Friday, September 20, 2024

Be Still And Wait On The Lord! - Lisa Patterson

 Be still and wait on the Lord as we do not know how to do that these days. He is still the same as He never changes. His heart is after all His children to come Home where He wants you. He longs for you to be with Him as this hour is getting darker and we have many things going on that our country is  not expecting as never before. We must be still to hear His voice in this hour. He is still with us and loves us and needs our attention to know where we stand with Him and how we stand. The choice is yours and too many make the wrong choice. To be still means to get all distractions out of the way to hear His voice. He is the author of our lives and loves without any hold backs. His love stands no matter whether you agree with Him or not. Our lives are at stake this hr as time is short and there needs to be decisions to make a choice to come to Him this hr!! There's no time to waste any more. John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only forgotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have every lasting life. His love never fades even if you do not believe but you will pay the everlasting cost of not having His peace, joy, love, steadfastness, and all beyond your dreams! Today will be no more and tomorrow will come and go but the announcement will not be forever to come to Him as you may be gone.Be still and read your Bible and listen to His heart. It weeps for you. He died and bled on that Cross for you and I a very horrible death you cannot fathom. It was only done once and never again. You could die tomorrow and never get a chance to be with Him. We are not guaranteed tomorrow!! Now is the time. There won't always be another time to get right with Jesus, lover of your soul!Do what's right and you will have no worries.Acts 28:29, We must obey God. Have respect for Him and when around authorities or when done wrong. He still loves at all times. Better to go home with Him and be saved than not here and go to hell for eternity. Mark 12:30 Love your God with all your heart, soul, mind and body and all your strength! This is required by the Father. He will come to you and make your heart glad and joyful. Be with Him as He has waited on you all your life. All you have you have to do is ask Him in and He will come in today!Pure and true genuine religion is caring for orphans and widows in distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. Luke 10:19,He has given us who believe power to trample over scorpions and nothing shall by any means harm you,.But you must stay by His side and not sway away.Isaiah 43:13, From eternity to eternity I am God and no one can snatch anyone out of my hand, no one can do what I do, says the Lord. He says, " Learn to know me and love me as I do you and you will be happy again as you do not understand my ways or how I have waited for you to come home. It is a long eternity without me and people miss it everyday.Don't be one of them. I will go around the corner and around again to reach you but you think I am not watching what you do behind the scenes to others. I see it all and no one gets by without my watching. So do good as I have taught so you will make it to Heaven as tomorrow is not promised! I will turn things around the other way to get you to me whatever it takes so you will see this side of Heaven and not the enemies side!" Isaiah 45:5-6, Don't be afraid for I am with you and will gather your children from east to west. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants you to come Today!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Take Comfort In Jesus! Lisa Patterson

