Saturday, December 17, 2016

Merry Christmas - Lisa Patterson

Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy new Year! This New Year 2017 will be the best yet!
God is about to do things we have waited on for many yrs! A year to be happy and a year to
be thankful for what the Lord  Jesus is about to do. It is breakthrough year. A new year for the
things we have waited on.He said this year would be different and a new one to his children obeying Him at all costs.The Lord loves you even if you hurt or have many problems. We all
do and that is life and we are not to expect life to be easy when we get to know the Lord. As a matter
of fact, it will be opposite! All kinds of things will come against you. the enemy doesn't want you
to love the Lord but He loves you anyway. The enemy comes but to steal, kill, and destroy and
the Lord says I have come so you may have life and have it more abundantly. But you must stay
in His word. All the time so the enemy doesn't steal your joy! That is all he wants is to take away your joy. You may have faith as a grain of mustard seed and can do miracles, but without joy, the enemy is pleased because he thinks he has you. But he doesn't when you live for the Lord.It
is covered in the blood by our Lord Jesus who died for us on the Cross so we could live and not
spend eternity in Hell. It is real so do not let the enemy trick you into thinking it isn't. Then there would have been no reason for Jesus to die for us. But He did and hell is real. The way to go to
Heaven is to believe that the Lord Jesus died on that Cross for you and me so our sins could be washed away and we can spend eternity with Him. Anything that doesn't line up with the written
word of God is not true. There are many versions so do not be deceived. God is not mocked!
If you have anything that comes in the way of your walk with God, get it out and today.We
never know how much time we have here on earth. Only the Father knows and He knows
everything. He said, "I am Moving in a Mighty Way, and there will be a Suddenly and when that comes you will know it was by me. For man cannot do what I have planned and will do for my
people who love me at all costs. Please listen to me this day and take me at my word. I am a
Father of Truth. You may have not had a good earthly Father, but I came to change that in you.
So look at me and see what all I have in store for you this day."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News That Jesus Loves You and Wants You to Come to Him Today! Be aware that He loves you even if you do not feel it. We cannot go by feelings.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Setting Prisioners Free - Lisa Patterson

The Lord sets prisoners free. Ps. 146:7. God's care for the oppressed and liberation of the
imprisoned are declared in Ps. 146. The Psalmist describes the one who "upholds the
oppressed and gives food to the hungry." On this Labor Day we should be thankful
for all who gave their lives to help us be free . All of this is cause for celebration and praise.
But the greatest freedom of all is freedom from our guilt and shame. No wonder Jesus said,
"So if the Son sets you free you are free indeed."John 8:36. Through Christ's sacrifice,are
set free from the prison of sin to know His joy and love and the freedom that only forgiveness
can bring. So, we shouldn't look over in the other yard to see if the grass is greener. It will
always have something we want and cannot have because the Lord wants us to learn we cannot
have things our way all the time. When you serve Him, you don't have a life of your own any
more. You are with Him, even though you may seem to be alone a lot. but others do  not understand
you when you walk with the Lord. He will have the craziest things for us to do some times that
seem off the wall and nobody will understand. He will also take people home when you do not
expect it and keep people here who seem to be mean as a snake! You can not know the mind of the
Lord but you can walk with Him and talk with Him and He will show you the way to happiness
that seems to be crazy to the world. You are here to serve a purpose, solve a problem, serve others,
 and help those who He sends. This is a dark world but there is still time for a sunshine again!
God is not through with us or this World or Country yet. There is always hope. A lot of things
happen we have no control over and that's when you surrender all to Him! He knows it all and can
take it all where we would have never made it at all. We must rely on Him for everything.
He said,"I am finishing up that which I started a long time ago. It seems to never get done, but
I am doing it in a way that is so creative that no man could figure it out. Let me just take you down
the isle that I am wanting to go so you will see the sunlight again. It has seemed dark a long time in
many ways and you thought it would never get better. I am saying to you that it is getting done this
hour, says the Lord. He said do not look at things the way they appear. Nothing is at first the way
it appears. So do not be fooled by the enemy and his devices, as they will not work with. Him."
So, be encouraged as we travel the road he has planned for us to go. He will never leave us nor
forsake us and let Him guide you each day. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus
Loves You and wants You to come to Him today!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Walking With the Lord - Lisa Patterson

