Make the most of the time that is left here on earth. Have a happy heart for others who do not have a family or things that others do. We must be good to others as the Bible states. We do not know our future or what it holds. The enemy would like for you to believe him and his lies. All the time he wants to take away your smile and everything you own!!. He is in this for your soul. When you treat others without honor the Lord will bring it back on you, maybe not right away, but He will. We must repent for our self. Everyone on the planet has issues and it does not matter who it is you are responsible for your own actions. The Lord will hold you responsible for yourself, not others unless they are your underage kids. He is gracious all the time but will not tolerate mean a mean heart. We must have the gifts of the spirit to keep going in this world! Jesus is the reason for it all!! Without him we are nothing. He is our life, heart, our all in all and will sustain you in trouble or in the desert! Many of us are in the desert and seems we never can get out but He always has a time and place for the door to open. You must be obedient anyway even if it looks like nothing is happening! Always He is working on your behalf whether we can feel it, see, it or believe it! Rom.8:1,There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ (walk after the spirit of God.) Those led by the spirit of God are the Sons of God. Those who live by the flesh cannot please Him!! II Cor. 6:1, He is calling us to come out from among them. Have nothing to do with the world. The enemy is waiting for us to mess up. He was created to destroy you and the more you follow him the more you will and the more ways he will create for you to. He has no fear of you till you choose to stay with the Lord!! The Lord is so interested in our knowledge of Him and not the evil so you can have a better life. He wants you to be by his side always and if we falter he will pick you back up and clean up the mess. Always repent and come back to Jesus. He will take you back no matter what you have done or what you haven't done for Him. He is soft, forgiving, patient, loving, and has so much for you to know about Him. He just wants you to take Him and let his word sink into your heart no matter. There will always be trouble in this world as long as we are here. But this is not our eternal home. Heaven is and Jesus is making your place to be there forever if you chose Him. The enemy is preparing your place with him if you haven't made up your mind where you want to spend eternity! When you take Jesus in your heart you will find the peace you have been looking for all your life! There's no other way to go. Enemy will paint you a pretty pic. but he is there to deceive and it will be a mess you never knew and cannot escape if you chose his way. Be still and know the Lord and His peace!! Your heart will be happy again. Life is too short to play around with your eternity!! There's no turning back once you are gone from this earth! He says," I will always love you but if you take the wrong road and cannot come back, it will be forgotten and you will not be in my mind any more. Be still and know that I the Lord am your source of life and only me. Time is short and there are many out there who proclaim to be on my side but you must be able to see the difference and can when you are with me. I love my children and want fellowship with them and they must go the right way when choosing me. All malice, jealousy, contention, etc is not on my radar and you must consume me to be with me. I will give the fruits of the spirit when you come to me but you cannot straddle the line. It will not work. So come while there's time and the enemy will lose but he will try again. So get in a good word Church so you can see me through the eyes of God." The Lord said He is ready to heal the innocent from the destruction of the enemy. Let Him love you again even if you have thought you would not need it. The enemy is sly and slick and ready to find whatever he can to derail you on your plan with the Lord and he wants it all to stop. Don't give in to his tricks!! This is Lisa Patterson With the Good News That Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him Today!
Crowns of Glory
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Happy Hearts Month!! - Lisa Patterson
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Happy New Year 2025!! -- Lisa Patterson
Here's hoping 2025 will bring you a fresh new perspective on life and much joy and happiness! The Lord has been saying this yr will be a year of answering prayers that have been sitting a long time. And new strength for your bones, a new image of yourself that the enemy cannot match and has been trying for a long time to keep you held down where you thought He wasn't hearing your prayers! But He said He is and its' more than you think He has in store for the ones who love Him with their whole heart!! Be still and know that I am the Lord, He says. It takes waiting and being still and listening to the still small voice inside that you don't hear when you are busy. It's heard to hear when you are listening to yourself and others and taking on their thoughts. We do it a lot hoping it[s Him and it's us. He is a gentleman and is easy on us and is "long suffering." There is only one God and Jesus but many false rise in these days and the days of before but only Jesus has the patience, love, long suffering, tenderness, and all the gifts we can't have in one package for us!!! He is slow to anger, much patience, tender hearted, easy with us and plenty of patience we do not know how to do!! There is no other and will never be. This is a brand new year with surprises inside and many fruits ready to open He has for us. If you do not know Him all you have to do is be sincere and ask Him into your heart and ask forgiveness for all the past mistakes and sins because He is in the forgiveness business. You will find peace you have never known for whatever you need and will know you cannot do all that you have to without Him in your heart. In Heb.3:5-6, The heart is deceitful and defiles a man, unbelieving and blind and idolatry with wrong things in the heart! Matt.18:2-4, You must be converted like children or you can't enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Ps.25, Do not harden your hearts. Be like children to enter the gates of Heaven. There is no other way!! Jesus is the only answer for us and always will be. He gave His life so we could spend eternity with Him forever! Heaven is our eternal Home. This body we have