Sunday, December 12, 2021

Merry Christmas!!! - Lisa Patterson

 This is the most magical time of the yr! Don't let your heart get sad from past experiences. This yr. is a wonderful yr. coming up. 2022 is the yr for more and more of the things you have prayed for a long time. It's a yr for cleansing and uprooting the old and bringing in the new! Do not be surprised if you get something you haven't had in a long time all packaged up with a surprise in it. Life is short and should be lived for the Lord Jesus the rest of your life! It's His and always will be as He put us on this planet for Him and to glorify the Father. He loves us with an everlasting love we know nothing of. Don't take this life for granted.It's a New Yr for us to enjoy His goodness and mercy everlasting. Everyday is a new day to spend the way He wants you to.John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever would call on Him would be saved!. He took a High price for you to be saved and live for Him and be with Him forever and ever. This time of yr is just for you to answer the call for the rest of your life. you do not get another one. This one is what you do with it. Be safe as the devil roars around like a lion seeking whom he may desire and he will if you open the door for him too. Only God can save you from the wiles of his evil paths. Christmas time is to be spent with Him and family and loved ones to show how much He bled and died for you on the Cross. It is the best time of the yr! He came to save us from the enemy so we could be free."Be still and know me." He wants intimacy with you always and forever. Jesus died and bled for all our sins so we wouldn't have to live with them. That is what Christmas is about! It is living and breathing Him all the time and Him being in you to guide you everyday! We will all pass but where will we go? Be smart and take Him as your savior today. Let this season be bright and always keep Him tucked inside you all the days of your life. It's not the same as yesterday and not tomorrow yet. Now is the time to come to Him. He lays waiting on you. Be safe this holiday as it is only once a yr. No turning back! you would want your babies to be safe and sound, so you must be also to be an example to those who do not know Him. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the yr! The Lord would say, " I am waiting over in the corner to take off the heaviness you have had on you a long time. You cannot carry it anymore. It is mine and I can handle it for you. Don't let it bother you anymore. I can take care of it all. There's a gentle breeze over here waiting on you to let me love you again no matter the past. I will do it again for you. It's always alright with me. I will take your worn out puzzle you have tried to put together so many times and make it new. I love you and never will I ever stop! Don't keep going down the same road expecting different results. I can do it all for you. Let it all go and give it to me. You cannot handle all that is going on and will happen in your life or another. Give it all back to me and let me do it all for you. It is a new yr and there are things that will happen you cannot do anything about and others cannot.Why do you hang on to the past? Let it all go so your health will spring forth and your family will prosper also. Take it one day at a time for the days are coming no man knows what will happen. I am in charge and no one else. I bled for you and died for you. Don't turn back." I hear Him say " He has got this!" So if He is in your heart, He has got it. Let Him have it all and take the worry off yourself from all the tears and everything you thought you had but it didn't work the way you wanted it to. Be still and know that He is the Lord and there is no other this Christmas. It is His and He can handle it! This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yr!!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

