Saturday, December 21, 2013

MERRY CHRISTMAS - Lisa Patterson

This is the Season for giving thanks for the Lord, our Savior, to be Praised. For He is worthy of all the blessings He has bestowed on us throughout the year. Jesus is the Reason for the Season. He Loves us more than we will ever know. The Lord wants to deal with your heart and let Him take away all the heartaches and troubles from you that have caused you problems this yr. and many yrs. past. He is a very loving God who does not want any of his people to suffer heartache and pain. He is available for you all the time if you would give him the time. He wants to mend broken hearts and things that have caused damage in your life.For the Lord ,He is good and His mercy endureth forever.
He has not caused all the heartache in your life, but the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy that which is in your heart to make you sick and anxious. There's nothing in God's agenda to cause that for you. He lives in Heaven where there is no blue Mondays. There is no such thing as sadness. But you must get to know Him as He longs for that within himself. For he made us and there is no other. He's the only one who can take your broken heart and make it brand new all over again. There is a stillness in the air for you to come and abide in Him.
He has all power and glory within Him waiting for you to come ask Him for it.
Let Him take you and straighten out your heart today, and you will see things you had no seen before. A newness will come upon you and a light will shine on you that you have never had before. You children need to see it and the people around you need to see it in this lost and broken world. But He is the creator of the universe, and there is none other.
There are people in your lives that have been praying for you a long time and you may not be aware. But God has put them on their heart to pray for you. So let go of all the unforgiveness and pressures of this life. it only gets worse as we look within ourselves to find answers that aren't there. Let Him mend the hole in your heart today and make a statement that you want the New Year to be a bright one and that it will be one you want to give to the Lord to replentish yourself. All the answers to life are in the Bible that he gave us out of his love for mankind. Don't let this yr. end with an unthankful heart. Let him clean out the places that need spiritual surgery. For we were bought with a high price and there is none other to take he sins of the world and place them on His only begotten son. He sacrificed His only son for us so that we would live and live abundantly. He wants you so much that He did that for us. and left no one out. But people are dying everyday not knowing how much they are loved by the Father. Let Him take you up high with Him to straighten out the crooked places in you that only He knows how to do.The Lord would say ,"I am replentishing that which the enemy has stolen from you. So do not be weary in well doing, for I am the Lord God who healeth thee and takes care of all thy shortcomings and makes it all work out good for you because you have walked the path I chose for you. I am well pleased and nothing shall by any means harm you.Stay on guard."
For it is with much passion and love that He would have you to know Him as the one and only son of God the Father." There's a brown pasture with dead grass that has sprouts of green grass coming up all in it and that is the people of God, to go after the dead souls the Lord is after. And He chose us as His pick to get the souls out there that need Him and there's no time to be wasted any more."
So lets get out there and get the work done this coming new year and bring in the souls for the Lord, so there are none perishing any more.
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that God Loves you and wants you to come to Him today. So Merry Christmas to everyone and  very Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving - Lisa Patterson

