Sunday, October 25, 2015

Loving Others - Lisa Patterson

Our lives are for somebody else and not our own. I will love someone else and be what God chose me to be,
not just myself. Your life ended at the Cross and the new life is for someone else.

It is an assignment you have here on earth until the Lord calls you home. It is you spending time with the Lord and
about loving someone else for Christ. You have to have His love and power to love them. Get yourself before the
Lord and show Him you are wanting
His attention and love and see what He will do for you and your loved ones. Get prostrate before the Lord and humble yourself before Him to see how much He loves us and to change yourself to Him. He that over cometh will make it and those who don't will have judgement. You can love Jesus or not and fall. It is Christ in you and Christ that you are living. He wants us content with Him.

You can be weak and He is strong. Spend time with Him for communion. Have a sound mind. The enemy is not going to do this to me. You cannot live apart from the one who created you. There are too many gadgets that take us away from our creator and what He made us to be and intended for us!

Zeph. 1-6 ,3 classes of people who have not pleased the Lord. Those who have not sought the Lord, nor inquired of Him. Those get problems, get sick early and even die early.VS. 6 Those who have turned their backs from following the Lord have not sought Him, nor inquired of Him.

Gal. 2:20 We no longer live. It is Christ who lives in me and bore your burdens.
We have to live by faith alone! he sends problems for us to get to Him.!
Paul told Timothy to give himself totally to the Lord. Just take Him! And don't
try to do it yourself. God is not complicated with us and doesn't make it "over
your head." He knows everything and is easy and simple. Rest and relax and be
in peace. Give Him all of it. Do not be afraid. He is here if you are in Him.
John 17:1-15,24,25.

No longer I but Christ in me. Gal. 2:20. rest in the Holy Spirit. Must be patient
He is a good Father.We need His hand. He never leaves nor forsakes us. No
man or woman can teach you these things. Only Holy Spirit. We are on an individual and spiritual journey with Him. You cannot tell the Holy spirit what
to do or to hurry up or slow Him down. We are here to reveal to us.
Prov. 8 says God loves those who love Him. Deeper things come from showing
the Lord you love Him(at the table). He will give you practical things all day.
But deeper is getting in Him. We do not have to live. It is Him who lives in us.
You don't have to fix it or work it out. We can do all things but all things are not
necessary. Do not have to do it all. We do not have to live, He lives in us.

So, come to Him today and let Him love you like He always has from the
beginning of time! You were not made by accident. You are here for a reason.
He will not tell you everything because it's not yours to know. Just what He wants you to know. Take Him and let Him love you today. The Lord would say, "Come to the table and eat with me. I have everything you need here. There are all kinds of foods and gifts and talents are in here for you to receive. So be blessed and take that which I have prepared for you to have this hour. Your place is prepared and available for you to come eat at my table. Your gifts and talents will emerge when you come sit with me this hour. For why are you worried my children? What do you have to be concerned with? I am blowing a sweet flavored breeze your way with an aroma of flowers that you can smell within you and others sense the aroma around you. There's no need to be afraid or worried that these things will not work out. My time is not of the earth and you must rest in me to see the full fillment of what I am doing for you. "

This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants you
to come to Him today. Tomorrow may be too late!

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