Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A New Beginning - Lisa Patterson

Today is a new day! The past is all gone. Start a new beginning today and ask the Lord Jesus
into your heart! It is a must in this day and time to have Jesus(God's only Son), to come into
your heart and take over your life. If you do not before this world gets worse, it may be harder
to want to trust Him with your life because of all the confusion going on. We need a Savior today.
We cannot live this life on our own and expect to win! You will only win with Jesus. He is here
to save your soul today. There is not much time left on this earth. Only cowards say they can
do on their own!! Jesus does not change His mind about you. He loves you with the mistakes
you have made all your life no matter how many! The way to learn more about Jesus is to get His
word in the Bible and it makes it clear He wants you more than you want Him even from the
foundations of the world. He knew you before you were born and knew you by name. He called
you to become His. This is not a happen stance that goes away with the evening news. It is an
eternal blessing He gave you to be with Him for eternity and not go to the pit of hell, as it is as
real as Heaven is in all it's glory. He wants you to have all He has which includes His "Glory."
He will take  you and wash all the tears away and all the past(good and bad) and make a New
You! You will have the same body but when you read his word, you will receive a new mind.
And you must stay in His word and keep Him in your heart. he needs more and more to come to
Him to go on with the plans he has established already here on earth. There's no turning back
when you leave this earth and go to Heaven or that terrible dreaded place called Hell! It is as real
as Heaven. Do not be deceived! For God is not mocked and will not be replaced by an imposter.
There is no other which is named above Heaven but our dear wonderful Jesus! He will wipe away
your tears, your flaws, habits, and all you want him to. For the Lord would say,"Please come to
me today as time is short! I have come that you may have life! And life more abundantly. There's
so much I want to show you and help you become the new person I called you to be!! Be still and
hear my plea. I have loved you with an everlasting love that no man can match. I have come from
the right and the left to get to you and love you more than you can imagine!! Take this word serious
because there's no other to love you and give you what I can. Gifts are waiting for you! There's a
new light on the road I have shown you to take. I will make you well today. There's so much to do
this hour and I need you today!" So let Jesus in your heart today and have a new life you have not known before. Say, "Jesus, come into my heart and make me a new person I need to be for you.
Wash away my sins and make me whole in you. Thank you Jesus for loving me with all your being."
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News That Jesus Loves You and Wants you to come to Him Today!!!