Today's passage is Psalms. 37:23-31. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He
delights in His way. That means to please the Lord you must walk in His steps that he has ordered that are for you and specialized
for you to walk in and no one else has your steps. Everyone is different and is not in the same boat
or responsible for each other. but to know what you are to do and where to walk with him , you
must get to know him by his word and let Him speak to you the way he does for you. God's hand will guide and direct you in your walk
 Him.God will only do for you what you obey.
It is with much prayer and spending time with Him to know where you fit in his plan for you. He paid a high price for you to walk with Him.
The Lord guides and guards all who walk with Him. You may not get it right every time, but that
will not deter the Lord from being there for you again and again. he does not give-up on His children.
They are his own and although uit may not seem to be the way we expect or like always, it doesn't mean that is not his plan. we have to walk down narrow roads that are rusty, rocky, may be dirty,
broken, and full of things we don't like to walk on. We do not always like what we have to do to please him. it is not a bed of roses. If that is what you were taught, you were not taught right.
His ways are not our ways and we must follow to go down the narrow path. But you are headed
in the right direction when you walk with Him.Then as you go along a while and go through many
things he takes you through, things change and he takes you through even more narrower places
you had not dreamed about. He will ask you to walk on a higher plane with Him. It can get scary
not knowing where you are going and just holding on to His hand. he will  not let go and let you
down no matter what. he loves you with His gentle love no one can fathom. Have faith today.
The Lord said," Walk up the ladder with me and hold my hand. I will guide your steps and you won't
fall. It will be an experience you have not had before. But it is a faith walk and I have the handle on the ladder so there's no need in being afraid.I want you to look down and see what is below and
what's really going on so you can see where I am taking you and showing you what is going on
below. You cannot see the ground level from below, so I would have you walk up the ladder with
me and trust me and see what's going on below so you can be safe with my hand in yours."

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Don't Lose Heart - Lisa Patterson

Today is the day to remember how we all can think too lightly about things. We should take
heart to everything we do. Life is fragile and you never know when it'll be your last day on earth.
We as people of the Lord, should always stay on guard. Be careful what you say and do. People
are fragile and do  not understand the Lord like believers do. Never take things here for granted.
We are here for a purpose, and that is fulfilling the call God has on our lives. In Galations we read Chapter 6:1-10 In due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.It is difficult to love our enemies, discipline our kids, or pray without ceasing. But we will reap if we faint not. Meaning do not lose heart. Don't let your heart be troubled with the affairs of this life. They are passing us by and will be gone before you know it. Life doesn't last long on this earth. We are here for but a short while. This is not our home. It is Heaven if you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your savior in your heart for this life. It is not your own, for you were paid for with a high price.No one would have paid a price for us like the Lord Jesus did and then even while on that Cross said, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do!We must forgive to stay in our bodies, or there will be possibilities to take on we have not thought about! Our body is perishing everyday, but our spirit lives on forever one place or another. Make sure you know where you are going.There is no turning back when you decide what you want to do with eternity! It is forever. It is stated many times in God's word that you must make the decision of where you want to go. Life is only once. There's not another you and never will be. So you have a specific assignment to do while here on earth.No one else has your spot. Everyone is to be in the place where they are assigned. You see so many running around everywhere and never finding their place. this earth has beautiful spots and places and they look like they will satisfy you for life. but not so. Nothing can satisfy the longing and desire inside for a God who made you and love you forever, no matter what you choose. It is not His desire for you to not be with Him for all eternity, but it is up to you! God loves you and wants you to be with Him. He created your being and there's nothing you can do to control how that was done or change it. it is His job and not ours. our job is to love Him back and have peace in our hearts. It is not worth the agony of not forgiving that one who hurt you. It will do a number on you sooner or later. Take heed this hour.
The Lord would say,"Jump in the River with me. It is pure and clean and sky blue, and I made it for you to get in with me. You will be cleansed in this river that is pure and clean. All the impurities of your body and soul will be cleansed when you get in here with me and let me take you for a swim. I would have you with me from now to eternity. For I died for you and want the best for you. So jump in and get cleaned up and get all the things out of you that I can do and only I can. We will have fun in the river so pure and blue like the sky and clean and you will come out brighter and more like me than ever before.Lets have fun today.He said I am well pleased with the gathering of souls to meet me. There's not many who will do this in all the people on earth. For I will take you up on a higher ground. Do not allow the enemy access to talk to you. This is not yours to worry about. I would not call you into something you can do on your own. It is me if you cannot do it alone. It will have to be me doing it. Listen as the Man of God speaks to you with words of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding today. For I am so well pleased with you my children today."This is Lisa Patterson with the Good New that Jesus Loves You and wants you Today!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Happy Memorial Holiday - Lisa Patterson

