Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Resurrection Day!! - Lisa Patterson

 Today is the day to be happy for the rest of your life! Jesus has rose from the dead and the only one who has been able to defeat the enemy who thought he had done Him in! No way can you get rid of the one who died for you and me! I Cor.15:2, Paul preached His death by crucifixion on that Cross.It is the only hope for sinful mortals to inherit the kingdom of God. What follows is that Christ crucified and rose again on the 3rd day!No one has ever been able to achieve this. They thought he was dead after being crucified! There's no way God will let His only begotten son not be raised from the dead for your sins and mine! It is the only way we can get into the kingdom that was created for us to live forever. you must accept that He rose from the dead to cover your sins and be given life abundantly. Take this life He is freely giving as there is no other way to achieve Heaven on your own! Vs 12, But if it has been preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say there has been no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection then Christ has not been raised from the dead and your preaching is useless and so is your faith! We do not want our works to be in vain if he was not raised. But the truth is He has been raised and we have every reason to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! He did go to that Cross and take all our sins and then hung on that Cross to cancel them all so we can go to Heaven and be with Him forever!! What a price to pay for us when we did not deserve it and never have been able to live up to it! We must Praise Him of the most high for all He has done for all mankind for our eternity! We did not earn it and never will. This gospel is being preached for everyone to receive all that He did for us! No one can take the place of it at all. There is no competition in Christ. No repeat of the same. Everything He makes is new  and original. There are no duplicates in the mind of Christ. He is the same today everyday and always. No way you can go with another Jesus and it be the same. There are many out there proclaiming to be Jesus. But He wants you to get to know Him so you know who He is and that He is the only one and will always be with you and be the only one. He loves us more than we can imagine. He came to the Cross to have you with Him for all eternity. That is pure love!! No one can duplicate it. When you give your life to Him, there will be a peace in you that you can never explain but He will change you all over and it takes time but you will never want to go back to your old life. He did all this for everyone. It breaks His heart when people don't accept Him. He doesn't want any to perish and they will. That is the cost of following Him or not. There is not other way. The spirit of the Lord is all over His book, the Bible! He will  open your eyes to see just what He is saying to you. Vs. 17, And if Christ hasn't been raised, your faith is futile, and you are still in your sins and it's all not real.Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost.We have all He gives us and you cannot be satisfied in your own works. Vs. 20, But Christ indeed has been raised from the dead and the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked and those who are pretending to be raised in any different form are not raised from the dead and therefore, not the real Jesus. He loves us with an everlasting love and this proves it! There's no other way to come to Him and accept Him.Be totally sure that Jesus is the one that was raised for the dead. So many things happened on that Cross that day that we don't know about. He said He loves with an everlasting love no one can fathom. He is saying tonight," Come to me this hour. I have waited so long and been looking for you all over and trying to get your attention. Have you not heard the truth? I did not do anything in vain. It was all for you. If only one person was on this earth, I would have died for you and that is my love which is not in vain. Take me as I want you so much to be with me in all eternity!! There's flowers on the road I have made for you to travel on and many beautiful blessings I have in store. The road you have been traveling and isn't safe. It looks it but there are foxes and snakes and they come in pairs to choke you from all life but make you think they are of me. But not true. Take this smooth road and I will be with you forever and you will love all the smells and things made just for you! I am rearranging things to get back on track. Things went backwards and I am fixing it all for you. Let me take care of all the small details of your life so it can go smoother.I will take care of it for you!" This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants You to come to Him Today!!!

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