is temporary and will be transformed when we get to Heaven. There is a Hell full of brimstone and fire and when you go there you cannot come back to the other side. There's only one way to Heaven and that's Jesus!! He died and bled on that Cross for us so we could spend eternity with Him and Father God!! He made us and gave us a will when we were born so we can decide where we wanted to spend eternity. You have a different set of eyes when you accept Jesus as your Savior and peace floods your heart!! It will never be easy on this earth but He will always be there for you! This yr is full of adventure and New Yr for those who want a New Life. Rom. 15:4, Patience is faith or learning patience is faith over a prolong time. The Lord is saying, " Take my hand, I am not hard and my heart wants you no matter what you have been through. Do not rely on yourself because it will always fail you in the flesh! I am here to help you get through the yr as many things will happen you have not thought. The enemy has made his plans to erase my plan for you to come now. Time is short and there's no turning back. Tomorrow is not promised! Take my hand now and let me clean you out of the inner being that is you!" Matt. 12:43-45, Jesus said to His deciples, if any of you want to be my deciple, you must give up your own way, take up the Cross and follow me! Lord said, this new yr will come with much contention and much mess the enemy will throw but do not be disturbed as I have taken care of it all but you must leave it on the table for me to handle. Pray over all things and believe all things and all is well with you if you believe all that I have for you today.The only way you won't go to heaven is not just hearing and not receiving but only because you rejected Jesus! You must accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and ask Him in your heart to be saved. Then a peace you have never known will come to you and things will start to leave that you thought you needed and you won't give in to the worldly ways that so easily distract you. Things will come in a different light and clearer but it takes time. The Lord said He is fixing things deep in the woodwork of the fabric of your lives that you had hoped for better and prayed for better a long time. He is taking care of the small things that seem to be overlooked. Don't rely on yourselves as time is short and He is our survival and only Him. Be still and know that He is God!! The peace you will have only comes through Jesus! This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants you to come to Him Today!
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Merry Christmas!!! - Lisa Patterson
Merry Christmas and Happy New Yr! It's the end of the yr and beginning of another yr for Jesus to come in your heart! He wants to live in you and be your Father for the rest of your life! If you don't have Him in your heart you will not make it to Heaven(our eternal Home with Jesus forever!) This is not the time to take Him for granted. Many think they know Him but do not as there is so much to know about Him. He's your all in all and everything you could want! There is no other. II Cor. 5:17-19, any one who has Him in their heart is a new creature in Christ! If you belong to Him you are a new creature and all the old has past away. He is here always to help you get to know Him and become new in Him. You will not learn it over night but you will walk day by day and see the effects of the newness in you! Others will see it in you and want it also. Jesus is your protector, your Father who you can ask anything. He may say not now or later but He is always soft and Good to you!!. When you accept Him you become a new creature in Him as all the old goes away and people can see it in you and can tell you are new and different. If you don't take Him and act like you have it will be a fake kind of peace where it won't stand. Some of you are getting a "scouring nodule" on the brain removed. It has been there a long time and you didn't know what to do about it and has caused lots of pain and worrying of safety. But now is the time to be set free! He yearns to set you free from all that binds you. Many are being saved now and many are getting healed now and want to walk in the miraculous with Him!! James 4:8, Come close to God and He will come close to you. Ex.20:3 There are no other God's before me. Let our praise be unto you. II Cron. 26:5, Uzziah sought the Lord and He made him prosper. When you put Him first your rest is blessed. Heb. 11:6 Without faith it is impossible to please Him. James 4:8, Come close to God and He will come close to you. Get in the habit first in your week, Be willing to sacrifice, honor Him praying with all your heart.Exodus 28:11, Don't be like the King of Tyre. He was perfect and full of wisdom and God saw favor unto Him. Every precious stone was his covering, He was the anointed cherub who covers: was established by God and was on the Holy mountain of God, was perfect in all his ways from the day you were created till iniquity was found in Him. By the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within and you sinned, therefore you were cast him as a profane thing out of the mountain of God and was destroyed. Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty, you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor and were cast to the ground by the Lord, laid you before the kings that they might gaze at you. You defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities by trading. Therefore the Lord brought fire from your midst and it devoured you, and I the Lord turned it to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all who saw you!! It does not help you to be big and over people in the way you are full of pride. He gives time to some and not others as you can see. Do not team up with those who are unbelievers. Righteousness can't be partnered with wickedness. Unbelievers cannot partner with believers. It pays to be humble with the Lord as there's no turning back once you are gone as it is eternity and there's no going back. An evil person tries to keep others from obeying God. Obedience is better than all the silver and gold in the world. We cannot take anything with us when we go.Matt.18:1-5, Unless you become as a little child and humble yourselves, you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.Wait on the Lord and He will make things right for you. This is Lisa Patterson With the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants you to come to Him Today! And have yourself a Merry Christmas!!