A New Year Is Coming - Lisa Patterson

Be on guard as never before. A new year is coming! The old is gone and it's a new day. The Lord is doing a new thing in  this earth. He is not sitting back waiting on the enemy to get his way. NO NO is the answer. Be on guard for the new is coming we have waited for. This new yr will be a better happier year .Always be on guard as the enemy roars like  lion devouring whom he may. Don't let it be you!!Take the Lord's hand so you will be protected. Let not your guard down. Show that you are His child and will not let the enemy do you any harm.Take Thanksgiving for the day it is meant to be. Give thanks and always give thanks. For the Lord is good and His mercy is everlasting. He is ever wanting your time. Take the time to talk to Him and be with Him. Always be glad to be Him. If you do not know Him, now is the time to ask Him into your heart. There's no turning back when the time comes to go.You will have peace in the midst of trouble, war, hell on earth etc. when you come to Jesus and ask Him to come live in your heart forever. He gives you the right to do as you will. It's your own will but He bled and died on that Cross for all who would come to Him for eternity. He took all your sins and laid them on the cross so you wouldn't have to. No one could or ever will take His place and there's peace you have never know in the midst of turmoil, pain, death, and anything that this earth hands over to you.The journey isn't always easy but it is taken care of with Him. If not, then you do it alone and with the enemy always messing with you. Be with Jesus. It is not easy to walk in this life anyway but He makes it easier for us. The path will not always be easy but it will work with His love and support. Jesus came and died for everyone so they would not have the pain of the enemy on them. We do not know all of the enemy's tactics he planned for us or is doing. There is no mercy in him. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows he reaps and only Jesus can help you straighten up what the devil has done. Many have perished without the Lord Jesus in their hearts. There's no way to go back if you have gone. Jesus was sent here by almighty God to help us get from the darkness to the light. No one else could do that. Now we have the Holy Spirit to take care of it. He is our helper. Jesus went to the Father God on our behalf and the Holy Spirit takes His place to help us get out of the torment of the devil. He will not stop until you call on Jesus to save you. The Holy Spirit is our guide, comforter, helper, and can live in your heart if you ask. Just say, Lord, I repent of my sins and want to ask you to come into my heart to live with me forever. That is all it takes but you must be sincere and really hungry for Him to live in your heart forever. Today is a new day if you asked Him to come inside your heart and you will be saved for all eternity. Thank him for coming and being in you for all eternity. You will be glad and happier than ever. he has a plan for your live that you will like and no one can replace you. We are all created so different for a reason and for His glory Hebrews 5:9,10. He says," Take me as your life and let me do what I have prepared for you until time to go home to eternity in Heaven. I will give you peace and rest for your soul. The enemy tries so hard to take your with him and destroy you and the millions he already has. Don't be deceived, God is not mocked and the devil is a liar. There's no truth in him. He only comes to kill, steal, and destroy and the Lord has come to give you life more abundantly. Be with me always and never leave. It is not once saved always saved. You can slip back, so don't play with the devil's tactics. He plays with your mind and can act nice but he is not. There's a major change coming you haven't seen but the way is smoother than it looks and is a new journey I have made for those who lay down their lives for me. Be by me always and never leave. I paid a high price to be with you and take you home to Heaven to spend eternity with me and I am clearing out the debris that has entangled your lives and homes so it will be a lighter, and happier place to be." This is Lisa Patterson With The Good News That Jesus Loves You and wants You to come to Him Today!!

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Being On Target With Jesus! - Lisa Patterson

 Being with Jesus is the most interesting and spiritual insight you will be in. Jesus will give you peace that   passes all understanding! Be on God's side to get all He wants you to have in this life. There's not another life to live outside this life until the after life which we all will have. No one escapes! be ready to be with Jesus until all eternity!  Jesus is waiting for you to want Him. He gave his life for you 2,000 yrs. ago and that cannot be reversed. He died for all to come to Him. There's no turning back when you come to Him. We all make mistakes and he forgives but you must ask for it to be valid. Be still and know that I am the Lord who loves you like no other. He can take away your hurts, pains, tears, everything you need! Come unto Him and lay down all your anxieties, worries, etc. You will feel a change in you and a peace that you have never known before. It's real and will always be.Jesus will do you good. He loves with an everlasting love you have not known. It's a forever love you do not get here. John 3:16, God loved the whole world that he sent his only son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.John 9:5 I am the light of the world. John 10:10 the thief comes only but to steal kill and destroy and I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.John 14:1-3, Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. My Father's house has many rooms...if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. Jesus is the divine Son who reveals the Father. People are either "of the world," or "of the Father."The Holy Spirit is the Counselor/Advocate who will mediate "Jesus" presence. His Grace is free and undeserved favor for his sinful people. He loves everyone. No one can match His undeserved favor for you. Meet up with Him and see what he has to offer you today. Let Him know He is yours forever to save you from sin and hell. All you have to do is ask Jesus in your heart today and all the weight of the world will fall off your shoulders and He will carry it all for you. No one else can or will do that for you! This world is getting darker and Jesus said it would. We are getting into the end times and the enemy is going after anything he can to get whoever he can. Don't let him snare you before you know it, but he will. He only wants to kill, steal, and destroy. Halloween is nothing to play with. There is nothing that is funny about hell and his minions. Do not play with him. He only wants to snare you and tangle you up. There's no good in him and the holiday is not what it is all shown to be. There's no good in Halloween. It was created by the enemy and his devils to magnify the devil himself. He will corner you before you know it. Hell is real and when there you cannot escape and there's no light. Do not dress your kids like the devil and his cohorts! It is real but Jesus came to keep us from going there so we would be with him forever and ever. Eternity is a long time and you can't change your mind once you are gone. The Bible speaks expressly about it. You will have new fruits and peace forever with the Lord Jesus. He would say," Please let me take you to Heaven with me when it is time. I died and was crucified for you and your loved ones. There's no need in following the enemy as he will lie and deceive you forever and it is the darkest you will ever know. No turning back at all. Be with me always and stay with me. I will make you clean and keep you from going backwards to the old ways and confused. I love with an everlasting love for you. I bled and died for you the most horrible death no one can match but rose the 3rd day. No one can do it. There's a fire to clean you and make you whole and new. I am going around to clear out all the debris the enemy and world has kept you in. Don't let him deceive you. Take my yoke and let me do what I wish for you. I have spent an eternity getting to know you and having you come to me as there's no other way. I would not have it any other way. I love you my children through it all . Am so involved in your life, thick and thin! My angels are watching and taking charge over your life. Even if it looks bad it's not. There's a wind blowing in your favor to throw out the enemy. I have taken care of it all. Look to me and see my face. I love you with an everlasting love. I will not allow the enemy to get into the gate." There are too many who need to get saved as the world is getting darker and  it's not for you to take care of it without Him. Too much is at stake, the enemy runs around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He will trick you. Be on your toes and get him out of your life with the word of the Lord."This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and Wants You to Come to Him Today!"

