Saturday, December 21, 2013

MERRY CHRISTMAS - Lisa Patterson

This is the Season for giving thanks for the Lord, our Savior, to be Praised. For He is worthy of all the blessings He has bestowed on us throughout the year. Jesus is the Reason for the Season. He Loves us more than we will ever know. The Lord wants to deal with your heart and let Him take away all the heartaches and troubles from you that have caused you problems this yr. and many yrs. past. He is a very loving God who does not want any of his people to suffer heartache and pain. He is available for you all the time if you would give him the time. He wants to mend broken hearts and things that have caused damage in your life.For the Lord ,He is good and His mercy endureth forever.
He has not caused all the heartache in your life, but the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy that which is in your heart to make you sick and anxious. There's nothing in God's agenda to cause that for you. He lives in Heaven where there is no blue Mondays. There is no such thing as sadness. But you must get to know Him as He longs for that within himself. For he made us and there is no other. He's the only one who can take your broken heart and make it brand new all over again. There is a stillness in the air for you to come and abide in Him.
He has all power and glory within Him waiting for you to come ask Him for it.
Let Him take you and straighten out your heart today, and you will see things you had no seen before. A newness will come upon you and a light will shine on you that you have never had before. You children need to see it and the people around you need to see it in this lost and broken world. But He is the creator of the universe, and there is none other.
There are people in your lives that have been praying for you a long time and you may not be aware. But God has put them on their heart to pray for you. So let go of all the unforgiveness and pressures of this life. it only gets worse as we look within ourselves to find answers that aren't there. Let Him mend the hole in your heart today and make a statement that you want the New Year to be a bright one and that it will be one you want to give to the Lord to replentish yourself. All the answers to life are in the Bible that he gave us out of his love for mankind. Don't let this yr. end with an unthankful heart. Let him clean out the places that need spiritual surgery. For we were bought with a high price and there is none other to take he sins of the world and place them on His only begotten son. He sacrificed His only son for us so that we would live and live abundantly. He wants you so much that He did that for us. and left no one out. But people are dying everyday not knowing how much they are loved by the Father. Let Him take you up high with Him to straighten out the crooked places in you that only He knows how to do.The Lord would say ,"I am replentishing that which the enemy has stolen from you. So do not be weary in well doing, for I am the Lord God who healeth thee and takes care of all thy shortcomings and makes it all work out good for you because you have walked the path I chose for you. I am well pleased and nothing shall by any means harm you.Stay on guard."
For it is with much passion and love that He would have you to know Him as the one and only son of God the Father." There's a brown pasture with dead grass that has sprouts of green grass coming up all in it and that is the people of God, to go after the dead souls the Lord is after. And He chose us as His pick to get the souls out there that need Him and there's no time to be wasted any more."
So lets get out there and get the work done this coming new year and bring in the souls for the Lord, so there are none perishing any more.
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that God Loves you and wants you to come to Him today. So Merry Christmas to everyone and  very Happy New Year!