and still things holding you back from the future. You do not have to come to him clean and good. He will take you just the way you are and make you straight again, so you can have the peace and joy of the Kingdom of God again, and be happy! So do not be worried that your Father won't forgive because He will. Or may not even be aware they exist without the Lord showing you. If you are saved, you can become "untwisted". But if you are not, it won't happen because the Lord is the only one to help with this. It can go back to 30 people in the bloodline. Your parents,(2), grandparents, (4), great grandparents, (6), all the way to 30 in the bloodline. It is in the bloodline and has to be renounced.You have to be delivered from this evil that lies in the family and all have some. We are born with internal life forces. Adam got us bent by disobeying the Lord by eating of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Lay the axe to the root. Iniquity goes back to the 3rd and 4th generations. Disturbance causes sin in your life. Must get rid of it to proceed with what the Lord wants you to do for Him. Everybody has something that they got from their bloodline, and it'll show up sooner or later. You must want to get rid of it. For to keep something God did not give you is the same as idolatry. Not just liking fancy cars, houses, money, travelling, etc. But wanting to hang on to things you do not need and are causing problems for you and your family. It could be you have ADHD, OCD, Depression, Oppression, Autism, any Addictions, Gambling, can't stay put and be happy. Always on the go. The spirit of Lust can never be satisfied. It will make you want to go for more. Anything you think you have that you must take care of your self and cannot seem to let go of. It may be loved ones have it and you want to help them by keeping it for them instead of learning how to help get it out. That's going before the Lord to try to take care of it and not do it the way the Lord wants you to. If you are saved and want to get rid of these things that hold you down, the Lord will show you how to if you ask, It may be right away or little by little. But we must not hang on to something we know He is telling us to let go of. He loves us that much that He is a jealous God and will have no other God before him. So before you go out to the bar again, or go shopping for things you do not need again, or anything you are doing instead of being what you are supposed to be, is in the way of pleasing Him. You must ask the Lord for deliverence from these things that bind you and have all your life. They interfere with God's plan for your life. You cannot continue to be righteous and not stay clean and Holy before the Lord. He is the only way out of trouble. We must not feel guilty for being born the way we are. Just ask the Lord to change. You cannot live with addiction, unwholesomeness, on and on. It will not go away on it's own. Can be other things we have hidden also.Rejection is one of the most common of the iniquities that you didn't cause in your family. Praises will get it out of you and asking the Lord to get these things out also. There's always a mixture in us until we get these things to of us to hear the Lord more clearly and to be one with Him. Gal. 6:9 Faint not and do not let your heart be troubled. For in due season you shall reap the wheat he sewed. You didn't ask for the iniquity. But you must get it out. Don't get the victim mentality where you always find a reason to blame what happens and says Isaiah 53:5 The Kingdom of God in the Holy Ghost is Righteousness, Joy, and Peace. If you do not have those three, you need to check yourself and make sure you belong to the Lord. Without those you will go through life day to day, not knowing how to get these things out of you. Only the Holy Spirit can do it for you. So, be on guard for the things the Lord is talking to you about today. He loves you with an everlasting love that no man can match.And He is saying, "Come to me. I will take care of it for you. Let me love you and clean you up with my fresh water from Heaven. Put your weary head on the pillow that the Holy Spirit has filled with His own cotton, to lay your head down and rest. I will take care of your burdens. Just give them to me once again. The enemy wants to steal from you, but there's a hedge of protection, if you come to me and give it all to me. I will fill your lonely heart, and take away your sorrows. Be by my side all the way so I can give you the clean air from above for you to breathe. And fragrance from Heaven to fill your house. Be cautious, and learn from me, as I have much to teach you and tell you, if only you will do that I asked." Come to Him today and get cleaned up. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him today.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Sin And Leprosy - Lisa Patterson

The same rod Moses stretched out to the Red Sea is the same one to surrender yourself to the Lord and let Him work through him.The leprose hand was clean until he struck it in his heart, then it was leprosy. Showing the condition of the heart. Leprosy outwardly is what sin looks like inwardly. I Sam. 16, The Lord looks inward where man looks outwardly. James 1:13 God cannot tempt man, only the evil one can tempt man.

