Monday, September 5, 2022

Happy Labor Day!!! - Lisa Patterson

 Happy Labor Day to all as the Lord is good! He is mercy everlasting and will always be by your side when you want him to. He is a gentleman and will not go against your will. But He knows everything!! There's nothing He cannot and won't do for you if you give Him your life! Times are changing and you will really need Him in the coming months and years ahead. Things are coming together like He told us yrs and yrs ago! Don't be fooled. He knows everything and watches everything!! Be on the lookout for the great awakening and all that is coming. Be aware of all that is happening. It is Labor Day for a day of rest. Take advantage of His goodness and mercy that will follow you all the days of your life if you follow Him. He will not be copied as many have tried it and will not work! The Father sent a comforter to us and His name is Jesus and He comes to help you guide you through life's a fares! He is watching and waiting on you to come spend the rest of your life with Him. So in order to keep the goodness He has left with us it requires time with Him and not with ourselves. The only way to do that is to let Him come into your heart and stay for the rest of your life! If you don't it will not go well with you all the days of your life. It may for a while but then you have let your guard down and the evil finds a hole to squeeze into you and take over! John 3:16, For God so loves the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life!!. You and I do not understand what happened on that Cross on Calvary to save our souls and if you haven't done it then His work is in vain until you do! It is time to come to Him. He is the reason for it all!! There's no time for wondering around in the wilderness and waiting to see if you want to come to Him. He is waiting and will not stop for anyone who is willing to say yes to the Savior. Be smart and take the road less followed. It's not easy to go down this road with Jesus but harder to stay on the wide road. Your soul depends on it!! This is for everyone who will not say No to Jesus and you will come like a child to Him and then you will be changed! There's no turning back and you will not want to turn back! This Labor Day is the best day to come to Jesus and start a new yr with Him. Do it today as there may not be another day! You will receive a whole new heart from Jesus. He will guide and lead you where you never had it before. He will protect you, take care of you, help with infirmities,help with all daily issues and you can pray to the Father about any need you have and He will be there waiting for you!  Jesus died a horrible death on that Cross for you and I to come to Him. He loves everybody and doesn't want any to perish!!  Be that person the lost one needs to come to Jesus and let Him love you as no other can. Give Him all your needs, love, and everything that needs to go from your life and watch what He will do for you."This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News That Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him Today."

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