Monday, September 6, 2021

Happy Labor Day!! - Lisa Patterson

 Let us be happy for the United States we live in and all the Lord is about to do in our land.The Lord loves this land and all the lands in our world He created for us to live in. If only we would listen to Him quieter to hear His voice in what we ask. He is gentle and kind and does not want us to live unhealthy and the enemy is a ravishing wolf ready to take us all out at any moment he thinks he can. We must be on the scene always to watch for his deceptive ways he thinks he has against us. When you belong to the Lord you have His protection and can always pray for Him to help in any situation available. He always has the key you need to get the enemy back and win. We need more in this day as our US is under attack like never before and we must defend our country. If we love our country we must pray as never before to keep the wolves out! These times are hard and getting harder. Don't let your guard down! Be on the lookout for anything that is not of Him! We have to keep our land the forefathers fought for so long. We cannot let the enemy have a foothold in our property. Today we are to rest for all the hard work we have done and to keep our blessed land like it was meant to be! Be grateful for all we have and ask the Father to  keep you from the wolf and all the enemies that are sneaking up to watch and prey on whoever they can. Be still and know that the Lord your God is with you wherever you go if you are His. It is a long road to travel once you get on His road and takes a while to get to the destination He has in line for you. Don't sway and stay where you are assigned and always be where you are. If you are not where you are assigned, the enemy already has a foothold on you to get you off track and deceives you to think you are where you need to be. But listen to the still smart voice of the Lord to let you know where you need to be. It will not be easy and always smooth. But He will let you know and you will have peace. It's not your live anymore when you gave it to Him. So get on the right path! The Lord would say, "Don't let the enemy trick and deceive you to think it's all rosy where you are and maybe it's your place. But he has nothing be lies to you. Be with me always and don't get weary in well doing as it always gets better down the road where you can see better after the wasp and flies get away. Let me take you on my road that I cleared away for you to see the new things I have for you and they are from me and no man can take them away. I have this life you chose in me and will handle it all for you. it may look dark for a while, but it will clear up. I love all people and no one is an exception. They take wrong roads and go wrong places. but I can clear anything up for you. So, stay with me for the long haul and you will see the sun shine again." Be still and hear His voice always and stay in the right place so as not to veer off on a creak somewhere you don't belong. Let this Labor Day be a good one and pray for this country and world for the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever!!! This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News That Jesus Loves you and wants you to come to Him Today!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

From Glory To Glory!!

