Sunday, February 16, 2025

Happy Hearts Month!! - Lisa Patterson

 Make the most of the time that is left here on earth. Have a happy heart for others who do not have a family or things that others do. We must be good to others as the Bible states. We do not know our future or what it holds. The enemy would like for you to believe him and his lies. All the time he wants to take away your smile and everything you own!!. He is in this for your soul. When you treat others without honor the Lord will bring it back on you, maybe not right away, but He will. We must repent for our self. Everyone on the planet has issues and it does not matter who it is you are responsible for your own actions. The Lord will hold you responsible for yourself, not others unless they are your underage kids. He is gracious all the time but will not tolerate mean a mean heart. We must have the gifts of the spirit to keep going in this world! Jesus is the reason for it all!! Without him we are nothing. He is our life, heart, our all in all and will sustain you in trouble or in the desert! Many of us are in the desert and seems we never can get out but He always has a time and place for the door to open. You must be obedient anyway even if it looks like nothing is happening! Always He is working on your behalf whether we can feel it, see, it or believe it! Rom.8:1,There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ (walk after the spirit of God.) Those led by the spirit of God are the Sons of God. Those who live by the flesh cannot please Him!! II Cor. 6:1, He is calling us to come out from among them. Have nothing to do with the world. The enemy is waiting for us to mess up. He was created to destroy you and the more you follow him the more you will and the more ways he will create for you to. He has no fear of you till you choose to stay with the Lord!! The Lord is so interested in our knowledge of Him and not the evil so you can have a better life. He wants you to be by his side always and if we falter he will pick you back up and clean up the mess. Always repent and come back to Jesus. He will take you back no matter what you have done or what you haven't done for Him. He is soft, forgiving, patient, loving, and has so much for you to know about Him. He just wants you to take Him and let his word sink into your heart no matter. There will always be trouble in this world as long as we are here. But this is not our eternal home. Heaven is and Jesus is making your place to be there forever if you chose Him. The enemy is preparing your place with him if you haven't made up your mind where you want to spend eternity! When you take Jesus in your heart you will find the peace you have been looking for all your life! There's no other way to go. Enemy will paint you a pretty pic. but he is there to deceive and it will be a mess you never knew and cannot escape if you chose his way. Be still and know the Lord and His peace!! Your heart will be happy again. Life is too short to play around with your eternity!! There's no turning back once you are gone from this earth! He says," I will always love you but if you take the wrong road and cannot come back, it will be forgotten and you will not be in my mind any more. Be still and know that I the Lord am your source of life and only me. Time is short and there are many out there who proclaim to be on my side but you must be able to see the difference and can when you are with me. I love my children and want fellowship with them and they must go the right way when choosing me. All malice, jealousy, contention, etc is not on my radar and you must consume me to be with me. I will give the fruits of the spirit when you come to me but you cannot straddle the line. It will not work. So come while there's time and the enemy will lose but he will try again. So get in a good word Church so you can see me through the eyes of God." The Lord said He is ready to heal the innocent from the destruction of the enemy. Let Him love you again even if you have thought you would not need it. The enemy is sly and slick and ready to find whatever he can to derail you on your plan with the Lord and he wants it all to stop. Don't give in to his tricks!! This is Lisa Patterson With the Good News That Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him Today!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Happy New Year 2025!! -- Lisa Patterson

 Here's hoping 2025 will bring you a fresh new perspective on life and  much joy and happiness! The Lord has been saying this yr will be a year of answering prayers that have been sitting a long time. And new strength for your bones, a new image of yourself that the enemy cannot match and has been trying for a long time to keep you held down where you thought He wasn't hearing your prayers! But He said He is and its' more than you think He has in store for the ones who love Him with their whole heart!! Be still and know that I am the Lord, He says. It takes waiting and being still and listening to the still small voice inside that you don't hear when you are busy. It's heard to hear when you are listening to yourself and others and taking on their thoughts. We do it a lot hoping it[s Him and it's us. He is a gentleman and is easy on us and is "long suffering." There is only one God and Jesus but many false rise in these days and the days of before but only Jesus has the patience, love, long suffering, tenderness, and all the gifts we can't have in one package for us!!! He is slow to anger, much patience, tender hearted, easy with us and plenty of patience we do not know how to do!! There is no other and will never be. This is a brand new year with surprises inside and many fruits ready to open He has for us. If you do not know Him all you have to do is be sincere and ask Him into your heart and ask forgiveness for all the past mistakes and sins because He is in the forgiveness business. You will find peace you have never known for whatever you need and will know you cannot do all that you have to without Him in your heart. In Heb.3:5-6, The heart is deceitful and defiles a man, unbelieving and blind and idolatry with wrong things in the heart! Matt.18:2-4, You must be converted like children or you can't enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Ps.25, Do not harden your hearts. Be like children to enter the gates of Heaven. There is no other way!! Jesus is the only answer for us and always will be. He gave His life so we could spend eternity with Him forever! Heaven is our eternal Home. This body we have is temporary and will be transformed when we get to Heaven. There is a Hell full of brimstone and fire and when you go there you cannot come back to the other side. There's only one way to Heaven and that's Jesus!! He died and bled on that Cross for us so we could spend eternity with Him and  Father God!! He made us and gave us a will when we were born so we can decide where we wanted to spend eternity. You have a different set of eyes when you accept Jesus as your Savior and peace floods your heart!! It will never be easy on this earth but He will always be there for you! This yr is full of adventure and New Yr for those who want a New Life. Rom. 15:4, Patience is faith or learning patience is faith over a prolong time. The Lord is saying, " Take my hand, I am not hard and my heart wants you no matter what you have been through. Do not rely on yourself because it will always fail you in the flesh! I am here to help you get through the yr as many things will happen you have not thought. The enemy has made his plans to erase my plan for you to come now. Time is short and there's no turning back. Tomorrow is not promised! Take my hand now and let me clean you out of the inner being that is you!" Matt. 12:43-45, Jesus said to His deciples, if any of you want to be my deciple, you must give up your own way, take up the Cross and follow me! Lord said, this new yr will come with much contention and much mess the enemy will throw but do not be disturbed as I have taken care of it all but you must leave it on the table for me to handle. Pray over all things and believe all things and all is well with you if you believe all that I have for you today.The only way you won't go to heaven is not  just hearing and not receiving but only because you rejected Jesus! You must accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and ask Him in your heart to be saved. Then a peace you have never known will come to you and things will start to leave that you thought you needed and you won't give in to the worldly ways that so easily distract you. Things will come in a different light and clearer but it takes time. The Lord said He is fixing things deep in the woodwork of the fabric of your lives that you had hoped for better and prayed for better a long time. He is taking care of the small things that seem to be overlooked. Don't rely on yourselves as time is short and He is our survival and only Him. Be still and know that He is God!! The peace you will  have only comes through Jesus! This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants you to come to Him Today!