Today is the day to thank the Good Lord for all He has done in our lives and all He is about to do. We should be thankful when things don't look so good, as well as when they do. He did not put us here to have it made like we want all the time. He put us here with a plan for each and every one of us to do with our lives.
God Loves us so much and we cannot seem to comprehend it. Seems as though it's always something we are dealing with, and want Him to come through, not knowing him well and wondering why we don't get our way every time we ask.
He may want to lead us down another path some times to teach us some thing about life that we thought we already knew. But as time goes on, we realize we need him to help us understand the world and the things in it. It is a complex but simple thing to know Him.
He is not obligated to answer us every time we call, and give us what we have asked for. It must line up with his word. We forget that as much as he loves us, He is still going to answer our prayers lined up with His word.
Today only comes once a year. So we should be thankful for everything we have.
There isn't anything that was made that He did not make. You do not have a thing that God himself did not give you!!
So be thankful to Him and bless His name all ye people. For He is Lord and there is no other. He is our source for everything. Rest in Him and let his light shine upon you. Be still and know that I am the Lord your God, for there is no other. he is our rest, our wake, our sleep, our sunshine, our happiness and joy, and everything pertaining to Godliness. We should be glad to have Him in our hearts. He is not the author of confusion. There is an enemy here who wants to kill, steal, and destroy. That is his mission. So when something happens and it isn't from the Lord, we cannot say the Lord did it. For there is another out there waiting for you to give in and do his will.
The Lord would say, "Do not follow the leading of the destructive force who is always there to hurt you. He may come in a sneaky way, a subtle way, and a very sly way to deceive you. Remember I said that even the very elect would be deceived. He comes as a form of light to make you think it's the Lord. He can speak in a small nice voice also to make you think it's the Lord. But he is a flake and will deceive you if you don't know the Lord. He will say nice things and can even beg to get you to do something you know is wrong, but may seem right at the time. So be very careful to hear the right voice. There are many out there coming to take away your happiness and that is not the Lord. The Lord is good and His mercy is everlasting. He Loves you everlasting and there's nothing He won't do for them who love Him. Be quick to discern the voice of the Lord. Know that the enemy and his co-horts do not want you to have a Thanksgiving full of good things and family. Let your countenence shine for the people to know there is a Savior who paid a high price to save you and get you healed up! The enemy is mad and is trying to get us messed up with our minds and our stuff. He knows that is the closest to you.  There's a newness coming and he's mad. So don't let it distract you. For it is just a phase.This is going to be a Brand New Year in the Lord. So wait and see what I am about to do." I would say you must wait on the Lord to get to know Him as well as study his word. For just spending a few minutes everyday is not enough to get to know what He has for you and how much he loves you. We must learn to rest in Him and trust Him with all our hearts. He wants all of us, not part. He made us and knows how we are and what we are made of. There's so many of us and each one different. So that tells you he is interested in us and nothing else could be a creator like that. We have passed many tests and He is well pleased. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants you to come to Him today because time is short and we do not know the hour that He will come to take us home to be with Him forever. So come to Him today!

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Lord Speaks To Us -Lisa Patterson

Be happy to know that the Lord loves you and always will. he will never forsake us. He will, however, hide so to speak, if we are not in His perfect will He has for us. Always be sure you are in His perfect will for your life and not His permissive will. if you stay in the permissive will, it will not feel right. Like having your socks on when washing your feet. If you are in His perfect will, you will stay in his guidance and everything will flow correctly. it does not mean you will always have it good, or everything will go your way. But He will always work things out for you if you stay in Him.
So don't let the enemy crowd your mind with thoughts that don't line up.
The Lord does speak to us. He doesn't always speak in an  audible voice.It may be that still small voice that you hear deep inside when you get quite before the Lord. Many times we are too busy  to listen and He is trying to get our attention.
The Lord uses many ways to do this. He may allow something you don't like to get your attention, but you will be preserved in the hour he has planned for you. Many are called, but few are chosen. And he is in our presence when we ask Him into our lives. We may not always feel it, but He's there. He is always trying to get us to talk to Him and spend time with Him because he loves us so much. Time is our precious commodity and is on our side. And we are to use it the way He wants us to. Not to please ourselves. He is looking for you to be patient over little things and do big things. Psalms 37:1 Says Commit thy way unto the Lord. Trust in Him and He will bring it to pass. As a man thinks in his heart, so is He. All he wants you to do is come. Do not try to figure it out! Keep focus on Him. Don't hang around people who aren't good for you. Those who do wrong and don't love the Lord. It doesn't please Him for us to not obey His voice. He has spent countless hours trying to nurture us back to Him after the fall of man.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness. You cannot allow the devil to continue to trick you into being bad. Keep your focus. For the evil one is mad because time is short and he knows he cannot get what he wants if we listen to God's Holy voice.
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that he should lie. It's already written. He already blessed you. I John 2:27 The anointing in you abides in Him that no man can teach you, instead His anointing teaches you about all things and is true and not a lie. Just as he has taught you, remain in Him .Change is coming in that who we are to associate with and be with. You cannot be with everyone you want to.
Pride comes before destruction. Do not compromise or believe wrong.
The 1st way to discern is to know the Lord intimately and then you can tell right from wrong. The 2nd is to know your Bible and teachings. Discern the spirit as you need to.( to see the difference in the two). This is not a critical spirit, it may be discerning the human spirit in someone, or seeing in the spirit world (angels).
Satan's ministers are of light. 3rd, Must be a lover of truth. 4th,Must have a pure heart and humility. And 5th, Inner witness of the Holy Spirit.A still small voice will let you know if it's right or wrong if you are in Him. He uses a still small voice, not always audible. He uses this with all his children. If it is of peace you know it is Him. If you have a question, check your spirit to make sure the Lord is the one speaking because there are many voices out there. The Bible says in the last days even the elect will be deceived. Must know the word and have it in you.
So we must stay with what we feel is right in our spirit and peace will let you know that the anointing is abiding and working for you in your situation.
The Lord loves us with a mighty power from on high and you cannot get it anywhere else. It is the goodness and mercy of the Lord that we are where we are today and in good health and He is on our side. The Lord would say," All I am doing now is cleaning things out that have been a mess for many yrs. It may look bad to you, but that is the cleansing process and must happen to make the new way clean. So let me do this thing my way so it will be straightened out and cleansed for you, my child. It is for you and nothing shall by any means harm you! For I am your God and will not allow the enemy to do his thing he's planned. For I love my children with an ever lasting love that never runs dry."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News the Jesus Loves You and wants
 you to come to Him today. So do not put it off, as time is short and you do not know the day nor hour that the Lord shall come again. You want to be ready.

