Saturday, May 26, 2018

Happy Memoriial Day! - Lisa Patterson

Hope everyone has a good Memorial Day with family and friends! The Lord is proud of those
who want His provision in their lives this Memorial Day. Many have died to protect our freedom!
We do not need to take the freedom we have for granted. Never know how long we will have it!
Ours lives would be in much havoc without this day we are paying homage to. We have no idea
what all happened to get this freedom! Every year we pay attention to the Veterans who died
 to give us this freedom we so often take for granted! This USA is a wonderful place
called home!! No where on earth can you replace what God has given us. And as His people, we
have more than what we are seeing and thinking about. Today makes us still free! We should thank
God that we are free! I am glad we are and everybody should be. When you give your heart to Jesus
you have a larger portion of His grace and mercy. He is interested in our heart, whole heart. We came from Him before the beginning and whether you have asked him in your life , we  are from
Him and it is our decision to go with Him or not. It is eternity we have before us that we know nothing about. We think in our finite minds that we can handle ourselves. But we are fragile beings made by Him and if we accept Him as our own, then we get stronger in Him. The only way to get anything we need and want is by Him. Don't be deceived, God is not mocked. He sees all, knows all and is all! He is the beginning and the end. No way out but by Him. He did make it very awful by our own desires if we follow the enemy. He will make you think everything is ok. But the Word of God clearly states the devil is a liar and there's no truth in Him and nothing he says or does is true! Do not listen to him. He will not guide you right and to the Lord! For he wanted to be as big as the Lord and failed and was thrown down on his own will. We all have that will we have been given by the Lord., who made us. But you will know if it is right because an everlasting peace will be with you!! For the Lord says, "I am coming around the other way-around the other way. Do not fret or worry about it at all! Don't limit yourself to structures. Let God be in you and get quiet with Him and hear what He has to say! Seek first the Kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.I am taking care of it all and it will all be taken care of.I am burning up the old and the new will be as gold!" We don't live, but He lives in us as new creatures in Him. He loves us so, old, new, saved unsaved. So come to Him today and have a new life in Him forever!!Be safe and happy!
This is Lisa Patterson with the Good News that Jesus Loves You and wants you to come to Him Today!!!

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