Saturday, February 11, 2023

Run From Wickedness - Lisa Patterson

 Do not let the enemy keep you captive in this hour. Today is the day to be free from his evil ways! He is always after you and will continue if you allow him. He will never quit until you tell him too. The enemy is so far from right you can't let him into your ear gate.The Bible says to flee immorality and all the wiles of the enemy and he has to flee. But you must tell him he will have no place in your life anymore. He can be subtle and is never sincere or happy or glad for you. Only the Lord is on your side even if you don't agree with him. He still tries to get your attention so you will come to him and not let the enemy have his way in your life. We were all born guilty, not without sin. Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden. He tricked them there and  it has been going on for centuries.Our children born from God the Father in Heaven wants them to not sin like the enemy is showing them. We only have one life and one time to be born and die. There's no turning back once you decide which way to go. Jesus died on the Cross for all of us so we wouldn't have to. Don't be deceived as God is not mocked. No man cometh to the Father but by Jesus and he is the only one who can save and keep you at peace rested in Him everyday of your life. Always be where you are in Him so the enemy won't/can't move you. He would love nothing more than to shift you out of the way so you can't have the life Jesus died for you to have. John 3:16 states God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever will come to Him should not perish but have everlasting life! There's no other way to get to Heaven except though the Father. He still greets you at the gate of Heaven or have a loved one there to meet you. Hell is an everlasting fire and darkness that never grows light and has no air, form,void of light,enemies everywhere,pain all the time,signs and pic. of loved ones shown there tormented even if they are not there. All kinds of evil we have not seen with out eyes and it is forever with evil creatures there to escort you in. It's so dark you cannot see your hand in front of you. No life there and you will not know who is there cause it's all deceptive. There's no space to see or sit. No body you had but you can't see it, no friends, no turning back. Revelation is a colorful book of what it is like in Heaven and Hell. There's no coming back to earth for another chance.No one is recognizable in Hell and there's a lake of fire and brimstone with flames of fire forever that will never quench your lips. You say you can handle it. But you do not know what pain is compared to here on earth. We think our new electric stove is hot. That is not the hot that hell is. We cannot imagine this kind of pain and there's no ending. So we cannot imagine no ending. you say you have been good?  But that does not get you into Heaven. Only accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior will get you there. No other way and He had to die a very painful death for all of us and many many are not going to make it to Heaven cause they took it for granted they will go there cause they were good/slightly/narrowly/maybe/but no harm done. This is not a game as it was prophesied hundreds of years before Jesus birth He would go to hell to let us know it is real. Many Generals of the faith have had to go to hell just so they could tell the story of how Jesus bled and died on that Cross at Cavalry for everybody(not a few chosen).The Lord would say, "Be with me always and do  not turn back so you can be in eternity with me forever. I died a horrendous death for you even if you were the only one here. Those without their minds, those mad at the world and blaming it on me, those stepping one foot in the grave and one in the world, those who think it's all about them all the time, those who are brilliant and don't need me, those whose children have died and blame me and the list goes on.They, think I don't love them because they have committed horrible sins." It's all about Jesus and He can take it all and wash you white as snow! He is here today and always with his hand held out to take you in his heart and let Him love you like you have never known. So He is asking you today to give Him a chance to clean up your life no matter how bad it has been of if you hardly do any wrong. It's not about you but it's about a loving God who wants you to come to Him before it's too late. We are getting to the end of the age and times is getting shorter so get your heart in line with Jesus today and ask Him inside you to live with you the rest of your life! Time does not stand still and we do not know our future until He enlightens us and only through His blood He shed for us will we know because you will have him in your heart and know He is there to help and defend and keep you from evil at all times even though evil will always be here on  this earth. Any problem you have and cannot find the solution but it seems bleak He has the answer. It may not come quick but He wants your trust and patience to wait on Him to give you His peace, harmony, love, forgiveness of sins, love for others to share what he has done for you. You will hear Him in the still small voice He has that is so peaceful and longs to have you for His own. He will never ever leave you or forsake His own and His voice is peaceful and a still small fragrance you have not experienced before. For those who want to be on the Lord's path, He said this is the end of the road that has taken so long to get to. All the havok and seemingly wasted time has come to an end. No more of yesterdays it is all coming new from now on. Those who have waited patiently for yrs will see the end soon! The enemy has tried so many times to get you to stop and go another way but no more of those tactics will work. He is a liar and there's no truth in him at all! Our Lord is the only way out! A new yr is on the map and other years have come and gone. No one knows what all is at hand but Jesus and He wants all of you, not part. This isn't a game you play to see who's who. It is very real and do not take it for granted. Life is short and not easy. It is all a test to see if you will pass His test and they are not easy. Many haven't touched the surface and many have but He is hoping everyone will. Don't take this life for granted, for there will never be another one.Hold on and do not let go. You may be weary from hanging on so long but this is a New Year and not like last yr. Brand new things on the horizon so don't quit, keep on holding on to see the new He has prepared for you! Some are having rebound situations but hang in there, as it is coming back in order. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and Wants you Today!

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