Friday, August 23, 2013

A Fresh New Year In The Lord - Lisa Patterson

It is going to be a fresh new year in the Lord. The Lord wants his children to know how pleased he is for those who have waited on him and not given up!
He says he has new treasures stored up in heaven for you. And there will always be a way for you. No worries, as whatever is happening in your life right now is being taken care of. it is being washed away, so the new can come to pass.
It will be an anointed year for you if you have served the Lord. And many dreams you have had are going to come to pass also. Take what he has given you and let it shine for others to see his goodness and mercy.
I will never leave you if you stay in the secret place of the shadow of the almighty. He is rearranging things that have needed to be done differently. No need to go on in the past about what you should have done or could have done, because he is in charge of your life. No matter how hard it seems, he holds it all in his 2 hands. He is blessing you and molding you into his own image. There is no way he will let anything happen. You must believe it today. For even if you have too much going on in your life right now, you must go back and give it to him again. For you were not created to take on the cares of this world. This is only a temporary place until you get to your Heavenly home.
The Lord would say, "What are you looking over on the other side for? Do you not know there will be trials in this life and always will be. But if you are looking over in the other field all the time and seeing what's going on, you cannot see what I am doing for you. So stay where you were planted and be there. Always be where you are! There is no other place for you to be except beside me. I am all you have and that will never change. The road is hard to travel because it is a  road you travel on with me and not easy to do.Get back on track where I put you so you will stand and therefore to stand always with me by your side. For I am well pleased with my children, but I am not through with that I am doing. So do not look at the other side of the hill and think it would be better for you there. Be where I want you and you will be safe." So take the word of the Lord today and be with him, for he loves you with an everlasting life. Do you not know that when you get saved and get to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, the enemy will try and try to make things difficult so you would give up! That is his job.But he has been defeated on the Cross of Calvary. And he has no hold on you unless you draw back from the Lord and allow him to. You must plead the blood of Jesus over you and your family all the time. And laugh at the devil! He will flee and be intimidated cause he cannot win knowing you are laughing at him!
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good news that Jesus Loves you and wants you to come to Him today!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

