Monday, June 17, 2024

Happy Father's Day - Lisa Patterson

 Here's hoping everyone had a nice Father's Day. We only get a Father for a little while and should respect him as long as he lives. There are those whose Father's are not here or didn't have a good one. Instead we need to thank the Lord for what we had whether we liked it or not. He is in charge of our lives when we give Him ourselves to Him. The Lord knows what to do whether or not we can handle things or not. It's nice to have a good Father, boy or girl, and let the Lord take care of the rest we cannot do. It is all in His hands, the whole world, and everything in it whether we are aware of it or not. We should be happy to have a Father to take care of us. The Good Lord chose who we would have for a Father. All of them are not called but we must pray for them all. John 115:7, If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you my ask what you will and it shall be done of my Father in Heaven. So we have a Father no matter. We must ask Him to come into our heart and be the Father He is meant to be for us. We will not live long enough to wait on people to do for us and be our Fathers all the time. We must take Jesus as our substitute to be our Heavenly Father we have always wanted. Jer.33:3, When you believe and pray I will hear you and will answer. Be ready to forgive and always repent so your heart stays clean with the Lord. He will wait on you and keep on but if you don't  eventually take the Lord Jesus, it will be too late. It's no game and you don't have plenty of time like the devil wants you to think. So let go of all that has been done to you so you may come clean. He wants you for His own.It is not a game and never will be. The Bible makes it clear what to do and how to and He does the leg work! I Sam 16:7. The Lord looks at the heart. People look at outward appearances. Not the Lord. He sees you in your heart and knows all and is the Dr. who can straighten things out that need to. He is the Dr. for everything we need. The Dr you go see cannot see all in the heart so he can't fix it! Go to Jesus, the King. He will do it all. He sees it all and is ready to help heal your broken heart and all that you need. Fathers are there to help but cannot do what Jesus can.Fathers do what they can but cannot do what Jesus can.Prov.28:13, those who cover up their sins shall not prosper but whosoever confess and forsake them shall prosper. He gave them to us as a helper, mender, fixer for things we need help with and everything else He can do. The Lord God made male and female He made them. To be different and not alike with different qualities. Go to the Lord with your needs that only He can do. You cannot be what He didn't make you.But what He did make you. It's simple and not complicated. Jesus didn't make us to be the worlds reward, but for Him to do what He has called us to do. Our lives are not long on this earth and  we must find out what He made us to be. Nothing else will do.He is saying," Take today as it comes and not to get ahead of yourself. it won't work to get ahead of God's plan for your life but what you are called to do. If people like and except you and you do not have to make them, then that's a good sign. If not and you do not have a good feeling about a place, then you are not to be there. Be where you are enjoyed, not tolerated You cannot put a square peg in a round hole. Be where you are meant to be and no where else!" I Peter 5:7. He loves you more than you know.The Good Lord knows all about you and wants you to come to Him instead of asuming you can do it. He will always be there but He is a gentleman and will not force His way on you. Rom.10:9 If you confess Jesus as Lord of your life and He rose from the dead to save you from your sins, then you will be saved. Be what you are meant to be. Can't be anyone else and no one can be you. God made you for a specific purpose so why try to be another? There's only one life. Love it for what God gave it to you for. It's all His anyway!! This is Lisa Patterson With the Good News That Jesus Loves You and Wants You to Come to Him Today!