Our title today is to "Let God Love You." He wants to have our attention all the time and we do not give Him our undivided attention. He loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever will come to Him they might have life and have life more abundantly. We need to give God the attention He deserves because He made us in His own image. He bore our sins and weaknesses and sickness so that we would all come to His side and be made whole. He loves us so much and yet we give more attention to games and T.V.
He is a jealous God and we will be held accountable for our deeds and actions. John3:16 says for God so loved the world that whoever believes that His Son died on the Cross and rose again the third day for you. It is a simple prayer in you heart that you believe and pray that prayer and Jesus will come into your heart to live. He will blot out your tears, your past and mistakes. All because his blood was shed for you and me. And that is what He wants to do for you today.
Make it right with Him, as there is no other way to Heaven except to call on the name of the Lord. Eternity is forever and there is no turning back. Hell was only made for the devil, not for God's people. And with prayer we can do anything and even turn this country around.
Our mistakes are that we don't spend time with the Father. He had answers for us that we look other places for, and yet He's trying to get our attention. Sometimes we'll feel ill or our finances will be in trouble etc. and it's not because of the Lord. It's because we don't spent quality time with Him and let Him give us the answer to our questions.
Please be sensitive to the Lord as He is to us. He only wants our time. We would save money, our health would be better, our families would come together and we would have peace in our hearts. The Word says to love the Lord with all your heart, all your strength, and all your mind. Be greatful today that with His love you won't go to hell, but the the peaceful place called Heaven where He is and the angels worship night and day and protect you from the enemy.
Take time today to get to know the Lord today and see what's in store for you. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that God loves you and wants you today.