Friday, September 20, 2024

Be Still And Wait On The Lord! - Lisa Patterson

 Be still and wait on the Lord as we do not know how to do that these days. He is still the same as He never changes. His heart is after all His children to come Home where He wants you. He longs for you to be with Him as this hour is getting darker and we have many things going on that our country is  not expecting as never before. We must be still to hear His voice in this hour. He is still with us and loves us and needs our attention to know where we stand with Him and how we stand. The choice is yours and too many make the wrong choice. To be still means to get all distractions out of the way to hear His voice. He is the author of our lives and loves without any hold backs. His love stands no matter whether you agree with Him or not. Our lives are at stake this hr as time is short and there needs to be decisions to make a choice to come to Him this hr!! There's no time to waste any more. John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only forgotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have every lasting life. His love never fades even if you do not believe but you will pay the everlasting cost of not having His peace, joy, love, steadfastness, and all beyond your dreams! Today will be no more and tomorrow will come and go but the announcement will not be forever to come to Him as you may be gone.Be still and read your Bible and listen to His heart. It weeps for you. He died and bled on that Cross for you and I a very horrible death you cannot fathom. It was only done once and never again. You could die tomorrow and never get a chance to be with Him. We are not guaranteed tomorrow!! Now is the time. There won't always be another time to get right with Jesus, lover of your soul!Do what's right and you will have no worries.Acts 28:29, We must obey God. Have respect for Him and when around authorities or when done wrong. He still loves at all times. Better to go home with Him and be saved than not here and go to hell for eternity. Mark 12:30 Love your God with all your heart, soul, mind and body and all your strength! This is required by the Father. He will come to you and make your heart glad and joyful. Be with Him as He has waited on you all your life. All you have you have to do is ask Him in and He will come in today!Pure and true genuine religion is caring for orphans and widows in distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. Luke 10:19,He has given us who believe power to trample over scorpions and nothing shall by any means harm you,.But you must stay by His side and not sway away.Isaiah 43:13, From eternity to eternity I am God and no one can snatch anyone out of my hand, no one can do what I do, says the Lord. He says, " Learn to know me and love me as I do you and you will be happy again as you do not understand my ways or how I have waited for you to come home. It is a long eternity without me and people miss it everyday.Don't be one of them. I will go around the corner and around again to reach you but you think I am not watching what you do behind the scenes to others. I see it all and no one gets by without my watching. So do good as I have taught so you will make it to Heaven as tomorrow is not promised! I will turn things around the other way to get you to me whatever it takes so you will see this side of Heaven and not the enemies side!" Isaiah 45:5-6, Don't be afraid for I am with you and will gather your children from east to west. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants you to come Today!