Hope I Peter5:6 says Lift you up and humble yourself. Cast all your cares on the Lord(toss, sling and handle) your burdens to the Lord. (Cares means storms in life). Storms going on so long you can't see where you are going. He wants us to trust Him. Luke 24:1 the woman went to the tomb and found it was empty. He was beaten and bruised and had done nothing wrong. We can win our battles because He has overcome. Romans 6 God wants us to live right, so He gave us righteousness. We have freedon from the past and the guilt from it,
The Resurrection provides a living hope. I Peter 1:3 says we have hope because of what Christ did for us. When you walk through the valley don't camp out there!
Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Eph. 2:12 says you have no hope if you don't have Him. People are hopeless. Without hope you'll do crazy things. Hope is an anchor. Christ stood in our place when He didn't deserve it. II Cor. 2:11 Hope always leads to triump in Christ (overcomers) in Christ. You'll always triumph - wherever you are now will not always be where you'll wind up as long as you are in Christ.
Don't bare things or emotions but in Him! Heb.6 says do not become sluggish but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promise. A cheerful steadfastness brings hope and faith that God will do that which He said He'd do.
Strength is being consistant. Success in the kingdom doesn't happen overnight. You must depend on grace that's in Christ. You cannot earn anything in God. He did it for you. It's not based on what you've done or can do. Grace brings you to a rest in Him. Your part is just to believe and His is to to do it. Grace allows us to reign in life.
Philip 4:12 says I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. II Tim 3:10-12 out of all persecutions and afflictions Paul had at Antioch, Christ delivered them all. It will come if you're in Christ. John 8:31 If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you can ask what you will and it will be done unto you. The truth will set you free. Just knowing these truths will set you free. But you must use them in your everyday walk with Him.
This is Lisa Patterson and God Loves You and wants you well.