It is the time of year to see what the Good Lord has done for all the people in the world. Those who have been, are here, and about to be born. Nobody is left out of the agenda. He loves everyone the same. Christ died over 2000 yrs. ago for you and me and all the children of the world, so we can have life in Him always and not death. We have to know that He died and rose 3 days later for everyone so that they might be saved and not lost. There is a Heaven and a hell, regardless of what anyone says. there's an aroa in the Word that is not in any other book about Jesus. What He says in his book is for today as well as when it was written. There's no going back once you have accepted Him in your heart so you would be saved from the demons of hell, who are so real. If you think hell is not real, why do you go through so much of it here on planet earth?This is just a preliminary for what is to come, and it is as real as Heaven. Don't be fooled into thinking you can do what you like and be saved on and on and go to Heaven. Christ did not die for slip-shod faith. He died so we wouldn't have to have hell for eternity. People play with hell everyday of their lives. But it is nothing like the real thing. Christ wouldn't have died for nothing for us! He paid such a price for us and no man can understand it in their natural mind. It is indeceivable. You would not have done it for anyone! We do not know what it means to pay the price for our souls to keep them from hell. Heaven is for real, but everyday people go to both. Not everybody gets to Heaven whether it seems like it, or you wish it. It is much easier to go to hell than Heaven. All you have to do is be yourself and never change and never answer His call to bring you out of yourself! So, do not be deceived. The enemy would love to have another come spend eternity with him. You cannot get out once you go in. I would not want to waste my life playing around with the creator of the universe and see if He would let me slide. It was an awful day when he was hung on that Cross for you and I. You may love your kids moire than anything in the world, but you would not be willing to be crucified for it! No one would. We have no clue what He went through to save us from an eternity of damnation. We need Him today.
So,let the Holy Spirit come into your heart today and give you a new lease on life, whether or not you are good or bad. It has nothing to do with it. Must be done to get to Heaven for eternity! There's no way back once you take it.
The Lord would say, "Stretch out your hand to me and let me take it now because the end is so near. I would not have anyone to perish. The price was paid too high for your souls. Let me have a chance in your heart and do not be scared. I will never fail you or turn you away. I am not the earthly Father, and I will clean you up. Your heart will be new and clean even though you do not think it's wrong. You will see. Take this chance today as there may be no tomorrow." So have a great Easter Sun. and if you have never accepted Christ in your heart, this is the most wonderful time to do it. Now is the time. May not be another. "There's a mess up under the bridge I am cleaning out for you to drive through. The enemy has thrown darts and wants to get you but I have stopped his attack. So come on down the road where I have cleared the way for you to drive through where you are supposed to be."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus is Lord and wants you to come to Him today!
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