 Jesus is the one and only one to take care of you and guide you to your future. Without His leading you will be stuck in a place you cannot get out of. He is asking during these hard times to let Him come in and be your Lord and Savior. There is no other and this world is getting darker all the time. People cannot ask for a Savior any better than Jesus! He is everything you could want in life. Not everything to go your way. But a Father to guide you. Everyone hasn't had a Father in this life and a good one too. But no one can take the place of Jesus in your life. He died so you could be free. We do not know what all that means. No one could care for you like Jesus! He is your heart, soul, body, mind, and spirit. He made you and gave you the choices you want in life. He is not a respecter of persons. He loves all the same until they choose not to love Him. Then His heart is broken and He weeps for you. There is depth you do no know of Him. But It's there and He longs for you to want Him. Billions upon Billions have lived and died and do not take Him or never knew Him. He cries for your soul!! Everyday He wants your attention, no you to get attention from Him. He is the author and maker of us all. No one can do that. It is spiritual and very detailed and for everyone to be there own person and different, no one can make that up!! He lives for your love.God sent Him as His son to get you to want Him. He is no respecter of persons. No one gets more love than the other. We are all loved the same. He just wants it back!We all need Him this hr. The world is getting darker all the time. Take heed for all have sinned and missed the mark. John 3:16, For God so loved this world that He gave His only Son that whosoever would call upon His name would be saved. Then there's so much more to know about our Lord Jesus.Be still and know that He loves you!!Joshua 24:15, Pray every member of your family will love the Lord. Jeremiah: 32:39, Pray for your spouse that you both dwell in oneness with the Lord. Hebrews 4: 9-10, enter into His rest and take comfort knowing He will take care of you and your family. James 2:1, How can you claim to have faith in Jesus if you favor some people over others? Matt. 7:7, Ask and it will be given to you and seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. There's a gentle breeze that is coming to your heart to those who seek and find Him. There's peace you would not ever know when you invite Him into your heart. No one can take the place of His sweet spirit and replentish the hurts and sorrows we all go through in this life. It is a short few yrs on this earth and you go home to Heaven or to Hell with satan and his cohorts. He has nothing new and nothing good. He can be a good salesman and give our lies and that's all he does. But hell is a no way out policy. People think they can handle it but that's his first lie. He is good to paint a pic that looks good. There's no good in him at all. He was kicked out of Heaven because he wouldn't do Jesus the way He asked. He was His leading man in music. Now he has made it all look so nice to trick you into going his way. Millions are mistaken by his smooth swaying. There's no truth in him at all. He created sickness and death! He is a shyster,and too many to name. Take Jesus today as tomorrow may be too late. Why would you not want His peace, love, understanding. Philippians 4:6-7, The peace of God surpasses all understanding, guarding my heart, mind, and soul. Imitate on things wholly,  noble, true, lovely, honest and of a good report and praiseworthy, study on these things! Time is getting short and when He nudges you to come home to Him, it's time. There's no playing etc. There's a " freeze-dry" in the air to cut off all the stuff you need to get rid of today. There is no one who can take the place of He will live in your heart and you need to take time for Him to get to know Him! Everything is not going to go as you want or thought but for your good. He is saying, " Come to me this hour as it is getting darker all the time as time is short and no need to contemplate. Be still and listen to my voice as I speak to you in the small still voice and not always when you think. This is a closing hour for the family of God to get real with me and never let go as I have a prize for you if you will just know of my love for you and how sweet it is to come to me and trust this hr. "  Rom 2:11, God does not have favorites! This is Lisa Patterson With The Good News That Jesus Loves You and Wants You Today!!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Always Be Where He Places You! - Lisa Patterson

 To be in the right place at the right time is more important than anything you can do. If you are not where He wants you to be it will not work for your life. It may seem to for a while but most times He will place you where you do not want to be or do not like. The wilderness is an example. It's very hard to live there and mostly dry and subtle but He will place you there till He wants to move you. It's His choice. You cannot be where you want to be for your life and succeed mostly! Life is not about you, it's about living for the Lord who made you and placed you where you are to be for your life.When you create pleasure it's the place your prosperity begins. Prayer is the proof you trust God. He looks for it and yearns for it. You cannot change what you permit in your life, but He will not use you till you do what He says and go where He says go and live like He says to live! There's only one life and we are to live it to please Him, not us!! So during this journey of life we are to walk in the or the town where people are we are to be with. He may ask you to live in a shack until He tells you not to just to see if you will be obedient to His word! Who wants to do that? He doesn't always tell you to walk in New York City and go get a big job that pays good. Where is the faith? Your imagination is God's gift to you! He wants you to use it for Him! He gives you gifts to use in this life to help others. It's not for you alone, but to help others! We are here to build one another up and help, not compete and stay away from our dreams.The Bible is the Answer Book for getting along with people, how to make good decisions in life. It's not just Adam and Eve but it is also about them and how it all came about. Prayers are conversations with God! Thoughts are not prayers, and needs are not prayers. Learn to know the difference. He wants prayer to attach with Him. He knows your needs before you say them but wants you to let Him know how you feel. He wants to know everything about you. He is very detailed about your life and has a place for you where you will be celebrated and not tolerated. If you feel tolerated then check and see if you are in the correct place for your life! Everyone needs a mentor to help them get through life. You learn best with a mentor and can tell if you are in the right place or need to move to your spot in life. A mentor is the quickest exit out of a crisis. They are your lifeline!! If you are serious about your life here on earth, you will want to have a mentor to help guide you through life! The Bible is a book about getting along with God and knowing Him and being obedient to Him at all cost because you cannot make this life without His instruction and His way! He made you and that's the end of it. Must do things the way He made you or it will get miserable for you. James 4:17, It is a sin to know what you should do and then not do it. Don't get in to this place with the Lord. The Lord has only one way to Heaven and no other way. It's a sin not to do what He said to do for your life. You can turn around and get on the right track again. He is saying how much He loves you and tries to get your attention but you want to go hear another and somebody else and other things happen and you want to know what has happened. Stop going everywhere to get what you want and get what He wants for your lives because you only have one and make it count for Him. He forgives over and over because He loves and is a gracious Father who loves like none other. He forgives all sins as long as they are sincere. Mark 11:24, you can pray for anything and if you believe you will receive it but must do so in the heart. But when you pray first you must forgive anyone you may hold a grudge against so that your Father in Heaven will forgive your sins too! It's easy to go be where you want be but you will have to take the road less traveled to be where He wants you. And if you follow Him it won't always be easy but will be full of peace with arrows flying around and you won't know it. The Lord said," I am putting favor on you and your family who have followed me at all cost. You will see the Hand of the Lord upon you this hour as I have watched and seen your cries. It will not be long now for the picture to come to life now you have been waiting on." Favor is coming, Amen!! This is Lisa Patterson With The Good News That Jesus Loves You and Wants You to Come To Him Today!!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Happy Father's Day - Lisa Patterson