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving!!- Lisa Patterson
Today we should give thanks for all the Good Lord has done for us! We are a blessed Nation and should be proud to live in a country that is so resourceful and has Jesus as the head of our homes for the most of it. We pray more homes will take Him in as He is the reason for the season! We should be grateful for all we have and a new yr for our country on the rise. This is a blessed Nation because Jesus heard our prayers. We need a man who can run it in the fashion it needs to be run. Jesus is the best provider we ever could receive. You cannot play around with the one who created us as we are intricately made even though we have our flaws and many do not have their intellect. But Jesus loves us all. We have a good country and should be proud of what the Lord has done for us. Many countries do not have enough food, clean water, clothes etc for children and elderly. Even though we are blessed we should help others who are less fortunate than us. Acts 5:28-29, we must obey God. Have respect when around authorities or when done wrong. God put them in authority for us to help us. Do what's right and you will have no worries. Prov.3:26,26 Don't be afraid of sudden disaster or destruction that comes to the wicked, for the Lord is your security. He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap. II Cor. 7:10, The kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. No regrets for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance results in death.Be sure of your salvation and know the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever! Prov. 20:3 Choosing peace over a fight is a mark of honor. Only fools insist on fighting. Jesus is the reason for the season. All of them. If we do not take Him in our hearts we will be miserable and want our way all the time and can't get along with others. He is so kind and gentle and waits on us over and over again!! We do not have any idea how much He loves us and wants to take us in His arms to hug and get all the devil out of us. He died for us and not take Him is a slap in the face! You will have peace that passes all understanding, love you have never known and it lasts and always will regardless of your feelings and pacifying flesh. He died on that Cross on Calvary for all and that means everyone. He will try and try to get your attention and you can ignore over and over but then He will not come back. That means you are lost and will not make it to eternity to Heaven! There's a place called Hell and the devil made it for his cohorts and you if you want it. You were given a will at birth to decide where you want to go and they go by the tons everyday to hell because the devil deceives over and over again so he can catch you in his plan forever. He loves to watch you burn in hell and scream to all eternity cause you wanted your way! We lose our way when we choose Jesus and it's glorious but you must give up your will to be with Him in all eternity!!Jesus is peace, love, assurance, hope, eternal love, everything you need and more. There is no other Lord of Lord's and we really do not have more time now days as the days are evil! He knows exactly what you need all the time and will become your friend for all eternity. He has yearned for us in all eternity! He gives you the strength to accomplish the path that He has for you to take where without Him it will be impossible and the enemy will laugh at you and make you think you are nobody and cannot do it.Prov. 20:3, Choosing peace over a fight is a mark of honor, only fools insist on fighting!! II Cor. 7:10, The kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. But wordly sorrow, which lacks repentance results in death. Take Jesus today as He is standing at the door knocking wanting you to come to Him. It takes away the flesh we all have and puts peace there but you must keep it and He helps you stay in Him as your will desires.When you decide to do His will for your life, it will not be easy but He will do it with you. He said," I am waiting as I have been yearning for you to come home. There's beauty you have never seen in me and I want you. Time is short so you may not get another chance. Death comes to us all and this earth will pass away but my words and love will stay forever. Take my hand and let me love you. It's a cruel world out there. I will wait for you but you will have to be pliable for me and I will take over. So understand that time is short and life is not always what it seems. I will take your heart and mold it to be soft and usable for me. I have people waiting to get saved and want your help with them. There's a gentle breeze blowing through your soul to come join me and I wait for you to come and see the changes I have made for you and me together. Everybody doesn't get this far nor understand what it's like but with the New Yr coming I have surprises in store.He also said some of you are climbing up the ladder and it's hard to do and the enemy wants you to fall. He has a plan for you to be cripple in this hr. but if you walk with the Lord you will know He has you and there's nothing the enemy can do to harm you." So keep climbing and see what the Lord has in store for you next! This is Lisa Patterson With the Good News That Jesus wants you to come to Him Today!"
