bought with a price, and do not belong to ourself any more. there is no more
doing what you want or looking back at what might have been or what you
could have done. When you realize these things, and get to the point of
knowing you belong to the Lord, Things start to change in you mind.
It is not a small venure to take the narrow path, but when you go with the Lord, the path you live is smaller and better than the world has to offer. Let no man deceive you or lead you astray. Our body stays the same, but the spirit man changes, and the soul has to line up with your spirit by studying the word. God is not mocked, you will take on a new life, but it will come with a high cost of dying to yourself. You may think you can still do as you please and go where you want to go. But you can't always do that. You will find out quickly that the road less travelled, is the harder road, but will bring you joy and peace through circumstances that come up in life you thought you can handle on your own. The evil one roams around seeking whom he may devour. He never rests. He is always lurking around to see who he can take back the Lord had. Those who are not saved, he isn't as concerned, because they are an easier catch. II Tim. 2 Your grace is in the Lord. We are not to be intertwined
with the world system.The enemy is aggressive, so he does not sleep.
I Peter 1 Says we are a stranger to this world. Having all to stand, stand through it. Do not look at the things seen. You have to have people who pray with you
by the spirit. not just any one. Always be careful who you let in your life. Not
everyone is to be with you or in your life. He will assure you of that. Psalm 37:7 Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Do not fret, for He is with you. Jesus died to make you worthy. How much more could you ask for? Lamentations 3:25 The need of waiting is that the Lord is good to those who wait on Him. You have to shut out the voices of the world and to the soul that seeks Him. Isaiah 30:18 God waits for men to wait on Him. Blessed are all they that wait on Him. We must trust God for everything, not just what we want to trust Him for. The Lord said if He got us out of our situations, He would have to put us into another so we would have to love Him and wait again. He is going to do it His way and there's no need in trying to fix it all yourself. Proverbs 8:34 Blessed is the man who heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors, calling my people to come to me. We need to listen to what He is saying to us at this hour. He is loving us when we think something is wrong. He is watching us all the time and He is our God who will never leave us or forsake us. For he loves us more than we can know. The Lord would say," Have I not told you how much I love you? Have I not already shown my love for you, even through the valley. It has been hard, but I have not left and will never leave you. I am mending your hearts and fixing the stony places, and hard places and hurts that have occurred over time.Some have been rejected and feel as though they can't get ahead. And others feel as though God is upset with them, but know that He is a just God. I want you to have a clean heart pure for me. To love others you must have surgery of the heart to get your heart back where it needs to be in me. Some have been wounded so deep, but I am mending it back. Let me take care of it all for you. I have already done it all, so do not take it back yourself. I have paid a high price for you to let me come into you and do that I am wanting to do in your lives. So give it back to me again and don't look back. I am handling it all for you, just let me do it. Don't pick it back up, for I have already taken care of it all whether it looks like it or not.I am changing things that have been stale for a long time. No need to worry about your life any more.It belongs to me now and I am changing all around you."This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him today!