Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Love Of God For You!! - Lisa Patterson

Greetings precious people of God! He is so in love with all His people He wants you to know
how much He does care for you!! Regardless of the problems and people who have done you
wrong, He is there for you! All you have to do is take Him and love Him! He wants so much
to be your friend and Father. Many are called but few are chosen into the house of the Lord.
Meaning you cannot come with your own agenda and own way to get your way! He does it
 the way He wants to.Enter in. Must want Him and can be no way to get in any other way
but by His precious blood! He loves and adores you no matter your background. Cannot conjure
up any way to come to Him except by His own sweet grace. It is only by His way that you will
enter and not worldly way. Cannot come you way. You can be lonely, dirty, in another world,
sick, underfed, illegitimate, etc etc. He will take you but you must confess with your mouth
Jesus is the son of the living God and came to save us from our sins and wants to have Him
in your heart to live there for all eternity. There's no other way to get to Jesus. He wants every-
one to come to Him but it is by your own will that you come. He does not make that decision
for you even though He made you. He gave you a free will. There are people going to hell
everyday because they thought they could do their own thing and go to Heaven. Not so! He
died a horrible death so you could be free but the way to being free is to come on your own.
Never think you may can come tomorrow when it may not be here for you. it is final when
you leave this earth. Only choices are heaven or hell, no in between! Taking the broad road
will cause destruction as the Bible states. It is easy to go that way.But the narrow road is the
only way to eternity by Jesus! There's no other way. He loves us all as we are all made by
Him. We have a spirit, and a soul and are housed in a physical body(earth body) which you
lose when you die. You cannot live outside your body here on this earth. There are no other
spirits flying around in earth. Familiar spirits come around to make you think a loved one is
still here and mimic one. But when you leave here, you are gone.Never coming back to be
you anymore. The Lord would say," I am plowing the field up where all the residue has been
and cleaning out the places that have been dry and mulkey. Taking up all the little pieces of
dirt and making it all new again. A new day full of joy, happiness, peace, wellness, wholeness
purity, and forgiveness of all who have done you wrong and treated you in a bad  manner. I
am here to take you away from the past and onto the future with Me! It is not good to be
alone in this world. Stay by Me and see Me do a new thing in your life. I will wash you
whole and nothing will by any means harm you!" So come to the Lord Jesus for a Fresh
New Awakening to come forth this day! This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that
Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him today!!!