 Here's hoping everyone had a nice Father's Day. We only get a Father for a little while and should respect him as long as he lives. There are those whose Father's are not here or didn't have a good one. Instead we need to thank the Lord for what we had whether we liked it or not. He is in charge of our lives when we give Him ourselves to Him. The Lord knows what to do whether or not we can handle things or not. It's nice to have a good Father, boy or girl, and let the Lord take care of the rest we cannot do. It is all in His hands, the whole world, and everything in it whether we are aware of it or not. We should be happy to have a Father to take care of us. The Good Lord chose who we would have for a Father. All of them are not called but we must pray for them all. John 115:7, If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you my ask what you will and it shall be done of my Father in Heaven. So we have a Father no matter. We must ask Him to come into our heart and be the Father He is meant to be for us. We will not live long enough to wait on people to do for us and be our Fathers all the time. We must take Jesus as our substitute to be our Heavenly Father we have always wanted. Jer.33:3, When you believe and pray I will hear you and will answer. Be ready to forgive and always repent so your heart stays clean with the Lord. He will wait on you and keep on but if you don't  eventually take the Lord Jesus, it will be too late. It's no game and you don't have plenty of time like the devil wants you to think. So let go of all that has been done to you so you may come clean. He wants you for His own.It is not a game and never will be. The Bible makes it clear what to do and how to and He does the leg work! I Sam 16:7. The Lord looks at the heart. People look at outward appearances. Not the Lord. He sees you in your heart and knows all and is the Dr. who can straighten things out that need to. He is the Dr. for everything we need. The Dr you go see cannot see all in the heart so he can't fix it! Go to Jesus, the King. He will do it all. He sees it all and is ready to help heal your broken heart and all that you need. Fathers are there to help but cannot do what Jesus can.Fathers do what they can but cannot do what Jesus can.Prov.28:13, those who cover up their sins shall not prosper but whosoever confess and forsake them shall prosper. He gave them to us as a helper, mender, fixer for things we need help with and everything else He can do. The Lord God made male and female He made them. To be different and not alike with different qualities. Go to the Lord with your needs that only He can do. You cannot be what He didn't make you.But what He did make you. It's simple and not complicated. Jesus didn't make us to be the worlds reward, but for Him to do what He has called us to do. Our lives are not long on this earth and  we must find out what He made us to be. Nothing else will do.He is saying," Take today as it comes and not to get ahead of yourself. it won't work to get ahead of God's plan for your life but what you are called to do. If people like and except you and you do not have to make them, then that's a good sign. If not and you do not have a good feeling about a place, then you are not to be there. Be where you are enjoyed, not tolerated You cannot put a square peg in a round hole. Be where you are meant to be and no where else!" I Peter 5:7. He loves you more than you know.The Good Lord knows all about you and wants you to come to Him instead of asuming you can do it. He will always be there but He is a gentleman and will not force His way on you. Rom.10:9 If you confess Jesus as Lord of your life and He rose from the dead to save you from your sins, then you will be saved. Be what you are meant to be. Can't be anyone else and no one can be you. God made you for a specific purpose so why try to be another? There's only one life. Love it for what God gave it to you for. It's all His anyway!! This is Lisa Patterson With the Good News That Jesus Loves You and Wants You to Come to Him Today!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Have a Good Mother's Day Month - Lisa Patterson

