Ps. 34:19 The afflictions of the righteous will be there but God sets up a standard. Ps 27:14 are
the declarations of faith. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and it will strengthen the heart
Mercy and kindness to the inferior one to show pity and be gracious. We are servants called out
of the system of land to do what He wants. The strong willed can go too far and get into witchcraft!
James 1:30 Be a doer of the word and not a hearers only, abiding in the word.Being of good
character is what shines the light to the unbeliever. Don't let others tell you different
you have in your own heart. Let God get the stony pieces out of your heart. God cannot work
with a person who has holes and stony places in their heart. Be of good cheer! Don't allow the
enemy to take hold of you inside or out! With your whole heart, II Chon. 20:15. Praise Him
in good and bad. It releases trust! It's for us in time of trouble! We will all have it and no one
can escape it. Jesus became sin so God could take it for us! Lamentations 3:25 The Lord is
good to those who wait on Him and seek Him. He wants all to come to Him. He loves us all!
Be where He wants you to be. Must be under the covering. Everything was for our Redemption!
It's the only way you are to be here the covering is. Must be where He wants you to be!! Jesus
took the dark so you could have the light with Him. He is preparing a place. Where am I to be?
There will be joy there. Strategically God is changing us! Prov.8 watching and waiting.
Heb. 10:4 Gathering together to purify sin. Exhort one another gathering together. You won't
be convicted if you are in the right place. Always be where you are and where assignment is!!
Redemption is to get things striaghtened out so we can be with our Lord forever! Must get heart
right. No speaking against God's people. We all have our own faults. Let God take over them!
Give it all to Him and you will have perfect peace that no other can understand! He wants us to
have that kind of life in Him. We all have a spot in the earth till time to go home. Lord says,
"Let me take it all from you. It is not easy in this world where there's no covering except from
me! I want it all and the more you keep that is not me will keep you from being well in your
body! Take me in everyday. There's a dose everyday! Don't worry about tomorrow. For
it will take care of itself! Be where you are and always be there. Any other place not anointed
for you will cause unhappiness and no peace! The road is straight and narrow where you are
to travel with me. It is not easy but the broad way is restricted and doesn't look it! Praise
me all the time. It breaks division and all kinds of evil desires!!Be with me always. For I am
pleased with my children who have obeyed me at all cost! I will repay what was stolen and
you will get it back seven fold return!! I have not changed my mind about you my children.
I love you with an everlasting love you cannot fathom. Be with me to take it all away like
I can and only I can do it for you! Do not leave my side like the enemy wants. I love always!"
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News That Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to
Him Today!!!
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