Monday, May 31, 2021

Happy Memorial Day! Lisa Patterson

 Hoping everyone had a nice Memorial Day. The lives that were lost to give us freedom cannot be replaced. We give God the glory for all He has done for the freedoms we have due to the sacrifices of the soldiers who protected us and gave their lives for us. We should be forever grateful. It cannot be replaced and should not be taken for granted. The Lord is with them all who did the greatest to give us what we could not replace!!  Matt. 5:13.We who are in Christ are the salt of the earth to take this gospel to the ends of the earth. The sacrifices have been met to get you out there and get the lost saved. To be his servant is the highest calling you can have. It's not to be the best preacher, teacher,prophet, but the best servant and one who takes this gospel out to the world to those who are poor meaning they have not heard the news that Jesus saves from all sins and is the only one who can do that for you to be able to abide in his presence and be with Him in all eternity! Today was set aside for all those who paid the price for us to live and kept those who might have died in sin saved for eternity. We will never know what all was done on this day so many yrs ago so we could have life where it may have passed us by! Don't take this life here for granted. It's just a one time deal. Jesus came so you can be set free! He wants you free from sins of the father of this world who deceives everyday!!! Unless you are in Christ you will be see the enemies sly and deceiving lies he puts before you to make you think it's ok to sin. Take heed that so as not to be deceived by his tactics and his deceptions he so fouls people with of all kinds. More go to hell than Heaven even with this gospel of Jesus Christ preached around the globe everyday, than go to Heaven. That has to changed!! We must not take for granted all He did for our salvation! Let the Lord love you today. He does or there wouldn't be thousands who lost their lives on this day yrs ago for yours and my freedom! Things seem pretty and right that are not. And the plainest are the ones hidden He is showing you to get on board and get right with Him. We are only here for a short while and should not take one day for granted. But with Jesus you won't.John 3:16, For God so loved the whole world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever comes to Him might be saved. No one is turned back only if they changed and went the way of the enemy and never changed their mind. It's up to you to decide who you will serve, Jesus or the enemy. He is cunning and will look smart and will deceive you to no end and you will be confused. That's the word to show it's not God. He will never confuse and is always there ready for you and you will have a change of heart and peace will reign. The enemy will not have peace. Always trying this and that and everything he can think of to satisfy but it doesn't quench your thirst. Hell is torment forever and no turning back. You will thirst forever and have pain etc. It never ends. The fire never goes out. It's real and there's a Heaven that is also. Let the Lord come in and speak to you tonight on this Memorial Day to heal all the brokenness in your heart from past hurts and pains you cannot get out nor the Dr.Only Dr. Jesus can put all the pieces to your puzzle together! Tonight is the night before it's all gone. If you don't take him with you for eternity, hell is waiting. There's no time to wait. He wants to spend it with you here before you go home and get to know Him and His love for you! He would say," I am waiting over here for your voice to take you into my arms for all your hurts, anguish, pains, stresses, heart aches, and all that doesn't belong in you cause you cannot handle them in your body. That is what I am here for and died for. Don't take me for granted as I have waited centuries for the miraculous night where you come into me. There's a smooth road I have made for you to walk on where the sky is blue and clouds are shinny waiting for you to sit on my lap! There's nothing I won't do for you if you ask in my name to handle all the issues and blessings will come. I died for it all and do not want any to go by the way side!" The other road looks nice and clean but as you go down it after a while it gets really dirty,gray, cloudy, black, snakes, all kinds of  creepiness. Animals have been made to look dreadful and will show their teeth and want to eat anything alive. It's not a pretty road but starts off ok so you cannot tell. Don't take that road. Be with me forever as you will never regret it." This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus wants you Today.!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Give It All To Him - Lisa Patterson

Eph. 3:1 White raiment is what we are to wear for Christ. Jesus is changing us into another person. It's killing you to come into Him! You can't have your past back. You are turning into a new person He has created you to be. Col. 1:27 God willed to make known what are the riches of His glory of the mystery among the gentiles which is Christ in you the hope of His glory. We must remember these things. Cannot get away from it. When we go through tribulations it's for someone else. The gospel doesn't change. No one should tell you that! Look at Jesus and Paul's gospel. He is you and you are in Him. Do not get carnal.He that loves my son loves me! He uses the least qualified and He wanted you anyway. When you are in Him it's about Him! He uses the weak points about us. He said He is "spring cleaning" our yards and homes and getting out the weeds and weeds we haven't seen." We are the keepers of His garden. He is preparing His bride. All things work good for those who love Him and trust Him. John 14:16 And ask the Father and He will give you the comforter to strengthen and stand by that will remain in you forever(counselor). A scratch on the inside indicates there is something not quite right or true. Be very aware of your spirit for that is what we are. We are not a body for we were made a spirit, living in a body and have a soul. Must be aware what and who is talking to you.He is a gentle man and must be quite to hear his instructions. He is your strengthener!! He quickens your mortal bodies.The Lord would say." Be still and know that I am the Lord God who made you. I am your everything and there is no other. I wouldn't make it too easy for you to know me without a price as I paid the high price to get you to me. Come unto me as I have waited so long for you to want me and love me as I have loved you first in your dirty clothes and trespasses. Believe me as I come in as a still small voice that is peaceful, loving, kind and gentle.It does not matter who thinks what. It isn't about you but Him!" I Cor.13:2, Without love there is nothing. Eph.4:2, Be patient and kind. Let the love of God shine in your hearts. It is all about Him and what He did for us. He loves with an everlasting love you will never understand. He is the Lord of all. There is no other and will never be. Without Him you will never go to Heaven for eternity. you may say, but there is no other way to get there except through Him. He died for you so you could be with Him forever. No other way! When you are gone it's forever and no turning back. He died on that cross just for you and me. Let's never forget it! Always be good to those who do not know Him. That is what you are left here for. Not for yourself but for others. Living so others will.Let us put on the garment of praise for the Lord is good and there is no other!! Ask and you shall find. Knock and the door will open. He will never turn you down. you cannot be too bad for Jesus. But never put down the Holy Spirit. It will not be forgiven. All others will but not against Him!! He wants you now. Come now while there is time. Don't wait till later as this world is changing all the time. Everyday is a new day and we will never get it back. If you have Jesus, it will show in others and they will see the peace, love, joy you have for others. If you have things that are not resolved, get them done. Give it to the Lord as He will straighten it out for you. Don't go to bed angry. Forgive the people who hurt you in the past. Those who are gone cannot take on the future of your hurts. Let it go! Give all to Him as He is the only one who can take it and it does not affect Him and He takes every body's hangups. There will be a price to pay for not giving in and letting Him do the work. He will always do what He said but in His timing. We cannot live like before and expect it to go right. Take His hand today and be saved and delivered from all the things holding you from becoming what he has for you!The Lord would say, "I am clearing out the debris from old mold and mildew in your closets. You have not wanted to get rid of the things of the past. I will take it and clean it all up. I have seen the tears it has caused and am going to take care of it for you. Be with me as I long for your presence. I have made you in the image of the Father to please myself. Don't let others come to you  and feel less than what I have done for you. Be with me and learn from me. Read my word and go to Church to know me!" This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus wants you to Come to Him Today!!