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Take Time to Know the Lord!- Lisa Patterson
Today is a good day to get to know the real Father Jesus Christ. He is Lord over all. There is no one else who can take water an turn it to wine! be still and listen to your spirit. If it is not up to it, read His word to get to know Him so you can hear Him speak top you. We are in the last days and it's getting dark. You need to learn to hear His voice in this world. We need to pray like never over our country in these last hours here on earth. We do not know what the enemy plans but it won't be good. He is a stealer, a hoax, a devil, a mean villan and he doesn't want the Lord to be on your side. It is critical this hour to know who you trust with your life. You can go to Church and sit all week but not know Him! He is meek, lowly, kind, gentle, full of forgiveness, and wants all of us, not a few, to come sit with Him. He yearns for your attention. Gal. 5:22, For the fruit of the spirit is joy, peace, love, forgiveness, kindness, faithfulness, self control for which is not under the law. We all need the spirit especially now in our Country to fight the enemy's on slought against our nation! He is not after your intellect in how many college diplomas you have, or how many schools you attend or degrees you have. He want to talk to you but He will do it on His timing and His way, not yours. There is no sin in Him. He is perfect and wants you to follow Him. No one else can do that. He sees it all and all that is going on in our country and all around the world. He is in control if you want Him to be in your life. He loves you more than you know and there is no lover of your soul like Him. He is your protector, your shield, counselor, guardian, and all you want. You must trust Him with your life! Get over the past and come Home to Him today. It doesn't mean everything will work out and be a bed of roses.As a matter of fact, you have to pass His tests when you come to Him. It will be a while but you will have them to see if you want to follow Jesus or the world. It's not easy but going the world's way isn't either. The enemy is out to get you at any cost! He will take you out if you don't watch your step.Rom. 10:9, If you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead you will be saved!! Gal.2:20, God is living for me, not me living for Him. You cannot earn from grace.Matt. 7: 1-2, Don't judge for the same will be judged to you.Mark 4: 38, Jesus is in the boat with you asleep, vs. How is it you have no faith? He is not worried about the great storm. If you rest God will work, if you work He is rest!John 5:17. Let Him take the wheel as you do not know the storm and what is coming. He wants you to trust Him with all your might. It will pass. If you do it you will wear out! Must have faith He will do what He says. This is His fight, not yours and you will encounter many along the way.I Cor. 6:19-20, The Lord said," When things look bad, I am working more to fix and help what the enemy is trying to steal. Stay with me and don't let go and watch what I will do!" Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and was given to you by God. You do not belong to yourself when you come unto the Lord as Savior and Lord of your life. God bought you with a high price. So you must honor Him with your body. It is not an easy ride when you chose Him but if you do not surrender, the enemy will make sure your ride is hell!! The Lord said, " Some of you have had the enemy to get in through a place in your mind and stop it up with unbelief and other things and making you sick. The Lord is saying to find the" key" to unlock the place and get it open to the Lord again so you can prosper. "This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News That Jesus Loves You and wants you Today!"
Friday, September 20, 2024
Be Still And Wait On The Lord! - Lisa Patterson
Be still and wait on the Lord as we do not know how to do that these days. He is still the same as He never changes. His heart is after all His children to come Home where He wants you. He longs for you to be with Him as this hour is getting darker and we have many things going on that our country is not expecting as never before. We must be still to hear His voice in this hour. He is still with us and loves us and needs our attention to know where we stand with Him and how we stand. The choice is yours and too many make the wrong choice. To be still means to get all distractions out of the way to hear His voice. He is the author of our lives and loves without any hold backs. His love stands no matter whether you agree with Him or not. Our lives are at stake this hr as time is short and there needs to be decisions to make a choice to come to Him this hr!! There's no time to waste any more. John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only forgotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have every lasting life. His love never fades even if you do not believe but you will pay the everlasting cost of not having His peace, joy, love, steadfastness, and all beyond your dreams! Today will be no more and tomorrow will come and go but the announcement will not be forever to come to Him as you may be gone.Be still and read your Bible and listen to His heart. It weeps for you. He died and bled on that Cross for you and I a very horrible death you cannot fathom. It was only done once and never again. You could die tomorrow and never get a chance to be with Him. We are not guaranteed tomorrow!! Now is the time. There won't always be another time to get right with Jesus, lover of your soul!Do what's right and you will have no worries.Acts 28:29, We must obey God. Have respect for Him and when around authorities or when done wrong. He still loves at all times. Better to go home with Him and be saved than not here and go to hell for eternity. Mark 12:30 Love your God with all your heart, soul, mind and body and all your strength! This is required by the Father. He will come to you and make your heart glad and joyful. Be with Him as He has waited on you all your life. All you have you have to do is ask Him in and He will come in today!Pure and true genuine religion is caring for orphans and widows in distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. Luke 10:19,He has given us who believe power to trample over scorpions and nothing shall by any means harm you,.But you must stay by His side and not sway away.Isaiah 43:13, From eternity to eternity I am God and no one can snatch anyone out of my hand, no one can do what I do, says the Lord. He says, " Learn to know me and love me as I do you and you will be happy again as you do not understand my ways or how I have waited for you to come home. It is a long eternity without me and people miss it everyday.Don't be one of them. I will go around the corner and around again to reach you but you think I am not watching what you do behind the scenes to others. I see it all and no one gets by without my watching. So do good as I have taught so you will make it to Heaven as tomorrow is not promised! I will turn things around the other way to get you to me whatever it takes so you will see this side of Heaven and not the enemies side!" Isaiah 45:5-6, Don't be afraid for I am with you and will gather your children from east to west. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants you to come Today!