No Drawing Back from The Lord - Lisa Patterson

Zeph. 1:4-6 There are 3 types of people the Lord is complaining  about. Those who want their way. Those who will not do as they are told. And those not willing to take a step to get better. He does not answer prayers for people who are not in obedient to the Lord and want things to go their way all the time and not listen to the Lord.
Hebrews 10:38 says the just shall live by faith and if any may turns back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. vs.13 says we are expecting till his enemies  be made his footstool.
Hebrews 12:25 see that you refuse not him that speaketh.  If they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth. much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven. He's speaking from Heaven and we cannot understand unless we stay in the spirit to hear Him and what he is saying to us. Stay with Him today.
Jer. 2:1-8 If you forget what he did for us, then you loose sight of what he's done. Jer. 2:13 My people committed  2 evils. Forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water. People were forsaken and going their way. He will take care of it if you will be with Him. That is all He wants is for your attention, not the world's.
We need a fresh infilling! We need our hearts fixed so you can do what you want in our lives. We need to elieve we are being healed right now. Just believe his word and you can have whatsoever you saith. But you must give him your life, your whole life! Don' be like these people and overlook what the Lord has done for you. He loves us so much. he came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Not so the enemy could harrass you, but to give you His love.
The Lord would say, "I am coming around full circle like never before. Your prayers you have been waiting on for so long are going to be answered. It is not a partial circle any more. Now it is the full circle to bring you that which you have been waiting for so long. It is time for my people to have their prayers answered. I am a God who answers prayer for my children who love me." The time is short so don't hold back any more from what he has for you!
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants you to come to Him today. Time is short, so come now!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth of July - Lisa Patterson

Today is the day we celebrate our freedom for Independence. We should be glad to be in a country of freedom such as we have. Instead, we want to change our constitution from the way our for-fathers made for us and fought for us. We may not have this kind of freedom we take for granted again if we do not go back to our roots. This is God's Country and he will have his way even though we think we know what to do. We need to be thankful for the gifts we have from the Father, who loves us more than we will ever know.
The 4th of July is a special day for Americans to enjoy freedom given to us. So we should love our Lord and be glad He loves us unconditionally! Let the Lord love you like he wants so much!
Drive safe and take care on this rainy day. And remember that we would not have all the wonderful things we do if it were not for the Lord giving man what he knows and how to do the things we need. But we cannot quit praying for our country to go smooth as it is always trying to change. the Lord said," Some of us are wondering how things will work out in our lives and what will happen. He said we are to give it back to Him and let Him have our life in us as He wants to do. We cannot change the past or present, but must pray for his guidance."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good news that God Loves You and wants you to come to Him today!!!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Glory Of the Lord - Lisa Patterson

Romans 6:3 You are heaven bound if you are born again.We were buried with Jesus unto death. He took you from the cross, to buried, to death, to being alive in Christ. Glory is the tangible newness of life for you in the Father.
Wood,hay, and stubble are those who aren't saved. The glory is doxa, of a nature and acts of God in self manifestation..
Exodus 24:16 God's glory and Him are one. If you see the Lord's glory, you see the Lord. It's the tangible manifestation of himself. It rose Jesus from the dead and us too. God's glory, his light, strengthens and makes a quickening to a perverse generation.Eph.3:6 Strength of the Lord comes from His glory- Lord of Glory- means splendor, and power. IICor.4:6 The light shines to give the light of knowledge of God's glory in the face of Jesus.
He's trying to align us to His presence. A shift, an alignment.
Exodus 40:34 The glory of the Lord fills the tabernacle. Moses said if the presence of the Lord doesn't go with you then forget it.
You don't pay for healing, or God's words etc, but to God's house for a place of worship. We died with Christ and we need to know it. Our soul did not change when we got saved, only our spirit. But we are dead to Christ and must wait on the promises He has for us. Let your old self fall away. Put on your new self.
The Lord would say, "There's a new anointing with a fresh new breeze. It is to clear the air of the staleness and wash away your tears. There will be newness of life for everyone, all my children.I'm so pleased you would meet with me. It will wipe away your tears and sorrows. Come walk with me in my garden and let me  take your hand and show you how much I love you. The enemy is so mad and I am going to stop it! ignore the voice of the enemy. He cannot do anything if you are under my anointing. I'm speaking to you through everyday things. Small things that you do. I'm taking care of the problems, smoothing out the places and the stale air that you cannot do. I'm straightening out the crooked places to make it all straight for you. It's in the everyday things that you do.I'm blowing a fresh breeze your way. You can stop worrying about how things are going to get done.If you have peace about something, then it's from me. Let the load go that you have been trying to take care of that keeps getting harder to do. I am well pleased with you and always will be. So don't try so hard. And watch from the balcony and see what I am about to do." says the Lord.
So let the Lord guide and lead you today and walk with Him in his garden. For he loves us so much he gave his son to die for us so we could have eternal life.
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that God Loves you and wants you
to come to Him today. Don't let this opportunity let you pass as we do not know the future and what may hold for us if we don"t take Him now.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Jonah - Lisa Patterson

