Today is the day to thank the Good Lord for all He has done in our lives and all He is about to do. We should be thankful when things don't look so good, as well as when they do. He did not put us here to have it made like we want all the time. He put us here with a plan for each and every one of us to do with our lives.
God Loves us so much and we cannot seem to comprehend it. Seems as though it's always something we are dealing with, and want Him to come through, not knowing him well and wondering why we don't get our way every time we ask.
He may want to lead us down another path some times to teach us some thing about life that we thought we already knew. But as time goes on, we realize we need him to help us understand the world and the things in it. It is a complex but simple thing to know Him.
He is not obligated to answer us every time we call, and give us what we have asked for. It must line up with his word. We forget that as much as he loves us, He is still going to answer our prayers lined up with His word.
Today only comes once a year. So we should be thankful for everything we have.
There isn't anything that was made that He did not make. You do not have a thing that God himself did not give you!!
So be thankful to Him and bless His name all ye people. For He is Lord and there is no other. He is our source for everything. Rest in Him and let his light shine upon you. Be still and know that I am the Lord your God, for there is no other. he is our rest, our wake, our sleep, our sunshine, our happiness and joy, and everything pertaining to Godliness. We should be glad to have Him in our hearts. He is not the author of confusion. There is an enemy here who wants to kill, steal, and destroy. That is his mission. So when something happens and it isn't from the Lord, we cannot say the Lord did it. For there is another out there waiting for you to give in and do his will.
The Lord would say, "Do not follow the leading of the destructive force who is always there to hurt you. He may come in a sneaky way, a subtle way, and a very sly way to deceive you. Remember I said that even the very elect would be deceived. He comes as a form of light to make you think it's the Lord. He can speak in a small nice voice also to make you think it's the Lord. But he is a flake and will deceive you if you don't know the Lord. He will say nice things and can even beg to get you to do something you know is wrong, but may seem right at the time. So be very careful to hear the right voice. There are many out there coming to take away your happiness and that is not the Lord. The Lord is good and His mercy is everlasting. He Loves you everlasting and there's nothing He won't do for them who love Him. Be quick to discern the voice of the Lord. Know that the enemy and his co-horts do not want you to have a Thanksgiving full of good things and family. Let your countenence shine for the people to know there is a Savior who paid a high price to save you and get you healed up! The enemy is mad and is trying to get us messed up with our minds and our stuff. He knows that is the closest to you. There's a newness coming and he's mad. So don't let it distract you. For it is just a phase.This is going to be a Brand New Year in the Lord. So wait and see what I am about to do." I would say you must wait on the Lord to get to know Him as well as study his word. For just spending a few minutes everyday is not enough to get to know what He has for you and how much he loves you. We must learn to rest in Him and trust Him with all our hearts. He wants all of us, not part. He made us and knows how we are and what we are made of. There's so many of us and each one different. So that tells you he is interested in us and nothing else could be a creator like that. We have passed many tests and He is well pleased. This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves you and wants you to come to Him today because time is short and we do not know the hour that He will come to take us home to be with Him forever. So come to Him today!
Our Support Group, Crowns Of Glory, had our Christmas Party on Dec. 7th. We had a crowd and lots of food and Santa came to visit. Please feel free to attend our meetings every other month, the 4th Sat. at SAMC, basement floor Community Room.Be blessed.