Saturday, March 19, 2022

Make a Decision Not An Emotion - Lisa Patterson

 We must learn in this life today that we have to make decisions and not an emotion that will last for the wrong reason. Jesus paid the price so we would be free from the past hurts, emotions, failures etc. It is by the grace of God that all our mistakes are behind us and no longer part of the future He has given us in this life. We are to walk in this life as an example to others and not to ourselves. He died on that Cross so we would live life more abundantly all the time. It doesn't mean we are not exempt from being rude, jealous,insecure,etc. from our past but an example of Christ to others who do not know Him and what He did for us 2,000 yrs ago to set us free from the enemies hand. He is only a barking dog who did not want the Father God for his own self and chose wrong. So many fall to that prey everyday and go to eternity with him and there's no way out!! Don't let him trick you into believing his lies. He cannot tell the truth because it is no in him. He chose this road and it is for eternity. How ling is eternity? A very long time and there's no return. We can't fathom that at all!! Don't go there. Too many think they can act like they want and still go to Heaven. Don't be deceived. God is not mocked. He will not be doubled at all. There is  only one God creator and no other. he created the devil but he chose his path like millions and millions of other have over creation. Too many to count. If we don't take the Lord Jesus and He comes, it's too late. Don't think it is a game and you can just decide whenever you want.Everyday is a new day to start over and begin again fresh! Our emotions can get in the way and trick us. We make decisions all the time to do what we feel is best but if you have the Lord first in life, He will make them for you. Don;t be deceived, God is not mocked. He will not take on a double. Life is unfair and always will be. Adam caused it to be and that's the way it is. Not Jesus. He gets the blame but He didn't do it. Give up and give your life to Him today so as to know you will spend eternity with Him forever in Heaven. People perish everyday for lack of knowledge of the Lord. John 14:17, the world doesn't know Him, but He is our guide and will be with you always. He is a gentle man and you must get quite to hear His instructions, your strengthener! He quickens your mortal body. In later times some will depart from the faith taking heed to doctrines of devils.The Lord will remain in you forever as your counselor.A scratch on the inside is a check to see what is not true if you belong to Him. But you won't have that if you don't belong to Him! All things work together for good to those who love the Lord. Daniel 11:32, Those who do wickedly shall corrupt with flattery, but people who know the Lord shall stand strong and carry out great exploits. Stand strong! II Tim. 4:3, No itching ears. People will turn their ears. They will use emotions instead of decisions and make wrong choices. Don't let the enemy trick you. He is a master of trickery!! Don't get carnal. The Lord uses the weak points about us. He uses the least qualified and He wanted you anyway. When you are in Him, it's about Him, not you! He will change you into another person who He wants to use and it's killing you to be what He wants. "He said, I am " Spring Cleaning" you out and your homes and getting out the things you don't need. Weeding and edging our yards, taking out all the weeds we haven't seen. We are keepers of His garden. He is preparing his Bride. Come walk with me this hour as the days are short and time will be no more. There won't always be another chance to get it right. So let go of the past and let me come inside and take the broken mess away as only I can do and make you whole again." This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him today!!