Our title today is "Letting God be God." We don't seem to realize that He made us in His image, not ours. And we were made for His glory and nor our own, We do not understand the facet of God's love for us. He created us with his own craftsmanship, and it was to satisfy Him. Our Father loves us with an everlasting love that we do not understand. So when things go wrong in our lives, we don't need to blame God! The devil is out there as a roaring lion seeking whom he may desire.
If we could get a glimpse of how much the Lord has done for us we would be able to understand His wonderful love for us. Until we study His word and what He is telling us, it will be hard to put things together in our minds. Psalm 16:11 says to show me the path of life in His presence-things we have not seen or heard yet. God only wants the ones the world thinks they can't do it. So that's you! Give up your life to follow His plan because it won't work another way.
For God is not a mental thing. We can't know Him with our mental understanding. We never will. He wants us to know Him by faith, and the only way is to spend time reading his word and spending time with Him. Psalm 138:8 says the Lord will perfect that which concerns me: Your mercy, O Lord endures forever: Do not forsake the works of your hands. I Peter 5:6 says He will lift you up-humble yourself, cast your cares upon the Lord for he careth for you.
He just wants us to trust Him in all that we do, no matter big or small. It's the smallest things sometimes that make the heart of the Lord proud because you trust Him for those things. How can you trust in the big things unless you first trust in the smaller ones. He stood in our place so we wouldn't have to. That is love that no man can fathom. Col. 1:9 God is not mental (realm). We cannot see what He looks like or what He's doing but we have to trust Him to know He's God and will take care of us.Our place is not to try to figure God out. But just to read about Him and believe what his word says. Faith has nothing to do with what you can see or hear. It isn't the five senses. Mark 11: 23 says walk by faith in your heart and what you believe will come to pass. Believe that you will receive the righteousness of God and you will have it. He is no respector of persons. He doesn't value you more than me and vice versa. Come to Him today and let God be God of your life which He truely wants to be. Give Him your cares and worries today.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. For be thankfulnand bless His wholy name. Amen. This is Lisa Patterson with the good News that Jesus loves you and wants you to come to Him today.
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