Today is the best day of your life to get things right with the Lord. With all the this world is going through it's time to get your heart with the one and only Jesus Christ, to help heal your heart and get you right with Him as time is short and there's no turning back when it's time to go! Do not take time for granted. We were put on this earth to be transformed into the image of the Father so we can show what it is like to live in this world full unsaved people who need Jesus. It is your job to be where He wants you to be to do your job. Life is tough and short. Live it for Him. Nothing else will do! There's no other way. John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave His life for us to get to know Him so no one would perish. The enemy would have you think different as he is a deceiver and wants your soul. He will fight you tooth and nail for your soul. It is not getting easier out there and he is on a war path seeking whom he may devour.Do not get caught up in his schemes ans he is the great deceiver. He will do all possible to make you believe he is right and God is not! Do not be deceived. You can know his tactics by whether it's peace or not. He knows no peace and will mascarade to make you think he does.The devil is so opposite from all God is and will make you think he is not. One day this world will be gone. There's no going back once it is all over! Jesus is the way the truth and the life! there is no other. If you don't have peace about a situation then check yourself and see what's wrong. If you have peace, pray the Lord shows it's Him cause He is peace. There's no peace in the devil. He is roaming around like a roaring lion trying to find whom he may devour. The Lord doesn't devour he is gentle, meek and is all peace. Do not let anyone tell you different! To repent and come to Jesus is the best thing you can ever do in your life. Repentence is to reconsider. Make it a day to reconsider all He has done for you and your family whether big or small. He deserves the glory.John 16. The Holy Spirit's job is to help us repent and be convicted.The root problem to being beat down by the enemy is self love. You have to lay your life down to get a new life with the Lord. No one else lays down his life for you! Satan is going to lure you every way he can.Sin is total self centerdness. Sin separates. We are all looking for where we belong. Isaiah 35:1-7, 19-24.Dust to dust is fine and we were created by fire. This world cannot sustain you.We are longing for a home. Take the only home you were supposed to get, His home all for us He created for us before time. God made us in His mind is us and having us going home with Him for all eternity! The Lord would say," I have given you my everything and you keep being pushed back to this world. I have given my all for you and it is not what you see but what is hidden in me. I will always love you but if you choose not to go the right path, you will be so dismayed as there is not another way to go but by me. I long for you to be with me all the time. Read my word breathed by the Holy Spirit. He loves with an everlasting love you do not know nor can fathom in this age. Peace is an everlasting promise with me. It will be fine but the enemy will always test you regardless. He will try and scare you to stay away from me but don't listen to his tactics. Stay with me always and I will walk with you everyday for the rest of your life! There will be trials.We won't ever have it rosy all the time. There's green pastures ahead and shinny new begining. Losing a loved one is the best day of your life when they go be with me. Don't be sad as you will be with them soon if you stay with me. There's a new road to take I have swept clean for you and all the rocks have water that never thirst. I am clearing out the path that has been backed up and making sure it is all clear for the road to go on. The enemy is watching all the things you have been doing that has him angry but do not be dismayed. I have not been changed as I see it all and hear it all and it is well with me as long as you stay on the right path with me. Take my hand and walk with me everyday for the rest of your life."This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants You Today!!"

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Unity though Humility - Lisa Patterson

 Phillip 2:1 Unity through Humility. Jesus was 100% Man and 100% God. He became flesh and blood.John 5:18 The Jews sought to kill Him because he broke the sabbath. He lives in us and is us. Jesus lives by the Father. He lives in you. The Father in me doing the works. You can't always do whatever you want and wait on Him. Vs. 19 Jesus could do nothing without the Father. If Jesus could do nothing without the Father. If Jesus was about His Father's business, who are we? John 12:49 I have only spoken what the Father says, so I speak what He says. Wait on Him. John 14:10 I am in the Father and He is in me. The words I say are what He tells me. I will not leave you orphans. Abide in me and I abide in you. Without me you can do nothing! Gold and silver will stay(what he has done). If not it won't. We cannot do anything without Him! I Peter He is keeping us. John 6:51 Whosoever has my flesh and dwells in me and I in you abides forever. He who feeds on me is in me. I John 3:2 "We are the sons of God." Purify yourself as He has. We are children of God. Whoever commits sins also commits lawlessness. Whoever abides in Him does not sin! Whoever sins doesn't know Him or see Him. We are now in Christ and He is our all in all. The devil is subtle and deceiving. Pay attention. John 14:17, The world doesn't know Him but He is your guide and will be with you always. He is a gentle man and must be quick to hear His instructions. He is your strengthener! He quickens your mortal body. Abide in Him and it's easy to be with Him and live in Him. We do not have a life aside from Jesus. You can have gifts and no anointing. Do not be deceived. God is not mocked. Rom. 8, I love those who love me. Stay with me. We are seated with Christ Jesus in Heavenly places. Nothing should take the place of Jesus He took a body as we have a body to use it for His glory. Jesus fought in the wilderness (evil devil). Job didn't have an advocate but we do-Holy Spirit.In Him. We have redemption through His blood, forgiveness of sins. The Lord would say, " I am reaching down deep into your spirit, soul, and mind to clean out the debris and replace it with love, joy, and peace to replenish  what is needed in my people to bring them back to my temple. To be Holy acceptable to me and the Father.  All things work good for those who trust Him and His love Him.He is in you in Him when you take Him and give your life to Him.There is a love so deep for everyone that I would go to extra lengths to do what is necessary to have you come back to me. I have given my all in all so you can live and be with me for all eternity! Come to my table and eat with me and see all I have to bring you back where you need to be. I love with all I have. Do not give in the the deceiver who will trick you and make you think it's me. I died on that Cross for you. I gave my all for you and love you more than you can ever know. Please hear me as time is short. I would not have bled on that Cross for no reason at all. There are so many things to tell you and you must see the finished works that were done on that Cross for you." This is Lisa Patterson  With the Good News That Jesus Loves You and Wants You Today!!

