I Cor. 1:9-10 says the Remnant is joined in the same mind and judgement. It is not divisive.
The definition of the word "remnant" is the leftover of all the good pieces. The part left
to endure and be what it is called to be. The remainder of an end piece of cloth. The left over
trace of an old custom. A small fragment. So, the remnant is the very best piece of the cloth.
Not everyone fits. Paul got the word as no divisions(splits or gaps)among you. To be in one
accord! Always same likeness of the word.God wants us to be in one accord about His word.
No divisions! A remnant is that way. There's no hardships or heaviness of heart about it, the
spirit( unity). If not, then must watch and see what it is. Lord speaks volumes to us when in
unity. He cannot go against His word. Cannot go outside the Camp. Must be where He is.
Ch.2:1Lord gives a perfect word to His Remnant.(not rest on human understanding)but God'.
We keep going through trials after trials again for perfection. If you are not going through these
things, check yourself to see if God is talking to you. He will refine you over and over if you are
His. We have to have resurrection power in us to overcome this world. You cannot go back. It will
be too hard to come back where you belong. We are the Cross. We all have a Cross to bear and no
one is exempt to it if they are in Jesus. We are His authority in the earth. The Cross we bear has to
be the remnant we are to be. it is a leftover piece for perfection. Cannot take pieces of His word and
re-phase them to suit you. Can't do it the way you think!! It's as the Spirit wills.
The Lord would say,"I have the finer things in store for my children.They are laid out at all cost.
Look at what I am doing and not the world and other way-not back on other side.I have the finer
things for you that are laid out in the purest of gold and silver. On a platter are the pieces of the
refined gold and silver for you I have stored for you. It is so easy to be with me. I am waiting for
you with all the Love you can need. Take my cloak and walk with me and be by my side. You will
never be happier any other way. The finer things are laid out for you my children this hour!"
The remnant is not everywhere or in every place God is. It is a very peculiar place to be with the
Lord and there are not many but are all over the world. You can be one but the requirements are
what the Lord requires..Cannot go as the world and do as you want. Your life is hid in Christ if you
have taken Him as your Lord and Savior. Be a remnant today and walk with Jesus in this life and see what He will do for you. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants
you to come to Him Today!!!!!
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