Monday, October 21, 2013

The Lord Speaks To Us -Lisa Patterson

Be happy to know that the Lord loves you and always will. he will never forsake us. He will, however, hide so to speak, if we are not in His perfect will He has for us. Always be sure you are in His perfect will for your life and not His permissive will. if you stay in the permissive will, it will not feel right. Like having your socks on when washing your feet. If you are in His perfect will, you will stay in his guidance and everything will flow correctly. it does not mean you will always have it good, or everything will go your way. But He will always work things out for you if you stay in Him.
So don't let the enemy crowd your mind with thoughts that don't line up.
The Lord does speak to us. He doesn't always speak in an  audible voice.It may be that still small voice that you hear deep inside when you get quite before the Lord. Many times we are too busy  to listen and He is trying to get our attention.
The Lord uses many ways to do this. He may allow something you don't like to get your attention, but you will be preserved in the hour he has planned for you. Many are called, but few are chosen. And he is in our presence when we ask Him into our lives. We may not always feel it, but He's there. He is always trying to get us to talk to Him and spend time with Him because he loves us so much. Time is our precious commodity and is on our side. And we are to use it the way He wants us to. Not to please ourselves. He is looking for you to be patient over little things and do big things. Psalms 37:1 Says Commit thy way unto the Lord. Trust in Him and He will bring it to pass. As a man thinks in his heart, so is He. All he wants you to do is come. Do not try to figure it out! Keep focus on Him. Don't hang around people who aren't good for you. Those who do wrong and don't love the Lord. It doesn't please Him for us to not obey His voice. He has spent countless hours trying to nurture us back to Him after the fall of man.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness. You cannot allow the devil to continue to trick you into being bad. Keep your focus. For the evil one is mad because time is short and he knows he cannot get what he wants if we listen to God's Holy voice.
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that he should lie. It's already written. He already blessed you. I John 2:27 The anointing in you abides in Him that no man can teach you, instead His anointing teaches you about all things and is true and not a lie. Just as he has taught you, remain in Him .Change is coming in that who we are to associate with and be with. You cannot be with everyone you want to.
Pride comes before destruction. Do not compromise or believe wrong.
The 1st way to discern is to know the Lord intimately and then you can tell right from wrong. The 2nd is to know your Bible and teachings. Discern the spirit as you need to.( to see the difference in the two). This is not a critical spirit, it may be discerning the human spirit in someone, or seeing in the spirit world (angels).
Satan's ministers are of light. 3rd, Must be a lover of truth. 4th,Must have a pure heart and humility. And 5th, Inner witness of the Holy Spirit.A still small voice will let you know if it's right or wrong if you are in Him. He uses a still small voice, not always audible. He uses this with all his children. If it is of peace you know it is Him. If you have a question, check your spirit to make sure the Lord is the one speaking because there are many voices out there. The Bible says in the last days even the elect will be deceived. Must know the word and have it in you.
So we must stay with what we feel is right in our spirit and peace will let you know that the anointing is abiding and working for you in your situation.
The Lord loves us with a mighty power from on high and you cannot get it anywhere else. It is the goodness and mercy of the Lord that we are where we are today and in good health and He is on our side. The Lord would say," All I am doing now is cleaning things out that have been a mess for many yrs. It may look bad to you, but that is the cleansing process and must happen to make the new way clean. So let me do this thing my way so it will be straightened out and cleansed for you, my child. It is for you and nothing shall by any means harm you! For I am your God and will not allow the enemy to do his thing he's planned. For I love my children with an ever lasting love that never runs dry."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News the Jesus Loves You and wants
 you to come to Him today. So do not put it off, as time is short and you do not know the day nor hour that the Lord shall come again. You want to be ready.

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