Monday, May 31, 2021

Happy Memorial Day! Lisa Patterson

 Hoping everyone had a nice Memorial Day. The lives that were lost to give us freedom cannot be replaced. We give God the glory for all He has done for the freedoms we have due to the sacrifices of the soldiers who protected us and gave their lives for us. We should be forever grateful. It cannot be replaced and should not be taken for granted. The Lord is with them all who did the greatest to give us what we could not replace!!  Matt. 5:13.We who are in Christ are the salt of the earth to take this gospel to the ends of the earth. The sacrifices have been met to get you out there and get the lost saved. To be his servant is the highest calling you can have. It's not to be the best preacher, teacher,prophet, but the best servant and one who takes this gospel out to the world to those who are poor meaning they have not heard the news that Jesus saves from all sins and is the only one who can do that for you to be able to abide in his presence and be with Him in all eternity! Today was set aside for all those who paid the price for us to live and kept those who might have died in sin saved for eternity. We will never know what all was done on this day so many yrs ago so we could have life where it may have passed us by! Don't take this life here for granted. It's just a one time deal. Jesus came so you can be set free! He wants you free from sins of the father of this world who deceives everyday!!! Unless you are in Christ you will be see the enemies sly and deceiving lies he puts before you to make you think it's ok to sin. Take heed that so as not to be deceived by his tactics and his deceptions he so fouls people with of all kinds. More go to hell than Heaven even with this gospel of Jesus Christ preached around the globe everyday, than go to Heaven. That has to changed!! We must not take for granted all He did for our salvation! Let the Lord love you today. He does or there wouldn't be thousands who lost their lives on this day yrs ago for yours and my freedom! Things seem pretty and right that are not. And the plainest are the ones hidden He is showing you to get on board and get right with Him. We are only here for a short while and should not take one day for granted. But with Jesus you won't.John 3:16, For God so loved the whole world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever comes to Him might be saved. No one is turned back only if they changed and went the way of the enemy and never changed their mind. It's up to you to decide who you will serve, Jesus or the enemy. He is cunning and will look smart and will deceive you to no end and you will be confused. That's the word to show it's not God. He will never confuse and is always there ready for you and you will have a change of heart and peace will reign. The enemy will not have peace. Always trying this and that and everything he can think of to satisfy but it doesn't quench your thirst. Hell is torment forever and no turning back. You will thirst forever and have pain etc. It never ends. The fire never goes out. It's real and there's a Heaven that is also. Let the Lord come in and speak to you tonight on this Memorial Day to heal all the brokenness in your heart from past hurts and pains you cannot get out nor the Dr.Only Dr. Jesus can put all the pieces to your puzzle together! Tonight is the night before it's all gone. If you don't take him with you for eternity, hell is waiting. There's no time to wait. He wants to spend it with you here before you go home and get to know Him and His love for you! He would say," I am waiting over here for your voice to take you into my arms for all your hurts, anguish, pains, stresses, heart aches, and all that doesn't belong in you cause you cannot handle them in your body. That is what I am here for and died for. Don't take me for granted as I have waited centuries for the miraculous night where you come into me. There's a smooth road I have made for you to walk on where the sky is blue and clouds are shinny waiting for you to sit on my lap! There's nothing I won't do for you if you ask in my name to handle all the issues and blessings will come. I died for it all and do not want any to go by the way side!" The other road looks nice and clean but as you go down it after a while it gets really dirty,gray, cloudy, black, snakes, all kinds of  creepiness. Animals have been made to look dreadful and will show their teeth and want to eat anything alive. It's not a pretty road but starts off ok so you cannot tell. Don't take that road. Be with me forever as you will never regret it." This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus wants you Today.!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Give It All To Him - Lisa Patterson

