Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Have a Good Mother's Day Month - Lisa Patterson

 The Lord is watching us all with eyes roaming around to see who will follow Him. He is thirsty to have your attention. Take time to search for Him. He is always watching from close and afar off to see who will follow Him and not let go!! We all can use the time we have to contact our savior Jesus who loves us with an everlasting love! He watches ever more to see who you will follow Him. Jesus is simple and many think He is hard and rough to get along with. He is soft and gentle and loves us all no matter our health color, race or anything you may have done in the past or recent that may be wrong and don't know what to do about it. That is why He bled on that Cross of Calvary to save us from everyone of our sins, no matter what they are or how hard it has been. The Lord God sent His son, Jesus, to be crucified on that cross of Calvary for all our sins so we would not go to hell, the place of eternal torture forever with the devil. He wants us all to go there and no turning back. With Jesus you will discover a peace you didn't know you had. He will heal all your wounds, and take care of all your issues, save your kids and make you have a life of peace, not without problems, but with Him. He is the only one who can fix them and make you whole again. He will clean you up and make you whole. you cannot endure hell. It was made for  the devil and his cohorts.It wasn't made for us. The enemy did all to himself not going the right way(which is Christ and His love). The enemy will distract you, have yo go a way you will regret. Never ever will the Lord say to you to follow the enemy. Romans 4:4 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who walk after the spirit and not the flesh. He has love for us we cannot fathom and will never understand.Prov.3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding.and He will direct your path. Isaiah 43:13, from eternity to eternity no one can snatch anyone out of my hand, no one can do what I have done. John 10:9 Jesus said, I am the door. If anyone enters by me he will be saved. The only way to get saved is by Jesus and He must come into your heart. Matt. 7: 21-23, Many will say Lord Lord look what I have done in our name. The Lord will say, Get away from me I never knew you! Be sure you are His and not just talking and showing off what you can do and not what He has given you which is rich and true and never an idol or something you dreamed up without asking the Lord without putting Him first in your life. He longs to and waits and can heal your broken heart and all that you need. Let Him come in and you will experience a peace you have never known!!Be kind to your Mother cause you wouldn't be here without her and make sure she feels love from you! Don't overlook her as Jesus decided who would be your Mother and Father. The Lord said, "If you will take my hand and walk with me all the time I will keep you all the days of your life and hold you up under the enemy's hand from all the destruction he has planned against you and your family. You do not see all he has planned and you need to pray now so that the issues you are carrying will be scattered as far as east is from the west. I am the Lord and there is no other. No devil can defeat you if you stay by my side. All you have to do is ask me to come into your heart and I will forever." Joel 2:12-14 Come back to the Lord with your heart. There's still time. He is gracious and slow to anger, full of love. He won't destroy you and won't bring judgement then you can bring His blessing and then you can bring grain offering.  Also the Lord said many have issues with things not happening like it was supposed to. And you have waiting a long time and about lost track and worried. But He said He was going around the corner on the other side to reach what was almost lost.But you must stay with Him to receive it. This is Lisa Patterson With The Good News That Jesus Loves You and Wants You Today.

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