Wednesday, June 24, 2020

We do not have to fear! - Lisa Patterson

Isaiah 40: 10-20. We do not have to fear! II Tim. 1:7. God has not given us the spirit of fear but
sound (mind), logos-written word. He gives the Rhema -spoken word. He enlightens us with His
spoken word He gave from the Holy Spirit. We have it in our recreated spirit that was renewed
when we got saved. It needs re-channeling to the correct spirit- our new spirit from Holy
 Spirit which dwells within us when we took Jesus in as our savior and Lord!! Some
have to go to get new things. We must throw away old stuff for the new. He came to renew  spirit which He puts in us when we get saved. Once you absorb that He is in you to stay , the fear will be lessened and gone. Jesus lives in you to take away all the enemy let you think so.
. There's no need to be in fear any longer. Ps. 1:1 We gotta let go and let God!
He will take it all for you and the heaviness on your shoulder will go. Must think higher!. He made
us to be higher! Ps. 27 The Lord is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? If you have no
light you don't have got Christ! Must press in and take Him in faith! He will take away all fear!
Delight thyself in the Lord, trust Him! You have to go through the process. Jesus was in the boat during the storm asleep while the others were working and worrying. He was not worried at all.No
fear at all! What kind of boat are you in today? Delayed obedience is denied blessing. Must get
radical and speak life into yourself! The riches of the unjust are laid up for the righteous. Everything
the Lord has for you is there but you gotta want it and He makes a way for you every time! There
is not a now or later Jesus. He is there all the time waiting for you to take Him wholey and honestly.
Matt. 16: 24-28 Truley a believer is in self denial. Can be a Christian and not deny yourself! That is
too easy to do and falls back on you. Enemy does that!! Road of self denial is putting someone else
first. John 5:35 burning and shining light!  The enemy deceives so easy if you don't know what to look for. He is cunning and crafty and slicker than a 2 edge sword. Bu the Lord lets you know in
your spirit if it's right and can be a hairline fracture but you will feel it and it may not show! Always
stay with Jesus as He leads his children always on the right path. John was the expression of light.
The oil of today is the Holy Spirit. You cannot bring the light  of God into a situation and  expect it not to change! When there's a joy you will have a knowing and you will be happy! Jesus said you
cannot follow me and mammon! He is not double-minded, swayed in his ways and not knowing
which way to turn for the light is in Him and not anything else! Let Him love you today!
He said, "I have come to take away all that the enemy has taken and confused you with. I will
make it clean again and whole! When you love me and let me know you love me, all the junk will
go away! I will take care of it all. Don't look to how it's done, just know I will take care of it. I
have my tools to undo what the enemy did and all he did. He cannot stay when I am there. No
need to fear. This hour is coming faster than before and the time is now to come to me as never before. I love always and won't take it back, even when you slip up. Just don't leave me. I spent
much to get you and it's forever what you choose. I will be there as your Lord always. Don't take
the wider road, it is rocky and uneven and takes another path you do not know. I want you with
me on the narrow path. It's clean and smooth and easy with me although there are trials on the
journey. I will always walk with you! Be by my side always. It's never dull and always clear!
There's a place with gaps that has to be closed up. The Lord is patching up the space to make it
right again. Much debris is in the gap that He is repairing and cleaning up for it to be new again."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and Wants you Today!!