This New Yr. of 2022 is a year for Breakthrough, and seeing loved ones saved you have prayed for yrs. New Beginnings are on the rise as never before and families are coming back as whole again.
Be kind one to another! We are only here for a little while. We are commanded to be kind to others. There is no one better than the other in God's eyes until they give their life away to the enemy! Do not let the enemy take you by the hand and trick you. He will at any time he can if you allow it. God is very explicit about coming to Him and not letting the devil deceive you. He is very sly and you won't always know it's him telling you to listen to him. Better know which is the Lord and which is not! The Lord is kind, soft, and wonderful. But the devil will put on a disguise and you will be tricked by him into thinking he is the Lord. you cannot take on more than you are supposed to just to get ahead. It will not work! The Lord does things in steps and not all at once. If you feel pushed to do something it is not God. he never rushes his children. He is peace, love, gratefulness, and all that is good. He loves and love guides the right way. The enemy pushes you and rushes you to do more and more. He will take you down and you will fall and crumble doing what you thought was right. Always test the spirit to see who is talking to you and if it's rushing you or guiding you. Be smart to the devil's attacks. The more you love the Lord, the more he will attack! All the Prophets were attacked tremendously in the scripture and a child of God will also be attacked. Stay on guard at all times. Be swift to say no to the enemy. He will keep on and on in different ways and you must know who you are fighting. Time is short and the enemy roars like a lion and is on the go now as more and more to get you and wind you around the neck like the python all around the body and you have fallen to his tricks. Know who we are fighting in this hour.Make everyday a day for the Lord as He has plenty to tell you and help you with you haven't thought of.John 3:16, For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would come to Him would be saved. You must surrender, not just make the statement with idle words. We all have our struggles and our families have them and are not straight all the time. Until you come to Him you will not think straight anyway. He does your thinking for you.He gave His only Son for us all not leaving us alone without a Savior!! He died on that Cross for everybody, the worst to the best of us to change our hearts and come to Him today. Be where He planted you to be so the best will come out and not the worst. If you are not at peace about yourself, check yourself and see where you are to be. Always be where you are planted and not tolerated. Get away from that place. You will not flourish where you are not planted. Be good to those who need you. Have the heart of the Father to help those who need you. Tomorrow is about being a good heart to everyone good or bad. The devil is so sly and will whisper to you to go somewhere or be something you are not and you will have to know discernment to realize his tactics. Life is tough and it's not easy. But you are still here to be good to someone and to help those who need it. It's not about you. It's about Him. He has you here to do His will in the earth. Take it and do what He asks of you and nothing else!! He is saying,"I will never leave nor forsake my people and will always be there for you. It's a new yr with new beginnings and things you have prayed for to come to past for a long time are on the way. Be still and know that I am the Lord and will never fail you. Be in your place as you cannot fill another's and will always have what I gave you but open it up let me show you what you have. It may not be what you thought and takes time to mature. Do not rush it as it will fall by the wayside.I am getting things straightened out and back on track as they have been off for a while!"This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants You to come to Him Today!!!