We need to be very grateful for all the men and women who have been so brave to fight for our
country and to keep it's values. It takes real men and women to keep our country one that God
wants us to have and live in and keep the enemy out. We owe a lot of gratitude to our Soldiers
and Marines, Army, Navy, and all others who fought for this country for it to be freedom for us
to live in. We could not have thee honor to know our Lord by being in another place. At another
time and another type people who do not care for our freedom. We need to be thankful to our
Lord who provided those willing enough to serve our country. God Bless America and it is our
Home to live in for our bravely fought freedom! We should not take it for granted at all. We have
no idea what others went through with all the injuries and mental anguish to have our freedom.
God chose this for us and we should pray to keep our country clean and pure like the Lord wants.
He made this land and if we put him first, you will be alright. Look at those who nearly lost their
mind to save our land so we could have a place to live! We need to put God first in everything we
do and never complain about the small things and be thankful for what He has already given us as
the courage to call unto Him this hour and let Him come in our hearts and change us. This is the
gift He has given us. The gift of life no matter what goes on, whether we like it or not. We can be
grateful for all we have and not complain for more, but be so grateful for all we have.
This is the hour to give thanks unto Him for all He has done and all He is about to do for us all who
love Him. He says we have no idea what is in store for those who love Him. This is in his written
word. No one should try to be better than anybody.Everyone is made different but all made in His
likeness and glory. So do not complain about what is this or that. Be thankful now.
The Lord would say, "I am taking you down a new journey with me. Hold my hand and see the fresh new flowers and breeze, and bright colors of the rainbow. The sky is so beautiful and the wind is
blowing in your heart to let you know how I adore you! Come on this new journey with me and
let me take you for a ride in a newer place in the spirit you have not seen before, nor heard of. It is a
new season in me and I am waiting for you to come go with me this hour. So take the chance now, while it is fresh and ready this hour!" It is all only about what you do for Him in this life, and nothing else matters. Because this life is about pleasing the Father and that is all. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him Today!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