Eph. 3:1 White raiment is what we are to wear for Christ. Jesus is changing us into another person. It's killing you to come into Him! You can't have your past back. You are turning into a new person He has created you to be. Col. 1:27 God willed to make known what are the riches of His glory of the mystery among the gentiles which is Christ in you the hope of His glory. We must remember these things. Cannot get away from it. When we go through tribulations it's for someone else. The gospel doesn't change. No one should tell you that! Look at Jesus and Paul's gospel. He is you and you are in Him. Do not get carnal.He that loves my son loves me! He uses the least qualified and He wanted you anyway. When you are in Him it's about Him! He uses the weak points about us. He said He is "spring cleaning" our yards and homes and getting out the weeds and weeds we haven't seen." We are the keepers of His garden. He is preparing His bride. All things work good for those who love Him and trust Him. John 14:16 And ask the Father and He will give you the comforter to strengthen and stand by that will remain in you forever(counselor). A scratch on the inside indicates there is something not quite right or true. Be very aware of your spirit for that is what we are. We are not a body for we were made a spirit, living in a body and have a soul. Must be aware what and who is talking to you.He is a gentle man and must be quite to hear his instructions. He is your strengthener!! He quickens your mortal bodies.The Lord would say." Be still and know that I am the Lord God who made you. I am your everything and there is no other. I wouldn't make it too easy for you to know me without a price as I paid the high price to get you to me. Come unto me as I have waited so long for you to want me and love me as I have loved you first in your dirty clothes and trespasses. Believe me as I come in as a still small voice that is peaceful, loving, kind and gentle.It does not matter who thinks what. It isn't about you but Him!" I Cor.13:2, Without love there is nothing. Eph.4:2, Be patient and kind. Let the love of God shine in your hearts. It is all about Him and what He did for us. He loves with an everlasting love you will never understand. He is the Lord of all. There is no other and will never be. Without Him you will never go to Heaven for eternity. you may say, but there is no other way to get there except through Him. He died for you so you could be with Him forever. No other way! When you are gone it's forever and no turning back. He died on that cross just for you and me. Let's never forget it! Always be good to those who do not know Him. That is what you are left here for. Not for yourself but for others. Living so others will.Let us put on the garment of praise for the Lord is good and there is no other!! Ask and you shall find. Knock and the door will open. He will never turn you down. you cannot be too bad for Jesus. But never put down the Holy Spirit. It will not be forgiven. All others will but not against Him!! He wants you now. Come now while there is time. Don't wait till later as this world is changing all the time. Everyday is a new day and we will never get it back. If you have Jesus, it will show in others and they will see the peace, love, joy you have for others. If you have things that are not resolved, get them done. Give it to the Lord as He will straighten it out for you. Don't go to bed angry. Forgive the people who hurt you in the past. Those who are gone cannot take on the future of your hurts. Let it go! Give all to Him as He is the only one who can take it and it does not affect Him and He takes every body's hangups. There will be a price to pay for not giving in and letting Him do the work. He will always do what He said but in His timing. We cannot live like before and expect it to go right. Take His hand today and be saved and delivered from all the things holding you from becoming what he has for you!The Lord would say, "I am clearing out the debris from old mold and mildew in your closets. You have not wanted to get rid of the things of the past. I will take it and clean it all up. I have seen the tears it has caused and am going to take care of it for you. Be with me as I long for your presence. I have made you in the image of the Father to please myself. Don't let others come to you  and feel less than what I have done for you. Be with me and learn from me. Read my word and go to Church to know me!" This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus wants you to Come to Him Today!!

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Resurrection Day!! - Lisa Patterson

