Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Seven Laws Of Success - Lisa Patterson

The Seven Laws of Success

The only thing the Lord wants the most is order. Not salvation, or money.
Decisions decide seasons. Isaiah 1:19.
1. Law Of Difference - Must discern the difference from others. Success is
produced through difference. No one is made alike and the way to tell if you are doing what you are supposed to do is your difference from others. You will
always have a difference that distinguishes you from others. What you can tolerate, you cannot change. if you can accept $8.00 an hr., you cannot change your future. You have to want to do something that nobody else has in order to make a difference. God did not decide your decisions. You did cause He gave you a will of your own to decide what you want to do with your life. But if you do not choose to do as He has created for you, then you will be miserable all your life.

Everybody will not accept you the way you are, but there is no other you. God didn't make a zerox out of you. No such thing as a clone. Everything was made to serve a purpose and solve a problem while on earth.You are unique as you are and no one is alike. There are differences in assignments and gifts in everyone.

2. Law Of the Mind - You mind needs a focus. It is your servant. It was not
made to master you, but you to master it. Eph. 1:17 Says the mind needs a focus and without it you will be miserable until you find out what your focus is on earth. Spend your money on your mind. It is a wonderful thing God has given you.Every house is different. There are those who build there's around children.Those who have there's as a house of learning(books and libraries at home), and those for conversation(talking about everything that they love and discipline etc.) Psalm 91 and 37, strength of the God.

The mind needs an assignment. Your mind needs pictures of where you are going.Put up pictures of where you want to go in life. It maybe you are destined to be on the water as a Boat captain.Or a fisherman. You may want to be a flight mechanic, or a Pilot. Whatever it is, you did not decide it. He made you that way. You can always do more than one thing,but the one most promenant in your life is the one that is first.

Meditation is to mumble to yourself. To tell yourself what you are doing with
your life assignment. It is your job to find out what God created you to do.
But you won't know for sure until you get to know Him as Lord and Savior.
Your assignment is anything you were created to do while here on earth and
it was decided in your Mother's womb before your birth. Jer. 1. He created
you and your assignment before you were born. And it is an invisible assignment. No one has exactly what you have to complete your assignment.
You may be a Dentist, a Doctor, a Lawyer, a Teacher, a Bible scholar or Hairdresser. Whatever He has called you to do on earth, He has equipted
you to do that service. You cannot be anything you want, as there is an invisible
code inside you that gives you your assignment on earth. But we all have different ones whether they are alike or not. There are millions and millions of us with similar tasks, but none the exact same. He is a creator, not a copywrite.

3.Law Of Recognition - God always hides something in someone you do not want
to see. If you could see everything in everybody, then God would not have a purpose in changing things in people and giving you an imagination. It is to
recognize that others have value like you do. He will not let you see everything
on purpose until it is revealed by Him to show it is He who is in charge. You
won't always like what you find out about another either because He is changing you as you move into Him all the time. It is an ongoing process. He wants to
keep things hidden for His purposes and His glory to change man.If you recognize everything in people, you wouldn't need God's guidance.

4.  Law Of Two - Matt.18:18-19 Jesus sent them out two by two. God connects
you and it will multiply. Two are better than one. One can send 1000 to flight,
and 2 can send 10,000 to flight. There is more power in numbers. He makes us to work together and be together in His world for His purpose. Everything He made has a place to be and a purpose to fulfill. If you fill empty inside, it may
be because you have not invited the Lord Jesus into your heart to make Him
Lord of your life. I encourage you to do that today before it is too late because
we do not know the hour or day He will come, or how many days we have left.
He sent them out two by two to have a double portion of the anointing to get
the lost saved and into the kingdom of God. So do it today while there is time.

5.Law Of Place - You do not belong everywhere. But you belong somewhere.
You are not the whole earth's answer, as there are enough people assigned
to places to get the people saved.Jer. 1 God gave you the assingnment He wanted
you to have in your Mother's womb. It is geographical. Money is anywhere God wants you to be. You do not belong everywhere or anywhere. Jesus didn't do well in places. He left Nazereth to go to Capernia.Provision is the confirmation
you are in the will of God for your life. Fish don't live on land. They have to be in water. Your genius emerges when you are where you are supposed to be.
It won't always be where you want to be, but you will prosper there. He doesn't
put the same types in the places to do the same assignments. You will do well when you find out where you are supposed to be. If you don't do well in a place, you will move to that place you are assigned to be. It will not always be with balloons, but you will know if you ask the Lord if you are in the right place
and He doesn't answer. That means you are where you need to be. There's
a place to be whether it is comfortable or not. It isn't always comfortable
where you are but you will have the peace to know it is the place. Go where you are celebrated and not tolerated. When you are where you belong, you will have no rivals. 1 Kings 17, Money is waiting for you where you are assigned. It is a "Place called There." Divine prosperity is where you are to be. Provision is confirmation that you are in the Will of God for your life.

6.  Law Of Honor - Your future is determined by who you have chosen to honor.
If you fail with your life, it will be because you have chosen not to honor a person. The smartest kid in the family is the one who honors his parents. It is so
easy to succeed by just honoring your parents. Things will not go right in our life in time, if you chose not to honor your parents. It is so easy to succeed if you want honor in your life. It is a command to honor your parents
whether or not they were good to you. That isn't the issue. God chose
who would be your parents, not you. Good or not. They were chosen by God
to be yours. You may not agree because of the way you were raised, but that
is the Law of Honor. It is the seed for access. Dishonor is the seed for loss and tragedy. Honor protects, corrects, submits, yields, and listens. Seed of honor will last a life time. What do you consider your code of honor?

7. Law Of The Seed - Tenth of your pay check belongs to the Lord. it is His
anyway. he is the one who got you the job. He is the reason you have everything you do. he is only asking for a tenth of your check. You get to keep 90%
for Him to expand for you, if you believe he will. Everything is the law of eventuality. it takes time. What you sow, you reap. if you do not give, it may take time, but it will eventually show up in your life.If it was jup to man, he's want t
you to give him 90%, and him keep the 10%. the tithe is Holy to God. And it is throughout the Bible. you may say you cannot afford to, but you cannot afford not to! The seed is Holy unto God. he made the rule, not man. whatever he has in mind when he asks for a seed, He has a harvest in mind. No two are alike.
It takes obedience to get where you are going, and it takes time. Nothing is
instant. It is the Law of eventuality. You will flouish where you are planted
 and the seed will grow where you water it. If it doesn't prosper you, ask if
you are in the place where God has planted you.

The Lord would say, "There's a new road to travel on. A new path to take. The old one is worn out from miles of travel. It is a straight and narrow road that I have set for you to take with me. it will be easier than before. So take my hand and ride with me down the new path that I have set before you. There are people waiting at the end of the road for you to help. They need the Lord and need you to show Him to them. All kinds of people that need a Savior, the Lord Jesus.There are arthritic, blind, normal, crippled, kind, mean, and all different colors, sizes,and shapes of different sorts.They need Jesus too." He needs us to do as He has asked because time is short. Be obedient today.

This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him today! do not let this day pass without deciding to come to
Jesus today as your Lord and Savior. your life will never be the same.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dr. Bill Stephenson, of Deeper Life University, for coming by and putting up this gorgeous globe. So glad you did.