A New Day - Lisa Patterson

Today is a beautiful day. We have too much to be thankful for. Instead of worrying about our Country, we should ask the lord what He wants us to do.
How should we go about pleasing Him. It is not about us. It is about Him and He alone who hath made us. Not we ourselves and we are too intense on the things
of the earth to wonder at His glory and what He wants us to do. We are to magnify Him and thank Him for all the things we have. Others do not have the wonderful blessings we Americans have. But we are taking it for granted all that we have and want more. it is by His own power that we have made it this far. He said when  you tell Him you love Him and He loves you back, all your troubles and junk will go away. but you must tell Him over and over again!
Nothing surprises Him as He already knows what is going to happen and not
gong to happen. He gave Adam dominion over the earth and he messed up when
he ate of the tree of the knowledge of goo d and evil. Everything that is not from
God came from that. Gen.2:5. God gave Adam all he could have dreamed of and he chose to eat of the tree of the forbidden fruit. Therefore, making all the problems we have today and from that time forward. we could have avoided all
these if he had not done that. Now, all mankind has to live by this. So, when
Jesus came and died for us on the cross at Calvalry, we were set free from the
sin of death and destruction. Many don't believe that and fall prey to the belief
of their own system. that is why we are so divided. we want to have our  own system and add to or take away from what was given to us by Jesus Christ. he gave us the Holy Spirit to take away the sting of death. It is our choice and no one can be blamed for our own mistakes. We need to take captive our thinking
processes to see what all the Lord has done for us and believe what He has done. He shares his holy Bible of conditions and instructions on how to love Him and be ok. If not, destruction takes place  and our hearts get clogged up with
all sorts of things we never knew we had. I hear the Lord say, "You tried to do it
your way and it worked for a while. Now let me handle it and see how it all comes out for you. Even more than  you would dream. I am the maker of it all
 and no man stands in my way. I give you a choice and you can choose and I
will be in charge ultimately and you will have to have faith that I know what I
am doing in this hour." So let the Holy Spirit speak to you today and hear His voice on what you are wanting to know about. "He said to come up higher with me and stop looking at the present situations in life. Come where you can see it with me and know I have it all under control. Don't look at the things on the outside, but the Holy Spirit sees on the inside and wants you to come up with Him and be right beside Him. A new Jouney is ahead in a brand new way. All the old paths are gone and the things behind are gone. So, do not look to the right or the left and see My Glory! I am the one who made you and there is none other.This is a new road which is smoother and better and you can see the beauty of it if you walk with me on this path I am taking you to. So come with me and do not let anything distract you in this new journey I have for you.So ride with me and let e take you whre the grass is beautiful and the flowers have the specail aroma from Heaven. it is all waiting for you this day."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you
to come to Him today!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Tell Someone About Jesus - Lisa Patterson

A woman of Samaria came to draw water. After five failed marriages her trust level was demolished, as well as her self worth. So she approaches Jesus cautiously. Brick by brick  he takes down the wall she is hiding behind. When He gets through she is transformed. Jesus said whoever lives by the truth comes into the light. Christ sees potential when others don't. The Pharisees complained saying ,This man receives sinners and eats with them. Luke 15:2. They were right. This woman was the first person Jesus introduced as the Messiah. Jesus
measures you by your potential, not by your past. Christ will change you and then  use you to change others. He does not need to be defended, just introduced. But many Samaritans believed because of the word of the woman who testified.Many more believed because of His own word.Then they said to the
woman, Now we believe not because of what you said, for we ourselves have
heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, Savior of the world. John
4:41-42. So, tell someone today about Jesus and that He is waiting to be seen and heard by you! He wants to have an intimate relationship with you this very hour.
Do not let this day pass without seeking Him. Time stands still for no one and this could be the last day you had a chance to talk to Him and get yourself straightened out. everyone needs Him, as no one is excused from needing the Savior. The world needs a Savior and today. So, let Him come into your life today and change you. We never know what is in us until He shows us and needs to be taken out and replaced by Him!
The Lord would say," I am clearing out a new straight path. It is new road to travel on where it has been rough and had many things to go through. Now it will be straighter and cleaner.  Listen to the birds chirping, the trees are singing. See the beauty. The sky is blue now and I have made it this way for you. So stay by my side and don't go left or right. There's a new way made just for my people. I am so proud of my children who have stayed by my side. A new bright sunlight and blue sky. Not cloudy any more. Everything is getting brighter than before and the sun is shinning so you can see past the dark clouds. The cracks in the foundations of your homes are being repaired now. Things you thought you could not get back are coming so you can see who your God is. Look up to the heavens and you can see down at what is going on and don't have to worry because of the things of this earth. You can look from up high in the Heaven's and rejoice to see that I am up here with you, my children, and nothing shall by any means harm you." So tell somebody about Jesus, so they can have this same experience. Heaven is for real, and there is no turning back once you have gone on to everlasting existence. He loves you with an ever lasting love that cannot be duplicated any where else. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him today!