Today we are discussing Jonah and his disobedience and how it cost him almost everything. It is not worth it to be in disobedience to the Lord!
Jonah 1:1 He was sent to Ninevah to let them know of acts of violence and hatred to other people.The city had gone haywire! So instead of going to Ninevah, Jonah wanted to do his own thing. He thought he could get by with it.
So the Lord got a whale to swallow up Jonah for 3 days so he would see the Lord meant what he was saying. So for 3 days Jonah was in the belly of the whale with no way out. He could have been eaten alive! But the Lord has mercy. We know He loves us and we think all He does is want us to read our Bible and sit around and do good stuff all day long. but God wants us just to obey him. So if we don't, there's a price to pay!. Jonah could have lost his life. But God saved him from destruction because he decided to go the way of the Lord. So the whale had to spit him out. God extends his forgiveness to anyone who will repent and follow him. God's plans will not be thwarted by the schemes disobedient people devise to get around them. And although this may seem to be extreme, God still doesn't like us being disobedient. All you have to do is to repent, and say, "Father, I am sorry for not believing you and your plan for me and although it seems hard, I know it's yours and I have to stay on track like you said and you will carry me through it."So since Jonah wanted to go to his own land Tarshish, and the Lord told him to go preach repentence to Ninevah and he didn't, as a Prophet of God, he almost lost his life.
Are you in a bad place in your life? Do you need a job? Have you been trying and trying and no results? Maybe you are not listening to the still small voice that is guiding you and telling you what to do. And you want to do your own thing? You cannot play around with God. He will give you time to get right, but it's dangerous to play around with his nudging you.
But we take things for granted and think God will just let it go. But he has great love and compassion for us.And  he is God and there is no other. So don't play around with what he tells you to do. Let this lesson about Jonah talk to you today. For the Lord loves you with an everlasting love and will protect you from the wiles of the enemy if you will let him love you and keep you and do as he says. We don't know how many people we are helping that may not have a chance, just by being obedient. It does not matter how small it may seem to us. And you may lose some things you thought were important. God will give you back what the devil stole if you will keep your spirit sweet and be obedient! So take this word today and let it refresh you.
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News the Jesus Loves you and wants you to come to him today!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

He Loves Us - Lisa Patterson

Isaiah 53:5 He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Our verse today tells us how much we are loved by him. If he took it upon himself to be on that cross for our sins, and he knew no sin, we are loved.
Today we must understand what Christ did for us and how much he cares for us.
The Lord said," I'm planting a new garden and you are all different flowers with an aroma that surrounds you in every way. I'm so pleased you would gather together. I'm doing a new work in this, so step out and let me take you through the garden I planted with the flowers in it that are all so special to me with the aroma from heaven."
 The Lord loves us so much he would share his secrets with us. If you will be still and wait for him. Wait for the dew to form in the cool of the Lord. Let him moisturize you. He wants to co-labor with us. He said he's testing us with our children and he's keeping them. And he'll continue to keep them. We must stay in him to get the benefits he has already reserved for us.
I do hope everyone had a good Easter, as we realize it, it  isn't about us anymore. It's always been about him. And when we realize that, we will have more peace, joy, liberty and all things pertaining to him.
Rom. 6:1 What shall we say then?  Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?
For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. For sin shall have no more dominion over you: for you are not under the law, but under grace. Being made free from sin, you became the servants of righteousness. But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting life. Jesus wants you to come unto him today. He loves us with an everlasting love we cannot fathom. There is a penalty to pay for not following him. And that is hell which was made for the devil and his angles, not us. It was never intended for people to go there. But yet they are dying everyday. So the message here is to come to the Lord and let him shine his face upon you today."There's a new wind blowing and I want you to follow me in it, says the Lord. It's a new season for you. Be there to catch it and be there for me. Take me, all of me, and let me do a new thing in you. Let me take you there.You will enjoy the fruit of the spirit in it."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus loves you and wants you today. Tomorrow may be too late  so don't take that chance.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Going To The Future - Lisa Patterson

