The Lord wants His children to be happy no matter what is going on in their lives. He loves so much that we cannot fathom. The problem with believing this is the fact that all over
there's an enemy on every corner you turn and he wants to devour you slowly but surely. And you cannot let him have a place in your heart at any time. He is a slithering snake ready to take on any activity he can find a slot to get in to.
Beware people of God, the devil is a liar and always has been When he fell from grace after thinking he was smart enough and bright enough and gorgeous enough to be better than God, he lost it. He is on earth, however, and not in hell yet, like some think. He is alive, but as believers, we can smash his head under our feet. There's no losing if you get to know the one true God who adores you. Let Jesus in your life and have the capacity He wants(not just part of you), but all! he paid the price on Cavalry to be a blessing to you over 2000 yrs. ago on that Cross and blood shed for you and me He is risen for everyone on planet earth. Don't allow the enemy to trick you into thinking you are not good enough because of what you have done or what happened to you as a child, or now! He paid a higher cost that anyone would ever pay for your health and salvation and of those around you that you are assigned to. You may think you cannot help anyone, but that is another lie from the pit of hell. He made you and adores you and you are intricately made from the beginning of time. There was a place and time for you to be born and He planned it just for you and me. Don't take it for granted that you are here. You could be gone in a minute and there's no changing that. You cannot change the past and you must give it all over to Him as he knows exactly what to do with you and me! He wants your attention now more than ever.
John 10:10 Says, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever would believe on Him would not parish, but have everlasting life. if that doesn't explain it to you, then read it in His word, the Bible. He loves the world and all it's craziness, uncleanliness, filthy rags we were, and those who have not come to Him, the door is always open. It is never too late to come to Him and ask for forgiveness of your sins and let Him cleanse you.You will never be the same, except you have to get to know Him by reading His word and following the example He set here on hearth to help others like you before you came to know Him as your personal Saviour. He wants so bad to get to know you personally and for you to know Him. This is a New year and things must come together to get your life back on the track it was intended, from the beginning of time. The Lord would say, "This is the hour to come to me as the days are short and I am speaking to you now. Do not let this day pass you by. It is a new gentle breeze that is blowing your way to nourish you back to my presence.A fresh aroma from Heaven to go to you as never before so you will know what Heaven smells and feels like. The hour has come for my sweet precious children to come and tend to my flock and gather together as never before, so I can show up like I want to. Be with me and no where else and let me show you how I care for you no matter the circumstances in your life or the set backs. I will take care of it all if you will let me do this thing for you. For this is the New Year for the things you have waited on for so long and like a shovel in hand, it will be handed to you for your obedience. The enemy wants to deceive, but keep your eyes open to his thwarts and attacks and see what will happen in your favour just to give it to me. A brand new gentle breeze blowing for the throne room of Heaven. And I am making a way where there seems to be no way for you children. The doors are wider than before to come on in and see me and get prayers answered that have taken a long time before. So come into me and take my hand to let me show you the way to go."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good news that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him today!