The Assignment is spelled out in Jeremiah 1. God formed thee in the belly and knew you before you were ever formed. He already had your assignment picked out before you were formed. It is invisible and no two humans God made have the exact same assignment. You were created on earth to solve a problem while here on God chose you to solve a specific assignment. It is always to a person or a people.
1. Everything created contains an instruction, to solve a problem. Instructions are invisible but never the less cannot be doubted. It is defined what you are in your DNA and cannot produce what is not there. There is a desire to increase and produce and multiply. Something within you wants to solve a problem for somebody, somewhere and sometime.That is your assignment.
2.You assignment will force your greatest gifts and talents to emerge. It is your own responsibility to discover your gifts and talents. It is not others responsibility to discover yours, it is up to you. It will require your personal reaching, pursuing and moving toward it. Rom.14:12 Everyone will give an account of himself to God. The Word of God is the blueprint of your assignment, and must become your daily focus. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2Tim. 1:7
3. Never stay where you have not been assigned. You are not assigned everywhere. Go where you are celebrated and not tolerated. When people look at you in a stare and not seem happy, you should take heed and warning. It is not your responsibility to please everybody. You are not supposed to. There is a difference when you pour out your life at a specific place God has assigned you to be. It will be happy and an aroma that's not everywhere. There will be times when your own assignment to your labor is inaccurate. It will seem in vane at times. But through tenacity and determination, the winds of God will blow and His blessings will come.
4. Your assignment will always be a problem the Holy Spirit qualified you to solve.God formed it in you or you would not be capable of the burning desire He placed in you. He is a creator and knows what He is doing. Go after your dream and calling that He placed in you. Isaiah 43:1 I have called thee by thy name, Thou art Mine. You may feel incapable of completing your assignment. You may feel weak and incapable. You may feel unworthy. You may feel foolish and weak. You may feel despised and undesired by someone. You also may feel powerless and without influence. Ps.5:12. You also may feel carnal and ignorant, or that your past wasn't good enough, defenceless and that you have too many enemies.
You may feel overwhelmed and that it takes too long for God to assist you and help you become what you are supposed to be.
5. Your assignment is to be accepted and not altered. You cannot afford the tragedies of an ignored instruction. God will not alter what He has made you and to try and get away from the assignment He created you to be is going to make you have to return to where you are supposed to be. When you get the wrong people out of your life, the wrong things stop happening. What you fail to destroy will eventually destroy you. What you fail to master will eventually master you. What you fail to conquer will eventually conquer you. Do not alter your assignment or you will face tragedy in your life.
6.It will make you feel inadequate. It will require the anointing of the Holy Spirit. the anointing is the power of God. Your assignment is bigger than you are because it is. Only God can give it to you to solve and nobody else has yours.
It will require more finances than you presently possess. The assignment will require the weakest part of you to be revealed. Jeremiah felt inferior to his assignment because it is bigger than you are. It will require boldness, and death to your carnal nature daily. It will also require more people than you already know. And it will require the continuous mentorship of the Holy Spirit.
7. Your assignment may be to someone who at first does not appreciate you. It will not happen in the beginning always. You may not be received at first, but you will if you are called to them. Jesus was rejected but it did not prevent Him from reaching out. Moses was misunderstood. His own people did not appreciate the calling he had on his life in the beginning. Paul beleived people could change. He had been changed himself. Titus was there to change the ungrateful into grateful people. He was there to motivate.
8. You assignment will always be to someone with a problem. Don't run from it because you are qualified to solve a problem for somebody while on earth.
A mechanic solves car problems. A dentist solves teeth problems, a banker solves financial problems,a minister solves spiritual problems, a doctor solves health problems, Mothers solve emotional problems. So, find the one you are qualified to solve. You cannot solve everybody's problem. Nobody is Jesus Jr.
Yours will determine and heighten what you hear. Others around you won't see what you do. The problem you notice is a clue to your anointing and calling in life. But you are not called to everyone because you cannot solve their problems.
You will have great compassion for the person with the problem. Gen 41;15-36.
If it is the will of God for you to solve a problem for someone, you will have the ability to do so.So understand you are not assigned everywhere, to everybody and you cannot solve every kind of problem! When God is involved, your assignment will always be to someone with a problem you are qualified to solve.
9. Your assignment will always be to someone who is hurting. Jesus came to heal and restore.He commanded the deciples to heal and restore. And He expects us to heal and restore. So, find out what God has called you to do and get prepared to do it. Don't waste time when He can let you know. It can be through a dream, Him telling you as a child, or at School, or through your Parents. or a Teacher may let you know through the Holy Spirit. But know a weight will fall off your shoulders when you find out what you are ordained to do in this life.
10. The anointing for your assignment may create great conviction and discomfort for others.The anointing that attracts some will always alienate others.The anointing on you will always force others to make decisions. The anointing on you may intimidate those in leadership or power. It can create problems when others are intimidated by it. Acts 24:27.
The anointing is the reward from the Holy Spirit for commitment to Him. And the anointing is the knowledge of God that exposes ignorance and error around you. Hebrews 4:12.
So, take this teaching and study what the Lord wants to give you today so you will not be confused as to where or whom you have been assigned.The Lord said," I have been building a foundation with your lives. It looks like the enemy is after you but it is my hand moving things around.Many of you have been going through a lot and if you have not been with me through the rough spots(rocks), then the buildings would crumble. They have to stand on sold ground. And that's why you have had to do it with me to get you to a place where it's all solid and not built on sand. Everything today is instant and those who have had to live off the real thing for the right consistency, will see the solid foundation stand up under the pressure and the building will be on solid rocks."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him today!