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Take Comfort In Jesus! Lisa Patterson
Jesus is the one and only one to take care of you and guide you to your future. Without His leading you will be stuck in a place you cannot get out of. He is asking during these hard times to let Him come in and be your Lord and Savior. There is no other and this world is getting darker all the time. People cannot ask for a Savior any better than Jesus! He is everything you could want in life. Not everything to go your way. But a Father to guide you. Everyone hasn't had a Father in this life and a good one too. But no one can take the place of Jesus in your life. He died so you could be free. We do not know what all that means. No one could care for you like Jesus! He is your heart, soul, body, mind, and spirit. He made you and gave you the choices you want in life. He is not a respecter of persons. He loves all the same until they choose not to love Him. Then His heart is broken and He weeps for you. There is depth you do no know of Him. But It's there and He longs for you to want Him. Billions upon Billions have lived and died and do not take Him or never knew Him. He cries for your soul!! Everyday He wants your attention, no you to get attention from Him. He is the author and maker of us all. No one can do that. It is spiritual and very detailed and for everyone to be there own person and different, no one can make that up!! He lives for your love.God sent Him as His son to get you to want Him. He is no respecter of persons. No one gets more love than the other. We are all loved the same. He just wants it back!We all need Him this hr. The world is getting darker all the time. Take heed for all have sinned and missed the mark. John 3:16, For God so loved this world that He gave His only Son that whosoever would call upon His name would be saved. Then there's so much more to know about our Lord Jesus.Be still and know that He loves you!!Joshua 24:15, Pray every member of your family will love the Lord. Jeremiah: 32:39, Pray for your spouse that you both dwell in oneness with the Lord. Hebrews 4: 9-10, enter into His rest and take comfort knowing He will take care of you and your family. James 2:1, How can you claim to have faith in Jesus if you favor some people over others? Matt. 7:7, Ask and it will be given to you and seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. There's a gentle breeze that is coming to your heart to those who seek and find Him. There's peace you would not ever know when you invite Him into your heart. No one can take the place of His sweet spirit and replentish the hurts and sorrows we all go through in this life. It is a short few yrs on this earth and you go home to Heaven or to Hell with satan and his cohorts. He has nothing new and nothing good. He can be a good salesman and give our lies and that's all he does. But hell is a no way out policy. People think they can handle it but that's his first lie. He is good to paint a pic that looks good. There's no good in him at all. He was kicked out of Heaven because he wouldn't do Jesus the way He asked. He was His leading man in music. Now he has made it all look so nice to trick you into going his way. Millions are mistaken by his smooth swaying. There's no truth in him at all. He created sickness and death! He is a shyster,and too many to name. Take Jesus today as tomorrow may be too late. Why would you not want His peace, love, understanding. Philippians 4:6-7, The peace of God surpasses all understanding, guarding my heart, mind, and soul. Imitate on things wholly, noble, true, lovely, honest and of a good report and praiseworthy, study on these things! Time is getting short and when He nudges you to come home to Him, it's time. There's no playing etc. There's a " freeze-dry" in the air to cut off all the stuff you need to get rid of today. There is no one who can take the place of He will live in your heart and you need to take time for Him to get to know Him! Everything is not going to go as you want or thought but for your good. He is saying, " Come to me this hour as it is getting darker all the time as time is short and no need to contemplate. Be still and listen to my voice as I speak to you in the small still voice and not always when you think. This is a closing hour for the family of God to get real with me and never let go as I have a prize for you if you will just know of my love for you and how sweet it is to come to me and trust this hr. " Rom 2:11, God does not have favorites! This is Lisa Patterson With The Good News That Jesus Loves You and Wants You Today!!