 Today is the day to be happy for the rest of your life! Jesus has rose from the dead and the only one who has been able to defeat the enemy who thought he had done Him in! No way can you get rid of the one who died for you and me! I Cor.15:2, Paul preached His death by crucifixion on that Cross.It is the only hope for sinful mortals to inherit the kingdom of God. What follows is that Christ crucified and rose again on the 3rd day!No one has ever been able to achieve this. They thought he was dead after being crucified! There's no way God will let His only begotten son not be raised from the dead for your sins and mine! It is the only way we can get into the kingdom that was created for us to live forever. you must accept that He rose from the dead to cover your sins and be given life abundantly. Take this life He is freely giving as there is no other way to achieve Heaven on your own! Vs 12, But if it has been preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say there has been no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection then Christ has not been raised from the dead and your preaching is useless and so is your faith! We do not want our works to be in vain if he was not raised. But the truth is He has been raised and we have every reason to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! He did go to that Cross and take all our sins and then hung on that Cross to cancel them all so we can go to Heaven and be with Him forever!! What a price to pay for us when we did not deserve it and never have been able to live up to it! We must Praise Him of the most high for all He has done for all mankind for our eternity! We did not earn it and never will. This gospel is being preached for everyone to receive all that He did for us! No one can take the place of it at all. There is no competition in Christ. No repeat of the same. Everything He makes is new  and original. There are no duplicates in the mind of Christ. He is the same today everyday and always. No way you can go with another Jesus and it be the same. There are many out there proclaiming to be Jesus. But He wants you to get to know Him so you know who He is and that He is the only one and will always be with you and be the only one. He loves us more than we can imagine. He came to the Cross to have you with Him for all eternity. That is pure love!! No one can duplicate it. When you give your life to Him, there will be a peace in you that you can never explain but He will change you all over and it takes time but you will never want to go back to your old life. He did all this for everyone. It breaks His heart when people don't accept Him. He doesn't want any to perish and they will. That is the cost of following Him or not. There is not other way. The spirit of the Lord is all over His book, the Bible! He will  open your eyes to see just what He is saying to you. Vs. 17, And if Christ hasn't been raised, your faith is futile, and you are still in your sins and it's all not real.Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost.We have all He gives us and you cannot be satisfied in your own works. Vs. 20, But Christ indeed has been raised from the dead and the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked and those who are pretending to be raised in any different form are not raised from the dead and therefore, not the real Jesus. He loves us with an everlasting love and this proves it! There's no other way to come to Him and accept Him.Be totally sure that Jesus is the one that was raised for the dead. So many things happened on that Cross that day that we don't know about. He said He loves with an everlasting love no one can fathom. He is saying tonight," Come to me this hour. I have waited so long and been looking for you all over and trying to get your attention. Have you not heard the truth? I did not do anything in vain. It was all for you. If only one person was on this earth, I would have died for you and that is my love which is not in vain. Take me as I want you so much to be with me in all eternity!! There's flowers on the road I have made for you to travel on and many beautiful blessings I have in store. The road you have been traveling and isn't safe. It looks it but there are foxes and snakes and they come in pairs to choke you from all life but make you think they are of me. But not true. Take this smooth road and I will be with you forever and you will love all the smells and things made just for you! I am rearranging things to get back on track. Things went backwards and I am fixing it all for you. Let me take care of all the small details of your life so it can go smoother.I will take care of it for you!" This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants You to come to Him Today!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Thinking Holy - Lisa Patterson

