Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one. We all need each other in the body of Christ. Jonathan and David modeled this example. Circumstances tested their friendship when David suspected that King Saul wanted him dead. Jonathan doubted this, but David believed it to be true. I Sam. 20-23. so they eventually decided David would hide in a field while Jonathan questioned his Father about the matter. When Saul's deadly intent became clear, the friends wept together and Jonathan blessed David as he fled, vs.42.
You have a genuine friend in Jesus if you have accepted Jesus offer of salvation. He is a friend who never leaves you nor forsakes you. He gave you the greatest love-one who lifts you when you stumble. He has shown you the greatest love one friend can have or another, a love that led him to sacrifice His life for you. (John 15:13). You can go the world over and never find a friend as trusted as Jesus. He will meet you right where you are. Even at your lowest point in life, when you think nothing will happen for you. When you are sad, lonely, afraid, and all the problems seems to mount with no answers. He has the answers to them all and can get you out of any tight and tough spot you never thought you could get yourself out of. When loved ones die, friends forsake you, all the things you thought were going for you failed. And He will still be there. You don't have to be perfect. He will take you just the way you are. You can already know him, and have many problems and think He isn't there. But, He will be there for you. Especially when you have issues that no man can fix. He is the fixer, and the brethern who sticks closer than a brother. All he wants is to be believed. That is the main priority with Jesus. Not how many degrees you have, houses you own, cars you have, schools you have attended, or anything to make Him like and want you any more than He already does. He just wants you to come to Him just as you are with no cleaning yourself up, and give all of yourself to Him. For He paid the price for you on Calvalry, and there is nothing you can do to make it right with Him except to come as you are and believe in Him. It gives Him pleasure to be believed. Nothing else does, nor will. Just come to Him today.
He said to take His hand and don't look back, just let Him guide and direct your way. You do not know where to go or what to do. But He has the answer even if it takes longer than you wanted, or thought. It may seem to not be straightening out, but trust in the Holy one who knows everything. Let Him take care of your needs. You can have a best friend, but they cannot do what He can for you.The Lord said, "I am moving mountains that have been there for a long time. I am moving things for your favor. And I am pleased with your obedience and love you so much! God is driving the bus because the enemy doesn't want the end to come." So get with the Lord today to have your favor with Him. The Lord said, "Walk with me in the meadow where the butterflies and flowers are blooming. Everything will smell glorious and you will take my hand and let me show you the places we are going. The fragrance is from Heaven, and the butterflies are all different colors of the rainbow. They are light and airey and just what you need. So walk with me in the garden and the sun shines so bright. it is so beautiful! The meadow is clean and pure," says the Lord.
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him today.
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