 The Lord is watching us all with eyes roaming around to see who will follow Him. He is thirsty to have your attention. Take time to search for Him. He is always watching from close and afar off to see who will follow Him and not let go!! We all can use the time we have to contact our savior Jesus who loves us with an everlasting love! He watches ever more to see who you will follow Him. Jesus is simple and many think He is hard and rough to get along with. He is soft and gentle and loves us all no matter our health color, race or anything you may have done in the past or recent that may be wrong and don't know what to do about it. That is why He bled on that Cross of Calvary to save us from everyone of our sins, no matter what they are or how hard it has been. The Lord God sent His son, Jesus, to be crucified on that cross of Calvary for all our sins so we would not go to hell, the place of eternal torture forever with the devil. He wants us all to go there and no turning back. With Jesus you will discover a peace you didn't know you had. He will heal all your wounds, and take care of all your issues, save your kids and make you have a life of peace, not without problems, but with Him. He is the only one who can fix them and make you whole again. He will clean you up and make you whole. you cannot endure hell. It was made for  the devil and his cohorts.It wasn't made for us. The enemy did all to himself not going the right way(which is Christ and His love). The enemy will distract you, have yo go a way you will regret. Never ever will the Lord say to you to follow the enemy. Romans 4:4 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who walk after the spirit and not the flesh. He has love for us we cannot fathom and will never understand.Prov.3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding.and He will direct your path. Isaiah 43:13, from eternity to eternity no one can snatch anyone out of my hand, no one can do what I have done. John 10:9 Jesus said, I am the door. If anyone enters by me he will be saved. The only way to get saved is by Jesus and He must come into your heart. Matt. 7: 21-23, Many will say Lord Lord look what I have done in our name. The Lord will say, Get away from me I never knew you! Be sure you are His and not just talking and showing off what you can do and not what He has given you which is rich and true and never an idol or something you dreamed up without asking the Lord without putting Him first in your life. He longs to and waits and can heal your broken heart and all that you need. Let Him come in and you will experience a peace you have never known!!Be kind to your Mother cause you wouldn't be here without her and make sure she feels love from you! Don't overlook her as Jesus decided who would be your Mother and Father. The Lord said, "If you will take my hand and walk with me all the time I will keep you all the days of your life and hold you up under the enemy's hand from all the destruction he has planned against you and your family. You do not see all he has planned and you need to pray now so that the issues you are carrying will be scattered as far as east is from the west. I am the Lord and there is no other. No devil can defeat you if you stay by my side. All you have to do is ask me to come into your heart and I will forever." Joel 2:12-14 Come back to the Lord with your heart. There's still time. He is gracious and slow to anger, full of love. He won't destroy you and won't bring judgement then you can bring His blessing and then you can bring grain offering.  Also the Lord said many have issues with things not happening like it was supposed to. And you have waiting a long time and about lost track and worried. But He said He was going around the corner on the other side to reach what was almost lost.But you must stay with Him to receive it. This is Lisa Patterson With The Good News That Jesus Loves You and Wants You Today.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Jesus Is All You Need!! - Lisa Patterson

 Today you need Jesus more than any time there has been. He is wanting you to need Him all the time. Jesus is the answer you need every day of your life. This is not a time to play games with Him or the Holy Spirit!! There will never be another time if you continue to turn Him down. His heart aches for you all the time!! There's so much to being with Him. You will never want to go back to where you were when you come to Him and let Him take your whole heart.He loves you and always will. He will always try and reach you but you must make the move. He will not force His way on anyone. He is a gentleman. He will always be and doesn't change.John 3;16, For God so lived the world that He gave His only son that whosoever would come to Him would not perish, meaning not die an everlasting death in hell forever. He doesn't want anyone to die without Him. The Savior of the world spent His life on that Cross so we would not have to so we could be saved for everlasting life in Him. All your sins are forgiven when you accept Him, no other name can be the name of Jesus! We Can pray for folks all day long but then we must leave them with the Lord! He is the only answer and way to eternal life!.Our lives are hid in Christ when we take Him for our own. He doesn't force himself on anyone.He loves us all sin and all. He came not to condemn the world but to save it from sins.He said This is the time to come now as it is getting worse out there and no better. You cannot live this life without Him and He has to live it through Him! It is too hard to live any other way!. He said," Be still and know that I am the Lord who loves with an everlasting love. I died a terrible death for you so if you do not come to me, then the enemy grabs you to eternal hell and there's no way out!! For I am the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father except through me! Take the yoke off as I didn't give you a burden but a way to live a life through the Father who loves you as always. I will not change as I wait on you day and night. I look out to see you and if you would come to me. Too many people want the easy way, but I make it that way for you. I will throw away the past and give a new tomorrow! Can you take me the way I am asking?? Be with me as there's no other way. I will be with you forever. I went through it all for you. The slick bottom road will be hard to overcome without me as the enemy has devised so many ways to trick you. In pieces,colors, zig zag, every way he can. "There's a fresh new road with flowers and trees and beautiful scenery that comes from Heaven to come with me so we can be together forever! I will do you right but you must stay with me. It won't always be a bed of roses and you can' t have your way all the time. I will clean you up and get rid of the trash from the enemy, things you don't know about. I am passing out tickets for you to come to me and waiting for you to get yours so don't delay. Time is short and it's time to come Home!!!"II Cor. 3:17, Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. You can have it when you come to Him as your Savior. The Lord is saying," I will heal your broken hearts and mend your broken bones and take away all your hurts and pressures from the enemy. There is nothing I will not do for those who wait on me and do not deter and go back. I will hand out anything you need if you take me as your Father today. You will need me at some point in your life but taking me now will keep heartaches the enemy wants to put on you vanish. There's more in here than you know. Trust me. Open doors are here but you must do the walking in. I will prepare a place for you the enemy cannot find.I am waiting for you." Time is short and we do not know when our last days on this earth will be and there's no turning back when gone.Luke 21:25, You are protected under His shelter. So chose life with Christ! He said," I am taking care of the issues you asked about. May not happen tomorrow but will in my hr. Stay fresh with me and by my side so I can do what you asked. This isn't going to take long as it seems. Just trust and know that I have your heart in mind and your obedience! This is for someone who needs it. The Lord said there's a "special kind of foam" that is made for those who have been through rough waters and seem to have no end to it. This will heal the brokenhearted and help the ones who do not know how their issues will heal. He is the Lord with all the answers and has them for you.Spread it on your wounds by the power of the Lord. Take this word and believe on it today.This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News That Jesus Loves You and Wants You Today!!!


