Friday, November 14, 2014

Too Busy To Know God - Lisa Patterson

Luke 10:38-42. Martha had a sister named Mary, who sat at Jesus feet and heard his word. Martha was so busy
 doing all the everyday tasks that she couldn't sit and listen to Jesus teachings. That is the way we are sometimes. We think we have to be busy for God. When it actuality, He needs us to sit at His feet and listen to His teachings, which are to rest in Him. We think we have to "work for Jesus." That He needs our
help with the everyday things and
chores that need to be done. All in all, He can very well tell us how and when to do what needs to be done in His own timing and way. He is very
capable of doing our work for us if we will let Him guide us. We miss it by
thinking we know how and when to do things He has already planned for our lives. We cannot live by faith if we are always trying to get ahead of Jesus.
Martha was so busy with all the work she thought needed to be done in order to get approval. You do not need to work to get His approval. His way is to rest in Him. He has done the work and all we have to do is believe it and do the part we can do and let Him do the part we cannot do. Martha thought she needed to do
the important things with Jesus being a guest in her home. So, she couldn't focus
on Jesus and what He came for. Mary wasn't helping, so she thought she needed to do it all. We make the same mistake and by not getting to know God better.
And, that is all He wants from us. Not whether the house is immaculate, or the
food perfect and the kids top manners. But to sit at Jesus' feet and get to know Him and what he is trying to get across and His teachings.
Luke 10:41-42 Says to slow down and invest to get to know Him(Martha). Let
His word reveal himself to you. He has all day to talk to you. Sit and relax and
soak in the moment and it may help you save time and effort in what you thought
you needed to do on the list of "things to do." Even though Martha felt "justified"
asking Jesus to childe her, it is a mistake many of us Christians make. We think
have to do it for Him because it is not getting done when it needs to!
Let me know the joy of walking in thy strength and not mine. Let me feel thy hand in thine. The Lord says,"Such a gentle breeze passing from the Father's
Heart to yours to let you know He is always there and loves so much. A fragrance from Heaven abides  with us all the time as we go through this life to know of His love for you and that He will always be there to rest in Him." We cannot fathom the Father's love for us as He is with us always. So, there's no way to understand nor compare His great love for us. Each is made in His own clay that He molded just for you." Let me breathe the fresh air from Heaven to your heart as you need me this hour.  And the days are darker and short. Time is in the end and you need me more than ever before. So take His words sincerely and do not think lightly of His coming and what He is saying at this hour, says the Lord."Be a sustainer for the Kingdom. That is to endure for what God has called you to do. Givers, Worshippers, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Restorers, Restoration, etc. Whatever He has called you to do. Be a sustainer in this life to keep up the Kingdom of the almighty God! He will meet your needs if you help keep up what you are called to do this hour. It is critical now, so listen to Him.
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants
you to come to Him Today!

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