The Lord loves us, but He gives to those who reach out to Him. You have to get out of the way so He can reach us. We get caught up in revelation that isn't simple any more. It is too much of this and that. Christ was simple. he made His word to give to everybody so it would let everybody see what He is doing in us and through us. Jesus is your life if you have asked Him in. That is it. You are not your own any more. He paid the price so we wouldn't have to. He did it all for us. Jesus is your life and it is that simple!
Come to His table to get what you need. He is so simple and everyone is complicating Him. The remnant is tapped into the underground place with Him. There is coming an awakening. Being in the flesh is inability to please God. He is only pleased by our faith in Him. Nothing else will do.
Jer. 31:12 They(believers) shall come and sing in the height of Zion streaming to
the goodness of the Lord. Soul shall be like well watered gardens and they shall sorrow no more(if your soul is like a saturated garden). Like being drunk in the spirit. Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your soul in
drought. And strengthen your bones. You shall be like a watered garden and a spring of water whose water never fails(those who diligently seek him).
You cannot prove the scripture with your mind. It is all spiritual and you have to
get into Him to understand what He is talking about. He will make and keep you sane! Isaiah 55:10 He uses natural to show spiritual. Water in our lives keeps us healthy and so we don't dry up and fills us with Him. It causes us to be fruit unto men. You can even smell God's fruit on a person who has been with the Lord.
You can taste and smell the fruit. Like an example is we take a chair to sit in but
we are not the chair. He holds us and keeps us up. He that endures to the end
will be saved. that means he who is doing the Lord's work and showing love for His people and fruit, shall be saved! Stay with Him. You cannot fly or fight if you are dry. Must take Him everyday.
He took us to the pit with Him and now we are up in the air with the almighty!
Don't have to be in the pit because He went there with us so we would not have to be there alone! you cannot handle this life by yourself. It is not by works but
by my spirit that you do these things. He has taken us up to the High places.
There's a provision and blessing to come to. We are totally dependent on Him
He is our very being. Our living water. We depend on Him for everything! He loves us so much that our living breathing parts are made up of His being if we are in Him! We should never forget His divine benefits he has laid out for us. This is our life, to live for Him everyday and always. We have no other choice.
Let Him love you like He intended to and take care of all your problems. The matters of this life are nothing in comparison to what's ahead. Live for the Lord and hear His voice, for He longs to reach out to you every day and always! "There is a new season ahead and a new awakening that your eyes have not seen and ears have not heard. Look ahead at the things I am doing and preparing for you. I love you with an everlasting love that is so deep, the oceans cannot fill it. You come on in and see how high my mountains are and that's the scope of the love for you to get into that I have in store for you this hour. Be still so you won't miss the hour and blessings that have been waiting for you. I am creating a New Structure and it has healing all around it for you."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him today!