Happy Father's day to all the Fathers out there who have sweated and toiled over the years so we all can have a good life. Many of us don't have a Father or He has gone home to be with Jesus. Most people have one or know of one who loved and took care of you. Make them feel special this week end as you only have one who God gave you to live on this earth. Be happy to take time and thank the Good Lord for what you have as everyone doesn't have things we need to live. All over the planet there are those who do without everyday(whether food, clothes, shoes, homes etc).we all take for granted! The Lord knows what you need and He will help you all you have to do is ask and receive! We are all living in a different world than when we grew up! Everything has changed and people are not the same. You cannot ask just anyone to help you with your kids. But Jesus is the same and always will be no matter how long it takes to get to know him or to go home and be with him. He still loves us no mater our shortcomings. We are not perfect but He is and always will be the Father we need or the one we never had. We all need to get to know the Good Lord and know Him confidentially. He wants us for His own! We must walk with Him everyday! Never neglect His presence. He wants us to be by His side everyday and always! I Thess. 5:19, Quench not the Holy Spirit. Stay with Him in faith and love always! Do not go back on Him as He is always there to comfort and be with you always. Be still and know that I am the Lord who waits for you. There's no fast way to understand Him or a quick way to get to the Spirit! When you don't obey and do everything your way and He is trying to tell you to listen to Him, but you want to go your way, then you are quenching the Spirit. May as well be saying, I will do it all myself and don 't need the Lord. Then you have chosen to take away what He has offered you and said I can do it myself! It may seem to work for a while but it will not!! cannot fool or trick the Holy Spirit!! James 3:13, There's no higher calling than to be Christlike. We must not only pick up the Cross, we must also appear in the likeness of his resurrection, kneeling before Him, as it is the beginning of our lives. We must pray for our families with all diligence and offer ourselves to Him everyday. It is imperative that we stay with the Lord no matter whether we get what we want or not! it is not about you, it is about Him!!.Isaiah 1-17, Learn to do well. Plead for the widows, the fatherless and orphans. We will be judged by how we take care of the needy, and elderly, orphans. Do not take this life for granted, there's only one life here and then we decide where we are going for eternity!When the Lord Jesus died on that Cross for our sins He bled for everything we did and every sin we have ever committed. No one will ever accomplish that feat on this earth. If you get the knowledge of Him on that Cross and what all He did for everyone, you will never want your way again!!! If you do you will repent and go back to the Cross again!! He will take care of His own. He will cool down this planet that has gotten hotter. He will take care of the food shortages, jobs, all the elderly, newborns,all those who want to go another way. But when you pray, don't be like the heathens and pray in the streets so everyone can see you and know how powerful you are. But pray alone or with the Church to the Lord Jesus who loves you more than you can imagine. Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. Philip. 2:3. Without love I am nothing. All knowledge but no love.I Cor 13:2. He wants you to come to Him today. The time is short and there's no time for games. He is going to show the enemy he doesn't have this earth! The earth is the Lord's and the fullness above. The enemy wants you to think it's all his and he is winning his game. Not so! Lord would say, "Take my hand and let me show you love you have never known! I will show you who I am and what your job on this earth is! Don't be mislead by the enemy. He comes in with a nice voice and you will think it's me. But there's not another. I am the only one. No one can love you like I do. Don't believe the lies of the enemy. He will trick you and good. I have come to give you life and more abundantly!! I am going around the corner and around the corner again to get your attention. Take it now as time is short. Don't let this day go by with the enemy saying, there's plenty of time!" The time is now no matter how you feel. Has nothing to do with it.Now is the time to take Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He stands at the door and knocks asking you to come home." This is Lisa Patterson With the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants You Today."