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Happy Easter! - Lisa Patterson

  There are those who cannot be saved. Don't be on this list. Be with the Lord for all eternity!!.
 I Peter 5:5 God resist the proud. When you accuse others it's the work of the enemy. Isaiah 14:12, Pride comes before destruction. Matt. 5:4, The blessed are those who mourned for those are His! John12:37, You cannot save those who don't believe. John 10:9, There's no other name to be saved but Jesus!.Matt.25:31, Cannot save a hippocritt. Matt. 12:31, Cannot blaspheme the Holy Spirit and get saved. II Peter 2:20 Cannot save an apostate. Backsliding is another. I John 4:8 A loving person loves others. John 13:34. God loves us! Matt. 28:18, Go into all the world teaching all things I taught you to love one another as I have loves you. Life is not gonna be easy but you are here for a reason, to help others who have been through what you have to bring them back as to not backslide again, Helping others is the key to life.You will not be fulfilled until you find your own calling. No one is like you. Without God is Self righteous. Prov. 28:13, Those who cover their sins cannot be saved. .Luke 18:11, Pharisee's were religious who trusted in themselves.(Holier than thou.) Matt 5:20, Religious He made us all different for a reason to help those who need it and get them saved and away from the enemy who wants to devour you and will never stop. The only way to do that is get with your maker, Jesus!! Luke 24: 36-37 His blood is alive and well. The Lamb that saved the world from sin. These are proof that the Lord is well and wants you to come to Him today. Don't fall for the enemies lies. He has no truth in him at all and never will because he fell from Heaven. He got his chance as the worship leader with music all over him. Why would anyone fall from Heaven? Don't be deceived as God is not mocked. He is the only way to Heaven. John 3:16 He saved us and bled on the cross for us to be savior for us for all eternity!!! Take His word and read it as it is Holy and His writing forever and ever. He doesn't want any to perish. He died so we would not have to!Cannot live on what's leftover the rest of your life! When you are in the Lambs Book of Life, you are with Jesus and nothing or nobody can snatch you out! This is the month of  Easter and all are invited to live with Him except those who cannot be saved above. Don't be one of those. There's no turning back! Get on track with the Good Lord. Today is the day to come back to Him as time is short and the past cannot be done again. Can't undo the past. He wants you like you are to come back. There's no other way to be saved except through Him. He loves like no other. No one can wash your sins away but Jesus and He died for you to have everlasting life so you can have eternity in Heaven .Look up to the one who made you for life is short and there's no turning back." Be with me forever in eternity as there's no other way to live this life in full except through Him. He is the reason for the Season. Without Him there's no Savior who died for the whole world to be saved! He is turning things around for you and making a way you didn't have before so you can come in while there's time. The enemy tried to take you out but God stopped him. He will always be on your side when you take Him as your Saviour today! So do not wait as time is short and there will not be another chance.' This is Lisa Patterson With the Good News That Jesus Loves You to Come Home Today!