Today is the day to remember how we all can think too lightly about things. We should take
heart to everything we do. Life is fragile and you never know when it'll be your last day on earth.
We as people of the Lord, should always stay on guard. Be careful what you say and do. People
are fragile and do not understand the Lord like believers do. Never take things here for granted.
We are here for a purpose, and that is fulfilling the call God has on our lives. In Galations we read Chapter 6:1-10 In due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.It is difficult to love our enemies, discipline our kids, or pray without ceasing. But we will reap if we faint not. Meaning do not lose heart. Don't let your heart be troubled with the affairs of this life. They are passing us by and will be gone before you know it. Life doesn't last long on this earth. We are here for but a short while. This is not our home. It is Heaven if you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your savior in your heart for this life. It is not your own, for you were paid for with a high price.No one would have paid a price for us like the Lord Jesus did and then even while on that Cross said, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do!We must forgive to stay in our bodies, or there will be possibilities to take on we have not thought about! Our body is perishing everyday, but our spirit lives on forever one place or another. Make sure you know where you are going.There is no turning back when you decide what you want to do with eternity! It is forever. It is stated many times in God's word that you must make the decision of where you want to go. Life is only once. There's not another you and never will be. So you have a specific assignment to do while here on earth.No one else has your spot. Everyone is to be in the place where they are assigned. You see so many running around everywhere and never finding their place. this earth has beautiful spots and places and they look like they will satisfy you for life. but not so. Nothing can satisfy the longing and desire inside for a God who made you and love you forever, no matter what you choose. It is not His desire for you to not be with Him for all eternity, but it is up to you! God loves you and wants you to be with Him. He created your being and there's nothing you can do to control how that was done or change it. it is His job and not ours. our job is to love Him back and have peace in our hearts. It is not worth the agony of not forgiving that one who hurt you. It will do a number on you sooner or later. Take heed this hour.
The Lord would say,"Jump in the River with me. It is pure and clean and sky blue, and I made it for you to get in with me. You will be cleansed in this river that is pure and clean. All the impurities of your body and soul will be cleansed when you get in here with me and let me take you for a swim. I would have you with me from now to eternity. For I died for you and want the best for you. So jump in and get cleaned up and get all the things out of you that I can do and only I can. We will have fun in the river so pure and blue like the sky and clean and you will come out brighter and more like me than ever before.Lets have fun today.He said I am well pleased with the gathering of souls to meet me. There's not many who will do this in all the people on earth. For I will take you up on a higher ground. Do not allow the enemy access to talk to you. This is not yours to worry about. I would not call you into something you can do on your own. It is me if you cannot do it alone. It will have to be me doing it. Listen as the Man of God speaks to you with words of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding today. For I am so well pleased with you my children today."This is Lisa Patterson with the Good New that Jesus Loves You and wants you Today!