Saturday, March 24, 2018

How To Be Strong In The Lord - Lisa Patterson

Ps. 18:1 The Lord is my strength, rock, and
fortress and deliverer, my stronghold. Our
strength comes from Him. We cannot do it
alone. Ps.27:1 The Lord is my light  and
my salvation.
 Make your declaration personal. A man who wavers is not to be trusted. and shall not receive anything. Fear rises up in so many ways. Fear is tormenting,deathly, and He shall deliver all  to those who seek after Him. Ps. 28:7
The Lord is my strength and shield. Ps.46:1 He is our refuge and help in trouble. He is my salvation,.
Isaiah 40:29-31 He gives strength to the weary. To wait is to behold, to expect, to look to. To wait is
to behold, to expect, to look to. Strength is renewed expectation. Waiting is expectation. Don't sit in
the seat of the scornful. Meditate day and night. 1)Be still and wait and pray.2). II Tim.2:1 Be strong
in grace. We are anointed in the grace of Jesus-every believer is. Standing, serving, and grace.
Paul was doing well and a buffeter came along to deceive.Always have that and need to pray against
any evil that comes to deter your walk in the Lord. 3) Jude 1:20 praying in the Holy Spirit. 4) be bold
in the things of the Lord. Philip 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Let your light shine so they will see you are my deciples. How will they know unless they have been
taught, fed, anchored. Be ready to help the helpless, defenseless, needy, helpless.Let your light shine the ones no one wants to help. Be there for them to show the Love of the Lord to them. He will
be so proud of his children for being ready to breakthrough to those others cannot reach. Be strong
in the Lord like no other. Be the one they need. Step out in faith. Try the spirit and make sure it is the
Lord showing you to go out there. He loves those who love him and those who need him and 
his word. There is something about coming together for Him and the worthy cause He placed you here for. The Lord would say, "Be my light unto the world to show the goodness and mercy I have for them. They think no one cares. They need me. I am coming to get them, all of them, to get them
from the enemy. They must reach out and want me. Let me love you and have my way to the broken
harted who have tried it all and done it all and need a new release on life. I have that for my people
and want to give it to them today. I am putting all the baggage of the past in a large bag and setting it over in the corner to burn it off so you will not remember it any more. I will take care of the past that the enemy has ensnared to my people and will replentish it back with pearls, sayeth the Lord." This is Lisa Patterson With the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him this hour.