Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ways Of Knowing God - Lisa Patterson

Our subject today is Ways Of Knowing God. Heb. 5:14 Spiritual senses. God leads in a simple format. He won't let it be hard to hear but it's hard to listen. Obedience makes you successful. Acts 16:6.
Jeremiah 18 prophecy is conditional. God does change His mind if you disobey. Timing is conditional to prophecy. I Cor. 13:9 must have peace about prophesying and have an inner witness. Acts 13 says prophecy needs to have a sign to it from a Word of Knowledge. The secrets of your heart are a sign. You attitude plays the most important part. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.Take what God has placed in you and learn to let it grow and find out about it. Study to show thyself approved a workman that need not turn back.
Faith is your anchor system. Get in His presence and you will get changed. we need to deal with the God of now. Not past or present. God's word is written to see if you've changed. Rom. 5:17.
God destined you to success. If you walk with the Lord you won't know defeat. It doesn't mean you won't be defeated, just won't know defeat. James 4:13-15.
Psalm 139:13-16 Before you were born God already had all of your days planned.
God never leads you where you thought you wanted to go because He wants you to win through Him. There's only 3 things you can take to Heaven(faith, hope and love).
And if God hasn't told you where else to be keep being where you are.You are where He wants you. There's so much to understand about God and when you think you know something, then that's when He'll show you there's so much more to this and everything about Him. He wants us to keep one foot forward and let Him lead the rest of the way. It's only by faith that God works in our lives. There's so much more. And we will learn in the weeks to come. God Loves You and wants you to come to Him today. And the way to do that is by the Holy Spirit guiding our spirits. He loves us more than we will  know. That is why He wrote the Bible. It has been written for everyone to hear and see the real Christ. He shed His blood for us and carried all our sins so we would not have to. That is the kind of love he has for us. We do not know that kind of love, but He has imparted it in our recreated spirit so we welcome Him today. The Lord said, "Blessings are coming your way. Just hold on to me. Let me guide you and take you where no man has been. Do not look to the right or the left or why this or that has not happened.
Everything will be all right if you will just take heed to what I have said and done for you, and blessings are on their way."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that God Loves You and wants you today.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Faith - Lisa Patterson

Today our subject is Faith. Faith is taking God at His Word. We are to take him at face value. God has a limitless supply of resources. Faith is rooted in a trust in God's witness in scripture the way the Holy Spirit is showing us in the Word. So to grow in faith one must choose to believe and receive the witness of scripture and become loyal to it.

Choose to believe the bible as the absolute Word of God. Trust prophetic words brought by godly men and women. 11Chronicles 20:20.
The Lord said, "A wave of blessing is coming your way for your obedience. Miracles
are happening you wouldn't believe but waited for so long. A shifting has occurred in  the spirit to move things over from the old things to a new generation. Let all the old things go and the new to come. Everything is changing to shift to the new."

Faith takes God at His Word. Do not question his promises. Express gratitude for all success and favor. Neh. 2:8. The man or woman of faith will not seek recognition because he or she knows that God sees and rewards. Know that god will not forget your acts of righteousness. He will reward them openly in His time. Esther 6:1-11.

Fear is the opposite of faith: it is believing what God says is not true. God commands us not to be afraid. Faith is able to trust God and not act out in fear. Know and understand that fear shows lack of faith in God and His promises. Job 3:25. Believe that God honors faith that is stronger than death. Job 13:15.

Be consoled in the truth that God is always and everywhere present. Psalms 139:7. Also know that as you continue in Him, the Lord will certainly fulfill His purpose for you. Psalm 138:8.

Faith sees beyond trials and obstacles, knowing that God is sovereign over such and uses them to shape us and strengthen us for future battles.

Belief results in obedience. Faith determines action and produces obedience, through overcoming, becomes fruitful. Be ready to obey the words the Lord speaks to you. Know that God only continues to speak to those who do what He says. I Samuel 3:10. Incomplete obedience is the same as disobedience. Obey the Lord and do not turn away from Him. I Samuel 15: 22-23.

Also believe that where the Lord leads, He feeds. Where He guides, He provides. Choose to believe that the Lord knows how to care for His servants.
"The wind is coming your way. Let everything go so God can take care of it for you.
 Don't look at the way things are. Be still and let me show you these things up high.
 If you look at the circumstances you'll be confused. So the wind is blowing your
 way. Let me show you my love for you. Get out of the boat and believe me, says
  the Lord."

This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that God Loves You and wants you today. Be blessed.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Being Sheep Of God - Lisa Patterson

Today we will study Being Sheep Of God. Because when you are God's children you are his sheep. And the Shepherd knows His sheep.

John 10:25 says my sheep hear my voice and I know them that follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand.. My Father is greater than all and has given them to me and no one is able to snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are one.

John 10:1 He who does not enter the sheep fold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the door keeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice. And he calls his own sheep by name, and leads them out. When he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him. For they know his voice. They will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.

Jesus said again, I am the door of the sheep. All whoever come before me are thieves and robbers. But the sheep did not hear them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. I have come that they will have life.

The thieves and robbers were the Pharisees. The stranger is anyone whom the sheep do not know. Not always a thief or a robber. The sheep wouldn't follow a strangers voice even if he used the shepherd's call and imitated his tone.

A hireling is a hired shepherd, a mercenary who tends the flock for his own interest. When a hired shepherd sees a wolf coming he flees, not caring for the sheep.

Jesus had the power to voluntarily lay down his life for the sheep, but also to take it up again. No one but God can do that.

The characteristics of the sheep are: 1) they hear his voice, 2) they follow him (faith), 3)shall never perish: their eternal life can never be taken away. The Father's hand is more powerful than the enemy. For the Lord says I and my Father are one.

The Lord said, " I love you so much!  You are mine and I have special gifts for you. And I have set you aside for my own. You can only go where I send you and do what I want you to do. You have no idea what I have in store for you.

It's a long road you've traveled but you'd not want it any other way. Be settled in your spirit and situated where you are. I'll move you as I see fit. And you'll go places and do things for me. You have much favor with me. Nothing lacking! Be there for me as  you never have and let me love you."

This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that God Loves You and wants you to come to Him today.