Today we will discuss how to leave the past and go on to the future. The Lord was telling me the other day about leaving your past and stepping forth into your future, which would be new. Not a new world future, but a new annointed future in him. He said all things from the past are over and all things going forward are new. If you hold on to the past you cannot get to your future he has for you.
It is a choice you must make but he will help you let go. To let go of the past is letting God take your future and bring it to a higher level in him.He will do those things he said he would do if you will stay in his word and keep his commandments. His love for us is so deep we cannot fathom. We are to only do that which he has said and nothing more. If he did not tell you to do a certain thing, even though it seemed good and you liked it and thought it would work, then don't! It won't work. You cannot be what you were not made to be.
I've heard people say, "you can be anything you want to be." That's not in God's Word or his plan. So it won't work. Stop letting the enemy tell you lies about yourself. You are good enough, but you cannot do anything you want to do. if that was so you could have solved all the major life problems and get our world
out of debt. God didn't call you to be God Jr!!
The Lord said," 'Do not do anything I did not tell you to do or go anywhere I didn't tell you to go. For I am drawing you up nearer to me.It's fear that causes obstruction. Guard your heart.I will speak in that still small voice, not always a loud sound. But you will know it's me because it will be peaceful and you will be refreshed and have joy.There's a sound coming from the birds in the trees to let you know it's me, nature, not something man thought up.Let me have your whole heart today. Only part will not do. It must be that way to carry you through. Times are hard and tough and you know not when the end will come. But if you'll stay in me I'll guard your back from the wiles of the enemy."
II Tim. 3: 1 says we are not our own anymore and cannot do as we used to. we were bought with a high price.
That means we belong to him and do not have our own life anymore.
Sometimes we think we can skip around and do as we please. but then we find out we made a mistake and have to turn ourselves back around. That means to repent. And only the holy Spirit can help you repent. we can't do anything in ourselves. Oh, we thought we could.But you quickly find out you can't.
God's children are his treasure. but we're just what he said, children! You start out as a babe when your born again and then grown into his child. It takes lots of leaps and bounds to grow up in the Lord but he will take you step by step. this is one of the steps, to let the past go and the future will come.
This is lLisa Patterson with the Good news that God loves you and wants you to come to him today.