Thursday, October 7, 2021

Being On Target With Jesus! - Lisa Patterson

 Being with Jesus is the most interesting and spiritual insight you will be in. Jesus will give you peace that   passes all understanding! Be on God's side to get all He wants you to have in this life. There's not another life to live outside this life until the after life which we all will have. No one escapes! be ready to be with Jesus until all eternity!  Jesus is waiting for you to want Him. He gave his life for you 2,000 yrs. ago and that cannot be reversed. He died for all to come to Him. There's no turning back when you come to Him. We all make mistakes and he forgives but you must ask for it to be valid. Be still and know that I am the Lord who loves you like no other. He can take away your hurts, pains, tears, everything you need! Come unto Him and lay down all your anxieties, worries, etc. You will feel a change in you and a peace that you have never known before. It's real and will always be.Jesus will do you good. He loves with an everlasting love you have not known. It's a forever love you do not get here. John 3:16, God loved the whole world that he sent his only son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.John 9:5 I am the light of the world. John 10:10 the thief comes only but to steal kill and destroy and I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.John 14:1-3, Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. My Father's house has many rooms...if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. Jesus is the divine Son who reveals the Father. People are either "of the world," or "of the Father."The Holy Spirit is the Counselor/Advocate who will mediate "Jesus" presence. His Grace is free and undeserved favor for his sinful people. He loves everyone. No one can match His undeserved favor for you. Meet up with Him and see what he has to offer you today. Let Him know He is yours forever to save you from sin and hell. All you have to do is ask Jesus in your heart today and all the weight of the world will fall off your shoulders and He will carry it all for you. No one else can or will do that for you! This world is getting darker and Jesus said it would. We are getting into the end times and the enemy is going after anything he can to get whoever he can. Don't let him snare you before you know it, but he will. He only wants to kill, steal, and destroy. Halloween is nothing to play with. There is nothing that is funny about hell and his minions. Do not play with him. He only wants to snare you and tangle you up. There's no good in him and the holiday is not what it is all shown to be. There's no good in Halloween. It was created by the enemy and his devils to magnify the devil himself. He will corner you before you know it. Hell is real and when there you cannot escape and there's no light. Do not dress your kids like the devil and his cohorts! It is real but Jesus came to keep us from going there so we would be with him forever and ever. Eternity is a long time and you can't change your mind once you are gone. The Bible speaks expressly about it. You will have new fruits and peace forever with the Lord Jesus. He would say," Please let me take you to Heaven with me when it is time. I died and was crucified for you and your loved ones. There's no need in following the enemy as he will lie and deceive you forever and it is the darkest you will ever know. No turning back at all. Be with me always and stay with me. I will make you clean and keep you from going backwards to the old ways and confused. I love with an everlasting love for you. I bled and died for you the most horrible death no one can match but rose the 3rd day. No one can do it. There's a fire to clean you and make you whole and new. I am going around to clear out all the debris the enemy and world has kept you in. Don't let him deceive you. Take my yoke and let me do what I wish for you. I have spent an eternity getting to know you and having you come to me as there's no other way. I would not have it any other way. I love you my children through it all . Am so involved in your life, thick and thin! My angels are watching and taking charge over your life. Even if it looks bad it's not. There's a wind blowing in your favor to throw out the enemy. I have taken care of it all. Look to me and see my face. I love you with an everlasting love. I will not allow the enemy to get into the gate." There are too many who need to get saved as the world is getting darker and  it's not for you to take care of it without Him. Too much is at stake, the enemy runs around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He will trick you. Be on your toes and get him out of your life with the word of the Lord."This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and Wants You to Come to Him Today!"