Today we will discuss how to leave the past and go on to the future. The Lord was telling me the other day about leaving your past and stepping forth into your future, which would be new. Not a new world future, but a new annointed future in him. He said all things from the past are over and all things going forward are new. If you hold on to the past you cannot get to your future he has for you.
It is a choice you must make but he will help you let go. To let go of the past is letting God take your future and bring it to a higher level in him.He will do those things he said he would do if you will stay in his word and keep his commandments. His love for us is so deep we cannot fathom. We are to only do that which he has said and nothing more. If he did not tell you to do a certain thing, even though it seemed good and you liked it and thought it would work, then don't! It won't work. You cannot be what you were not made to be.
I've heard people say, "you can be anything you want to be." That's not in God's Word or his plan. So it won't work. Stop letting the enemy tell you lies about yourself. You are good enough, but you cannot do anything you want to do. if that was so you could have solved all the major life problems and get our world
out of debt. God didn't call you to be God Jr!!
The Lord said," 'Do not do anything I did not tell you to do or go anywhere I didn't tell you to go. For I am drawing you up nearer to me.It's fear that causes obstruction. Guard your heart.I will speak in that still small voice, not always a loud sound. But you will know it's me because it will be peaceful and you will be refreshed and have joy.There's a sound coming from the birds in the trees to let you know it's me, nature, not something man thought up.Let me have your whole heart today. Only part will not do. It must be that way to carry you through. Times are hard and tough and you know not when the end will come. But if you'll stay in me I'll guard your back from the wiles of the enemy."
II Tim. 3: 1 says we are not our own anymore and cannot do as we used to. we were bought with a high price.
That means we belong to him and do not have our own life anymore.
Sometimes we think we can skip around and do as we please. but then we find out we made a mistake and have to turn ourselves back around. That means to repent. And only the holy Spirit can help you repent. we can't do anything in ourselves. Oh, we thought we could.But you quickly find out you can't.
God's children are his treasure. but we're just what he said, children! You start out as a babe when your born again and then grown into his child. It takes lots of leaps and bounds to grow up in the Lord but he will take you step by step. this is one of the steps, to let the past go and the future will come.
This is lLisa Patterson with the Good news that God loves you and wants you to come to him today.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Living in Him - Lisa Patterson

Today we are studying how to Live in Him. IITim. 3:1 says we are not our own anymore and cannot do as we use to. Those people in these 4 verses are Christians who are not living it in their hearts. The work was finished but you must partake of it.God is trying to get us immune to this world. Like getting shots are building up an immunity.If you communicate with Jesus you'll know what he said. you can discern.
He won't play tricks with you but you can hear that still small voice. Deny yourself and you'll see the resurrection. We will be light as a feather and not with a chain around us. Take heed to what you're hearing.
Take the fresh dew of Heaven. As often as you eat the bread and drink the cup you shall see. He's coming for those who are crucified, not alive. II Tim. 2 says your grace is in the Lord. we are not to be intertwined with this world. The enemy is aggressing, so be awake and not asleep.
I Peter 1 says we are strangers in this world. Having all to stand, stand through it. Don't look at the things seen. You need people who pray with you by the Spirit.
Romans 8:28 those that love God to them that are called ( to his purpose), which is Jesus Christ and found in Him. Prov. 8:21 That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance and Iwill fill their treasures. Waiting on the Lord is loving Him. Psalm 37-7 Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him and do not fret the kosmos (world).
Lamentations 3:25 Need of waiting. The Lord is good unto those who wait on Him. Shut out voices of this world. And to the soul that seeks him.
Isaiah 30:18 God waits for men to wait on him. Blessed are all that wait on him. we must trust God for everything! The Lord said if he got us out of our situations, he'd have to put us into another situation to where we'd love him and wait on him again.So, you cannot run from him and get anywhere.
Prov. 8:34 Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting  at the posts of my doors.
The Lord would say he loves you with all his heart. And he needs you to come into him today and sit by him, and be his friend. there are many voices in this world and none without significance, but if it lines up with the Word of God, then it is him. Take this time and listen to your heart and do as he says, Time is short and he wants you today. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants you today.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Being Compassionate to the Poor - Lisa Patterson

