God loves you.
Our subject today is God loves you. Phillipians 3:10 That I might know Him by the power of his resurrection.. God loves us with an everlasting love. Proverbs 14:10 says pride and insolense comes contention. It gets in our way. Contention is not of God so be skillful of godly wisdom. Pride is a deep harbour that holds us back. John 3:16 says God do loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him might be saved. He gave us a will of our own and a choice but he loves us unconditionally. To give his only son that we might live mightily is more love than we might know. He wanted us to know him and live through him. Eph.1:4 says he chose us from the foundation of the world.
We were not a thing or blur in the night. He counted all the hairs on our head. We are intricatly and delicately made and he gave us our own will so we can chose for ourself. Not as a puppet on a string. To be lost is everlasting darkness but to be saved is eternal light. We were planned way before the foundation of the world. Eph.1:5 says he ordained us for the purpose of his will. He destined us and planned in love for us.There's no other way to know he's not love because the Bible teaches it. There is an aura about the Bible that no other book has because it is Holy Spirit breathed on. We should be holy and blameless and he chose us and knows us better than we know ourselves. So relax because he loves you. Matt. says to take care of the little ones and your bodies. He cares about you. Don't listen to the evil one who comes to deceive you and twist the Holy word of God. He wouldn't have taken the time to do this for us if he didn't care so much for us.
You must have child like faith to come unto me and be as my deciple he says in his word. You don't have to be a child but come as a child with child like faith to enter the kingdom of God. He will a;ways accept you no matter what sin you may have committed if you call upon his name. You will always be accepted. Mark 9:37 says Whoever shall receive little children shall receive me. Anytime you come to Jesus you come to the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14. Accept the kingdom of God. It is not a game and Hell is real even though the devil tries to tell you it's not. He is the father of lies and no truth is in him. Do not accept what he says, never. Matt. 18:10 says God loves little children so much he will sacrifice anything for them. He gave usall the books in this Bible that is Holy Spirit breathed on.
It was never his choice not to choose us. Take his hand so his healing powers will take us and his son was blameless. He had an insurmountable love for you that proves his love for all mankind. if you were the only person on earth, he would have died for you. Once you've accepted him he will never leave you nor forsake you. he wants to take care of you. So who will you choose this day? Choose life through Jesus. There's nothing in between. What is your choice? He took too much time to make you to not want you for his own! It does not matter what has happened to you in the past or what you've done. Neither does it matter if your mom or Dad wanted you or not. He does and always has. Read his word and continue in his word and let him love you.
There's no need for the devil to make you think you can't have God. he's free and waiting for you and full of goodness and mercy too. Continue in the resurrection in studying the word and contact the website for information you might need.
This is Lisa Patterson with the good news of Jesus Christ and his love for you.