Sunday, June 18, 2023
Happy Father's Day!! - Lisa Patterson
Today is the day to appreciate your Father. You would not be here if it were not for him. Even if he wasn't the one you wanted he still is your Father alive or in Heaven. Many of us would love to see our Fathers again if it were possible. But life is short and we are to live it for the best and be thankful for what we have. The Lord takes the place of your earthly Father either way. Be joyful and glad because even if he is here or not you have a Heavenly Father who loves you more than anyone on earth ever could. The Lord is your rest, your Father, your confidant, and everything you need while on this earth. Do not take for granted what we have here or not because our Heavenly Father can make anything happen if you want Him to in His way. We are to be thankful for what we have or don't while we are praying for it. He will answer our prayers in His timing and His way. He is to be the love of our lives and the staple of our every need and everyday of our lives. Your job, houses, money, children, cars, etc come from Him even though we must persue to get them. Don't take anything for granted in this life. We are living in the end times where we are to get ready for Jesus to come back any day to take us home. He is love and there's no hate in Him. It comes from the enemy. He hates us all and wants us all to go to hell with him. But He is a flake! We have no business listening to him. He will come along slowly acting like he is nice and make you think he is the real thing. But there's no good in him. John 3:16, For God so loved the world, that whosoever that calls upon the name will be saved!! The enemy doesn't talk about being saved! He is a flake and has no intentions of taking you to Heaven at all!!! The Bible says Jesus came to set us free from the sins that so easily beset us. There is a Heaven and a hell and you have to make that choice of where you will spend eternity. We have no idea how long eternity is!! It's forever whatever that means! Let no man deceive you to think everyone goes to Heaven. It is man's choice. Jesus laid down his precious life for us all to be saved so no one would go to that place call Gahana or hell. It is hotter than hot. We do not know what hot is here! The devil lost his chance to make things right and go to Heaven. He wants to fight everything and every way he can. Don't fall for his crooked ways. If it doesn't line up with the Word of God, it's not of God! There is peace, long suffering, goodness, mercy, love, happiness, all in the package Jesus offers and no cost because He paid for it all on Calvary on that Cross for you and me! He paid a terrible price and to think everyone won't accept it after all He went through to save us. It had to be done or we would all go to hell with the devil and his angels.Look up high and see the salvation of the Lord. There is no in between. The Catholics believe in Purgatory but the Bible doesn't say that. When you take Jesus in your life you will change your way of thinking to go along with His. Peace will come to you that you never knew so you will know it's Him in your heart. Time is short and there's no turning back. Once you get to know the Lord and His goodness and down the road you want to do your own thing you cannot come back to the new way if you take that old road back from childhood that serves the enemy. It's impossible to have the love of Jesus in your heart and the love He gives and decide to turn back.You can't come back where you were with Jesus a it is not possible because the enemy will have your mind twisted and you can't think straight anymore. Don't allow it to take place. God designed you in the designing room of Heaven and there's not a duplicate on earth to match you, not matter what you have been though. He placed in you His DNA to do the work He designed in you yo have. There will never be another you. he doesn't run a xerox machine. You are uniquely designed for the problem He designed you to solve while on earth. Take that and meditate on it. That's His love for us! Deut. 4:29, But if thou shall seek the Lord thy God, thou shall find Him, if thou seek Him with all thine heart and with all thy soul. The Lord is saying, "If you come to me I will take care of the broken heart and repair the holes that the hurts and anger caused in your childhood and today. I am the God who loves with all I have and want you to give me all of your issues, shortcomings, hurts, faints, and all that the enemy put on you even in childhood. I do not want you to suffer any more on the hands of the enemy. He comes to steal, kill and destroy and I come that they may have life and more abundantly. So come on home so I can bless you and keep you under my wings. You must give me your all and not part. I take all of you!" Let this Father's Day be a good one as we do not know when it will be the last!! "And I am going to fix those problems you have laid awake asking me to do.They will be done on another level this time to be taken care of for good! Also I am clearing out the land of the debris and making a path for you to walk and talk with me. Getting rid of the bugs, residue and making the sky blue again. Walk with me to see where we are going and get in the cool of it all where the breeze is. I am blowing to scatter the bugs!" This is Lisa Patterson With the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants you to come to Him Today!
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