Lev.13 Examining skin for leprosy. Sin is dangerous to you and the Church. If
you can sin and not know it, you are not saved. If you know it, then you are saved and should be convicted. The signs of leprosy are:       
1 If hair on a scar turns white
2. takes root and gets down in the flesh
3. presence of raw flesh that did not heal, Gal 5:19 very blattened
4. spreads and is contagious. It affects other believers. Rebellious attitude
spreads like wildfire. Leprosy isn't known in most of the world. Luke 5:12
spiritually, only Jesus can remove sin. Rom. 6:23  The wages of sin is death.
Have you received the blood for payment of your sins (are you saved)?
Jer.29:11 The thoughts of us are good and not evil,the Lord says, plans to prosper, and not harm you. Thoughts to give you peace and show you mercy.
Isaiah 55:11 My word shall not return void but accomplish what I have, says the Lord. God wants to do things in our lives but he wants to go to destinations
to do them because we don't have all that we know to do. Others do that have been there and had to be in the pit with the Lord to get it.
God has to have a prepared vessel with the anointing that has been somewhere
to get the anointing. A 17 yr. old Priest isn't ready to be a King yet.
I Sam 17. Saul was jealous of David and Saul was close to the throne, but not
quite ready. But the Lord knows when He is ready to use you. Get ready.
Luke 22:31 Enemy is desired to sift you as wheat, but God's plans are much
bigger. I Peter 1:7 The trial of your faith is more precious than gold. God is preparing each step for David to be King You must be able for service before
 becoming a King(the people). I Chon.11 David is a mighty man.
The Lord wants everyone to be saved. Leprosy was a terrible disease that was in the olden times. but today, there are so many more that come on us from sin. Not everything is from sin, but the lord does not want anyone to be sick. he wants us to come to Him and be with Him the rest of our lives. The enemy means buisness and he will not stop at anything he can use to get our attention on the
world, and not the Lord. It is a narrow road to travel to be with the Lord.
But you will experience peace, joy, love, goodness, mercy and grace, with the Lord when he is your Father. it is a terrible thing to have a disease like leprosy
(a type of cancer only the Lord can cure). There are many others only the Lord can cure. You do not want anything the enemy gives out and he is more subtle than the beast of the field, and cunning, and will make you think everything is
fine, but then it gets worse and never better. Always the same, no peace, sleep,
joy, patience, mercy, as you get with the Lord. Time is short and there's no time to waste to get to know the Lord as your saviour. Many get saved but do not know him as Lord of their lives, and therefore the doorway is still open for more disasters. because the Lord wants all of you, not just part. So, come to Him today and you will see a change very soon. The Lord would say," Today is the day for your new beginning and come unto me to hear my cry this hour. The days are dark and the enemy is searching for whom he may devour. So, don't get caught up with the frills of this world and the lights and fancy ways of the world. It is just a way to get you off track from the enemy and he has a way of being sly. But I am here this very hour to help you and save you from the dark days and the things of this world. Don't go that path as mine is straight and narrow and I will lead you. You will not be lead astray as you would by the wide path the enemy wants to entangle you in. Take my hand and let me lead you the right way. I want my people to come unto me now. There's a new garden I have planted. And I have fresh new flowers full of love and joy and a new peace, says the Lord,that you haven't experienced before. It comes from Heaven that is in the place where I have planted it for you. All the Godly things you have desired are there waiting for you to come get it. So take my hand and stroll with me through the path of light and garden of love I have planted for you."Repentence is the key to God's blessings and He will hear you and clean you up if you ask.
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him today. For time is short and we do not know the hour when the Lord will come. It will be too late if you keep waiting and He comes and you are not ready. So come unto Him today and let Him live in your heart and make you a new creature. Do not let the enemy let you think you're ok in the heart without checking yourself to see if there's anything that needs to be cleansed. it will change your life and make you new again.