 I Cor. 3:15.  Let the peace of God dwell in you richly. To worship Him is kissing Him, getting close to Him. Eph. 6:12 Don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but principalities and rulers of darkness. Enter doorway with Thanksgiving so you won't enter this place at all.The battle is for the mind. Stand at the door as the gatekeeper. Love cast out fear. Man can't love cause they were not loved by the Father. I Cor.2:13 Replace toxic thinking with Godly thinking. James 1:3, Count it all joy when you fall into  temptations. James 1:8 a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Must be God minded. He will give you the tools needed for the job at hand but you must stay with Him, trusting his every move in your life. He wants to be trusted and loved more than you know or think.Satan is the accuser of the brethern. He always finds fault, accusing, destroying your personality, and everything you like!Replacement Therapy is 1. righteousness, peace and joy. Isaiah 6:23. 2.peace-rulership in your mind. Think on these things, good, lovely,singing to the Lord, worshiping Him.. Philip 4:8 think on these things, Unforgiveness causes all kinds of health issues. Admit it was wrong and ask for forgiveness. Quit it and overcome it. Admittance is repentence. Psalms 16 You will show me the path of life. In His presence is fullness of joy. Worship is seeking Heaven! Isaiah 61:1 The spirit of the Lord is upon me to preach good tidings to the poor. Praise and worship will take away depression. Garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Ps.33:1 Rejoice in the Lord, Oh righteousness.  Ps. 150, 1-6,Play whatever instruments you have.Matt. 7:17, Do not judge so you will not be judged. Why look at the speck in your brothers eye when there's a plank in your own! Everyone who humbles himself will be exhalted and those who exhalt themselves will be humbled. Judge not that you may be judged.(someone always ready to nail you on every predisposition and to find fault. Do not let it take hold on you and magnify on you (only see wrong in others). Romans 2:1 you are inexcusable to be judged. Whatever you judge another you are condemning yourself.Do not think more highly than you ought!It's a snare to us. Matt.5:5 Blessed are merciful for they shall obtain mercy. The Lord loves us all but he gives to those who reach for Him. Get out of the way so He can reach you and others. We get caught up in the revelation that isn't simple. Come to His table to get what you need. He is so simple and everyone is complicating Him.Be His remnant trapped into the  underground place with Him. There is coming an awakening. If you stay in the flesh it's an inability to please Him. He is peaceful, kind, loving, forgiving and you can be the same if you just walk with Him everyday. Let Him Love you like he wants. Be at peace with yourself and others so He can get the issues solved. Being in Him means dying to self. You do not belong to yourself anymore to this world!. It's a new life and we must let go of the things of this world take us into the enemies camp. He will do it. And it makes him happy! Don't give him the space he wants. Give it to Jesus. He wants you always and died for you on the Cross so you wouldn't have to die and live forever with the enemy! Be with the Lord forever in paradise where He dwells forever and is asking you to go there with Him. Who else would give you a peaceful place to dwell forever for nothing except giving your life to him? There is not anyone else. Let the past go and never to bring it back. Do not give space to the devil. He will take anything and pick at you to get it. He loathes to get next to you for your space! Be with Jesus always. It's a fight in this world and always will be till He comes back after you!! The Lord would say, " I have been waiting for you to want me. How long will I have to wait for you? I gave you my all and have all you need to live in this world. Don't go back to the things of this world. You will not find what you are looking for. I have all of it and am asking you to let me take away the junk in your soul to get rid of the mess of this world so you can come fly with me. There is no other even though the  enemy has deceived. He always does cause he has nothing else to offer. He was kicked out of Heaven. Never to return and if you stay with him you will never come to Heaven to be with me. I died to give you me and my Heaven. Take it now. Life is too short to play games." This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News That Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him Today!!

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Be Seated In Christ- Lisa Patterson

I John 3:2. Beloved, we are all sons of God. Purify yourselves as He has. We are children of God. Whoever commits sins also commits lawlessness. Whoever abide in Him does not sin! Whoever sins doesn't know Him or seen Him. We are now in Christ. He is our all in all. I Cor 3:1. Behold His glory to glory. The devil is subtle and deceiving. Pay attention! Abide in Him. It's easy to have ourselves on other things. We don't have a life when we give it to Him. It's Christ in us. You don't have a life aside from Jesus! You can have gifts and no anointing. Romans 8. I love those who love me! Do not let the enemy take you to his subtle ways. Stay with Jesus, the Teacher in the Holy Ghost. The mystery is we are in Christ Jesus and see Him for who He is. Don't make idols of people. Eph.1 We are seated in Christ Jesus. Nothing should take the place of Jesus. He took a body as we have a body to use into the room where the Holy of Holies is. Jesus fought  in the wilderness (evil devil). Job didn't have an advocate but we do! The Holy Spirit blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. Go into Him and intimacy with Him. He will show you everything he wants you to be in Him.According to Him choosing us before the foundation of the world. In Him we have redemption through his blood, forgiveness of sin. Fullness of Him fits all in all. He has put all things under His feet-the Church etc. It's already done. It's now!! Our universe expands so spread life and it's in Him. He converts us to the temple of God. The Lord would say,"I am reaching down deep into your spirit, soul, and mind to clean out the debris, and replace it with my love, joy, peace, to replentish what is needed. I love you with everything that I have to give to you. Don't be deceived. I have only love, not as the world gives, but as I give. Cannot figure it out in your natural mind. It's only in me that you can have all the gifts I have from my Father. I love everyone and only will I listen to your cries, not from the enemy. He will not give my peace as he is a deceiver. Nothing in Him is good! Do not fall for his subtle trap!I am spring cleaning in your homes and getting out the things we do not need. I also have "my bug spray" to get out the bugs in your homes you couldn't get with your own. Also in the Whitehouse! Watch and see what I will do in this dark hour and do not be afraid. For I am with you when you ask me in and take me as your God. Your God!! Let me scrub the Whitehouse of all the dirt and all I need to do. I hear your cries to me in the midnight hour. I am with you and will never forsake my people. I will always hear you as you pray my Father's Will. Nothing else will work." This Is Lisa Patterson with the Good News That Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him Today!!