Monday, May 6, 2013

Jonah - Lisa Patterson

Today we are discussing Jonah and his disobedience and how it cost him almost everything. It is not worth it to be in disobedience to the Lord!
Jonah 1:1 He was sent to Ninevah to let them know of acts of violence and hatred to other people.The city had gone haywire! So instead of going to Ninevah, Jonah wanted to do his own thing. He thought he could get by with it.
So the Lord got a whale to swallow up Jonah for 3 days so he would see the Lord meant what he was saying. So for 3 days Jonah was in the belly of the whale with no way out. He could have been eaten alive! But the Lord has mercy. We know He loves us and we think all He does is want us to read our Bible and sit around and do good stuff all day long. but God wants us just to obey him. So if we don't, there's a price to pay!. Jonah could have lost his life. But God saved him from destruction because he decided to go the way of the Lord. So the whale had to spit him out. God extends his forgiveness to anyone who will repent and follow him. God's plans will not be thwarted by the schemes disobedient people devise to get around them. And although this may seem to be extreme, God still doesn't like us being disobedient. All you have to do is to repent, and say, "Father, I am sorry for not believing you and your plan for me and although it seems hard, I know it's yours and I have to stay on track like you said and you will carry me through it."So since Jonah wanted to go to his own land Tarshish, and the Lord told him to go preach repentence to Ninevah and he didn't, as a Prophet of God, he almost lost his life.
Are you in a bad place in your life? Do you need a job? Have you been trying and trying and no results? Maybe you are not listening to the still small voice that is guiding you and telling you what to do. And you want to do your own thing? You cannot play around with God. He will give you time to get right, but it's dangerous to play around with his nudging you.
But we take things for granted and think God will just let it go. But he has great love and compassion for us.And  he is God and there is no other. So don't play around with what he tells you to do. Let this lesson about Jonah talk to you today. For the Lord loves you with an everlasting love and will protect you from the wiles of the enemy if you will let him love you and keep you and do as he says. We don't know how many people we are helping that may not have a chance, just by being obedient. It does not matter how small it may seem to us. And you may lose some things you thought were important. God will give you back what the devil stole if you will keep your spirit sweet and be obedient! So take this word today and let it refresh you.
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News the Jesus Loves you and wants you to come to him today!

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