Today we will discuss ways to be compassionate to the poor and needy. Psalms 41:1 says ",Blessed is he who considers the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive, and he will be blessed on earth: you will not deliver him to the will of his enemies. The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness. And you will sustain him on his sickbed."
If a brother or sister is without clothes and food and you say, Go I wish you well: keep warm and fed, but does nothing, what good is it? Action without faith is dead. we are commanded and not asked to help the poor. People are not always poor because they make themselves that way or because they always lazy. There are some like that, but the Bible here is referred to as the poor. It may be poor in health or poor in heart, or poor in belongings. But they may not can help the conditions they are in.
It isn't always easy to just go get a job. And a Mother with 3-4 kids cannot always get the help they need. You say there are helps out there. But a daycare cost lots of money and if the Father isn't around, which is so much of the case, then she's at the hands of the mercy of society.
Matthew 25:40 says "Whatever you've done for one of the least of these, you did it for me." Do good whether it feels good to you because it's not about you anyway. And give your best, as God in heaven sees what you do, and it's pleasing to the Lord to do it anyway. It is between you and the Lord and no one else what you do.
There are others who cannot help being poor. And it is sad to see older people who have worked all their lives to get older and nothing but Social Security is available for them. They may have had devastating circumstances with their children. Or someone may have been sick in the family and it took resources they didn't forsee to help in trying times.I see these things on a daily basis. And the one that touches my heart the most is, of course, the special needs individual. Most people don't know how hard it is to take care of these people all alone. They only receive a government
 check if they are single. That doesn't hardly pay for anything. They have to rely on the government to help. Then there's no help for the child/adult so the parent can work and make more money.That's why we are here to try to help.
 So, I say this to say I see all kinds of impoverished people who need the love of Jesus and kind words. They need to know someone is there to talk to and help when needed, Not to be taken advantage of, but to show them that Christ Loves them and does not want them poor in any way.
Let's reach out and help those who need it most by way of food, kindness, mercy, and giving them the Love of Jesus.
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you today.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Create your Crown Of Glory - Lisa Patterson

Happy New Year for the year 2013. Hope all is well with thee. Now is the time to create your Crown Of Glory and let the Lord shine his light on you!
May the New Yr. be bright and your prayers be answered this year. May the Lord
shine His light on you to forever glow for Him.
He says,"It's going to be a wonderful New Year for my children who have obeyed me at all costs. There are gifts waiting and surprises inside. The enemy wants you to think that everything is coming down on you and nothing is happening that you have been told. So be of good cheer. My love for you is so deep you cannot fathom what is in store for you. The places you thought were barren are now filled with joy and hope, goodness and mercy everlasting. There's more in store for you than you know.My Children are protected from the enemy as long as they stay up under the umbrella I have for them. So do not come out from the annointing, or the enemy has a door to open to your soul. And I would not want you to be harmed or sick. I love my Children and everyone so much that my son died for you all!
And I have it all planned out for you. So, take my hand and let me guide you into
that well of water that never goes dry. Do not let the enemy make you think it is never going to work. I planned it from the begining of time for you. I want my people well and whole to help me with those who need it most.
Take this new year at it's finest and go with the flow. But be sure you are led by the Holy Spirit, or it won't work as planned. It must be from me."
I do hope this year brings joy and peace to everyone and all your dreams from the Lord come true. Be patient and kind as Christ was. He was never in a hurry. And if
we get ahead of him we will not prosper. So, come to him today and let this be your best year ever. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus loves you today.